New to the "waiting room"

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Well-known member
Feb 19, 2011
Hanford, California
My name is Renee, I recently joined your "waiting room" team. It has taken me a couple of months to find a good forum, with active, informative, kind and supportive posts from people. I am so happy I found this site, and am privileged to be a member. I have mostly been reading alot of comments/threads over the last week, trying to absorb needed knowledge, to hopefully help me make my final decision before my surgery, as to which valve type I want used. They should never offer a woman a choice, without the ability to try it on first, to see if it fits right or if it comes in any other colors !
My whole life I had a heart murmur, which my Mother felt was caused by a childhood illness. I have had numerous doctors ( you tend to do that when you get pregnant 9 times) over my lifetime, and all they would say is, " Are you aware you have a heart murmur". So, I was sort of shocked, when a Dr. Gregory, a Cardiothoracic Surgeon, in Fresno...informed me, my Mother had been mistaken. I had been born with a Bicuspid Aortic Valve, which had gone undiagnosed for 59 years.
After a year of not being able to walk up a flight of steps ( I had been hiking for miles in Yosemite, feeling great, prior to this), without feeling like a 500# weight was sitting on my chest, fatigue, fluid retention...and the IM Doctor trying to regulate my hypothyroidism (Hashimoto's disease ) , telling me...".It will be ok, as soon as I get your medicine regulated "! I decided to go back to my Cardiologist, I have seen for over 12 years, even though, my last stress test had been normal 8 months ago. He does an echo, says I need an angiogram,then says I have 1 proximal artery occluded 50% and he can get the insurance to authorize a Stent placement in 2 days.
After a few days of research online , I asked my insurance for a second opinion , thus...meeting Dr. Gregory, who after reviewing my tests, including the DVD of my angiogram...informed me, I need my Aortic Valve replaced due to severe stenosis, as a result of my congenital heart defect...and I have 3 proximal arteries more than 75% occluded, thus needing a Triple Bypass too. This was in December, I wanted Christmas with my family, but told the doctor I would come back in January. At my January appointment, I told him March17 seems like a lucky day, as I am part Irish. He wanted it sooner, but I needed time to go through my shock, denial, anger, back to denial, then back to anger, then to my " maybe if I pray hard enough, it will all just go away" stages,lol
I know this has been long, so please accept my apology....but as you can see, I have been kind of , well, pissed off , I am trying very hard to get into the positive attitude I need to come through this surgery with flying colors.
I feel better now...just getting all that off my chest. Now, if Dr Gregory will get that 500# off it, I will as he put it " have a correctly working heart for the first time in my life".
Your words of compassion for each other have been of great comfort to me, as I read them and your jokes have made me laugh, something I needed greatly. So thank all of you, for being the awesome people you are....your words calm fears, light the way and make others know, they are truly not alone on this journey.
Those of you who are post-surgery, give of yourself, your knowledge and your time, to help the people to yet go where, you have already been. . You are all "Special" people here, there are :angel: among you....never doubt it...
My prayers and well wishes go out to all of you and may the light of God's eternal love keep you all safe. doctor will be shocked on surgery day, as I plan to leave hot-pink post-it notes all over my on my thigh "While your here harvesting a vein to use in my CABG , please remove the cellulite " and some on my chest which say " Since your here anyway, can you do a breast lift/tummy tuck combo and the most important on my right nipple "Press here to restart my heart, if this fails, roll me over and kick my arse" Hope he has a warped sense of humor like me .....:tongue2:
Welcome, Renee! I can agree fully with your words that you will "have a correctly working heart for the first time in my life." All my life I could walk and hike, but running was very difficult. Nine years after surgery, I'm still enjoying never getting short of breath any more.
Hi Renee and Welcome, sounds like you have a perfect sense of humor and will fit right in around here. Humor along with laughter is the best medicine. Your Post-it notes is a great idea and if your surgeon doesn't have a sense of humor chances are the rest of the surgical staff will.

Your "stages" are normal: denial, anger, back to denial, then back to anger. As for myself, it was all denial and only had 4 days to try to prove my surgeon wrong (trying to find my past medical records) before I was put on the "table". Darn, wish I had thought of the sticky notes.

In the long run, think and feel positive until the 17th, you know deep down on how much better you will feel.

Hi, Renee, and welcome to The Waiting Room - the virtual room where many of us await our own turns at valve surgery. I'm so glad you found us, as I have always felt that this is the very best place on the web (and maybe in the world) to learn about and get support for valve surgery. I guess I should know - I've been here in the waiting room for almost 9 years. The folks here are like family. They, in their combined experience, know almost all there is to know about what to expect before, during and after valve surgery, and they are the most sharing people I've met.

