Nice article about Robin Williams-after surgery

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Thanks for sharing that! What a gem of a guy.... hilarious!!

I live in the suburbs, but there is a hold-out farm at the end of the street, literally 200+ feet from my door. 3 cows on that little farm. I love them!! They're like my cousins now!! :p They just remind me, every day, and I smile. We know this smile we get. It's a great smile!!!!!

I love Robin Williams, he spoke the truth about OHS! Got to love him! I hope he makes all of us laugh about it! Now that we can!
Robin Williams

Robin Williams

Wow. Thank you for that article. I just found out I'm .8 cm so I'm getting close... I wonder why he chose a bovine valve instead of a mechanical valve, though...

I'm 48 with an 8 year old and an 11 year cardio says "mechanical" valve. - Dianne