Night time palpitations

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Hi Penney -

Wild thoughts here: The first several months especially (while the heart remodels) and maybe for even the first few years and still on occasion I noticed/notice more strange thumps when I would lay down to sleep. Maybe because I notice them more when I am being still? Maybe gravity?

Also, it's been hot and when my minerals get out of balance I can get a lot of PVCs and other arrhythmias. Meds too can sometimes contribute to mineral imbalance. I had to take prescribed minerals for a severe PVC situation two years ago. My former bp med was evidently contributing to my problem

And, could you be a little dehydrated by evening? I recall occasionally drinking a glass of water when my beats would bother me in the night and I think that helped.

Also, I seem to have a few food and/or food chemical sensitivities that seem to contribute to this. Even one of the coated aspirins I tried seemed to cause my heart to do some weird little flutters. I don't have any troubles with the one called Ecotrin though.

Oh, and when I was able to exercise again, I noticed that if I neglected my exercise I would get more PVCs. A stronger muscle, the heart, may not be as prone to those kinds of things. Even recently I wasn't feeling well and when I began my exercise again -- wow I felt so much better and within just days. Best wishes to you :)
Hi Penny,

Yes I have PVCs. Had a stress test and the Holter monitor. Told they were benign, not to worry. I have always had one extra beat, or irregualr heart beat, even before my surgery. Since I have been off my metoprolol (completely discontined going into the second week now) my pulse is higher and I do notice it once in awhile. I do not like this high pulse though. Your cardio might do a holter monitor test. I had the 24hr one. Most likely they are harmless, but yes, VERY anyoying.
I just want to say now at home on sotalol I'm dealing with an annoying case of palps in bed. They definetly aren't afib but nonetheless I'm losing my mind. If only I can sleep standing up.
I have started having palpitations at night... well anytime that I try laying down. Anyone else experience this?

Hi Penny,

I have only had occasional palpitations since surgery, brought on by anxiety or exercise (not at nighttime). Talk to your doctor / cardiologist but I would highly recommend taking at least 400mg of magnesium a day. As far as I know it has no interactions with other medications and the only negative side effect can be loose bowel movements, in which case you decrease the dose. Benefits can include better stress management, lower levels of anxiety, better quality of sleep (big one), less palpitations, less muscle cramps and tight muscles and less migraines / headaches. It is a must for me.
Hi Penny,

I have only had occasional palpitations since surgery, brought on by anxiety or exercise (not at nighttime). Talk to your doctor / cardiologist but I would highly recommend taking at least 400mg of magnesium a day. As far as I know it has no interactions with other medications and the only negative side effect can be loose bowel movements, in which case you decrease the dose. Benefits can include better stress management, lower levels of anxiety, better quality of sleep (big one), less palpitations, less muscle cramps and tight muscles and less migraines / headaches. It is a must for me.

Absolutely..!! I've been on my "magnesium soapbox" for over 10 years now because a cardiac electrophysiologist prescribed 400mg for me back then to aid in a normal heart rhythm.