Not Good Cardio Report

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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2004
Joplin, Missouri
I had my six month check-up with my cardio on Friday and he said he doesn't understand how I am still going. He said my body is seriously rejecting my aorta valve that I had done five years ago. He asked my about symptoms and I really don't have any. He said there are three things to watch for:
1. shortness of breath, which I don't have at all.
2. heaviness in the chest, which I have sometimes but I contribute it to having a very stressful job.
3. fainting, I get light headed sometimes but I contribute that to my sugar level dropping out because when I eat some protein it goes away. Believe it or not I forget to eat at work because we are so extremley busy.
He expects to see me real soon in ER or the operating room. I told him I would see him in six months in his office. I figure God is just not ready for me to go through all that again. He's got other plans for me!

We are getting ready to go to my daughters where my other daughter, son and their families will be. Then I have to leave at 2:00 to go to work and work till 11:30 tonight. Hospital's just don't shut down, and we have 24 patients in General Surgery today. And on top of that we probably have about six inches of snow on the ground. Thank goodness for my four wheel drive Jeep.

Love you all. You all mean the world to me, everyone of you!

I pray that you are having a blessed Christmas and I pray that 2010 will be a great year for everyone!

I am sorry to hear about the report, but you are a very strong woman and if you feel the need, I don't doubt that you will take yourself to the hospital to get things checked out. Other than that, go on doing what you do and I will say some prayers that God will keep his careful watch over you, as He always has.

Merry Christmas.

You are one of the strongest persons I know, so I am confident you will get through this.

Was wondering, though, if you have confidence in this cardio. Along with Ross, I wondered what he meant about your body supposedly "rejecting" the aortic valve -- what basis did he have for making that judgment?

Anyway, you are in my thoughts and prayers. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas.
I hope you remember to snack so your blood sugar stays more on an even keel. Maybe you need a second opinion from a different Doctor?
Glenda, what is the basis for the diagnosis you describe? Did he do an Echocardiogram? Was a Cardiac Catheterization done? Any other tests? If he says he thinks its failing there must be some basis for the diagnosis? I would think his diagnosis was based on more than just blood pressure, heart rate and EKG? I'd suggest getting a second opinion. -Dan
I don't understand physician's talk although I do work at a hospital. I understand General Surgery terms, not cardio terms. I do have a tissue valve. I have a echo done every time I go to the cardio doctor, which is about every six months. I also have a pediatric size valve. I also have a heart murmur. I've had that all my life. They said when I had the valve replaced that all my internal organs are very small and they couldn't use a adult size valve, they had to put in a pediatric size. Like I said before I always knew there was a small person inside this rather large body trying to get out. LOL. He said that the valve wasn't hitting like it should. He said that the next time the heart surgeon would make the opening bigger so a larger size valve could be used. He said this surgery would be a lot more difficult and take a lot longer. I did ask him why they didn't do it right the first time. He really didn't have an answer for me. I do have complete confidence in my cardio and my heart surgeon. He confers withthree other heart doctor's regading my problem. My heart surgeon is probably one of the best in the four state area. His name is Dr. Raymond Vetsch. He has brought heart surgery to a new level in this area. He has saved many, many lives. His partner Dr. Phillips is from Joplin and they work together on the difficult cases, which I guess I'm considered one of those cases.

I have lost over 82 pounds this last year which I figure probably helps the valve not having to work so hard. Anway, like I've said before whatever happens I win! ! I know God is in complete control.
Oh Glenda......I am sorry to read this sweetie...

Oh Glenda......I am sorry to read this sweetie...

Ole Harrybaby is sorry to hear this news Glenda......I am just beside myself with worry and will be sending up the prayers that you get through this with flying colors....Hugs and Blessin's!!! Harrybaby:D
I too, am sorry you are having to deal with this Glenda! I hope everything works out for you. I just wanted to say congrats on the weight loss! Anyone who has never had to try to diet can't know how hard that can be!! You Go Girl!

Hi Glenda

I'm so sorry to read this. I'll put you in my prayers and hopefully you'll get this fixed soon. Was he worried that you might let it go too long before having surgery? I know surgeons usually like to get in there and get it done right away. No symptoms at all?

Let me just add my voice to this too, Glenda, that I'm sorry to read the latest info on your valve but I'm glad you and your doctor are keeping right on top of things.

In regard to "rejection," it made my mind wander to a newer thread here about a member with severe allergies to acrylic (or some type of acrylic?), which is in some valves, though I don't know, don't think, it would be in yours; and it hopefully and probably has nothing to do with your situation but that's just where my mind wandered.

But anyway, do you think you could ask your cardio about his meaning by using that word? It's obviously raised a concern among several of us here.

Best wishes :) .
Sorry to hear about this, Glenda! Will be sending up prayers and positive vibes. It is amazing how doctors can scare us to pieces and then it turns out to be nothing. I hope that's your case. I'm glad you're keeping on top of things.

Best of luck and early wishes to everyone for a great 2010!

I know have you feel as I had a very similar appointment with my ex-cardioligist in June. He ask me how long I have had the tissue valve and told me 'thats not bad' but little else. It's also good you have a surgeon lined up so if/when the time comes there won't be a delay. My positive thoughts are with you.