I apologize for not welcoming you sooner, as I'm finally now getting ready for my own surgery on Monday. My own story incoudes a congenital bicuspid aortic valve, aortic stenosis, and as we found our lately, a blocked artery. Through all the years carrying this baggage I've continued to work, exercise, travel and really enjoy life. Now I move to the next chapter, well prepared by what I've gained from my family here. I am sure they will all be here soon to welcome you and help you. Visit often, ask all the questions you want - no matter what they are. Read a lot - there's a lot here. But above all, remember that we are here for you.
Welcome, Renee!
I have a similar story, except for the 9 kids. :)
Born with BAV and developed Aortic Stenosis. Had it fixed Jan 13. I also have Hoshimotos.
Your post-it idea made me laugh. I had a big talk with my surgeon about "neatness counts" and "how do we make this look like cleavage." He did well on both fronts.

Good luck with your surgery. Just think how much more energy you will feel post surgery. The aortic stenosis creeps up and I think we become numb to what is going on because it is so gradual.
Welcome, Renee. So happy you found us but sorry for the reason.
We've all gone through the denial, the anger, the self-pity, the humor and finally the acceptance. Many of us describe experiencing a sense of peace once we make all our decisions. I felt that peace when I walked throught the doors to Mass General for my second OHS in four years. I gave myself over to the expert professionals to whom this is 'just another day at the office'. Many of us also feel the wait for the surgery is the worst part of it.

All of us here try to help those going through the journey travel that road with support and all the help we can provide.

Your humor is fabulous and will serve you very well.

Chin up...... you're going to be fine. While this surgery is, of course, tremendously serious it also has very, very high success rate.
Ask your questions, scream your anger, learn as much as you can and let us know how you are doing.
My name is Renee......... My whole life I had a heart murmur, which my Mother felt was caused by a childhood illness. I have had numerous doctors ( you tend to do that when you get pregnant 9 times) over my lifetime, and all they would say is, " Are you aware you have a heart murmur". So, I was sort of shocked, when a Dr. Gregory, a Cardiothoracic Surgeon, in Fresno...informed me, my Mother had been mistaken. I had been born with a Bicuspid Aortic Valve, :

Hi Renee, and welcome. You will find this site can be very helpful in answering your questions and minimising your fears. My story is somewhat similar to yours (without the nine pregnancies):wink2: but had a different twist. My mother always maintained that I had been born with my heart murmur....but my doctors maintained it was due to chilhood illness(rheumatic or scarlet fever). My doctors now feel that it WAS most likely a bicuspid valve and that MOM was right....either way, they fixed the problem.

Keep your sense of humor:biggrin2: From what I understand, after nine pregnacies, this should be a "piece of cake":cool2:.
Renee, a heart felt WELCOME to our OHS family glad you are getting the information that you are seeking and are comfortable with your valve choice, there is a wealth of knowledge here for the future .....

Bob/tobagotwo has up dated a list of acronyms and short forms

what to ask pre surgery

what to take with you to the hospital

Preparing the house for post surgical patients

These are from various forum stickies and there is plenty more to read as well

And Lynw recently added this PDF on what to expect post op

I for one LOVE your sense of humour (Canadian spelling :biggrin2:)


You are now on the VR calendar so we will all be there
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Hi, Renee!

I've had 4 kids, with a prolapsed mitral valve (and an ASD that nobody knew I had!) Coming out of surgery, I had a properly functioning heart for the first time in my life--WONDERFUL! My thoughts and prayers will be with you on the 17th.

BTW, I looove your sense of humor! -- But you should use neon-green post-its in honor of St. Paddy!

Thank you Freddie, Jim, Steve,drivetopless,Jkm7,Dick0236 and Greg. And yes, Steve... what I saw here was a family, not just a forum. It is evident in all the posts, no unkindness or judgmental statements about others, just caring people, all trying to help one another through a hard time, and each in turn, playing the acts of kindness forward. This is like the site of my friend who has been battling cancer for 2 years, his forum is like family, as well. So that is why I searched for 2 months, till I found one, as wonderful as his.
My anger isn't from the fact this has happened to"me", as people, unfortunately, have had to deal with alot worse things in our world. I can't be upset with my grandfather who had a triple bypass at 57, he would have never wanted to have passed this down to me ( I was his "Pumpkin-head" ). Genetics may suck, but when I looks at what my brothers and sisters,( who ended up with bipolar, alcoholism, drug addiction..which also runs in our family) I think I will stick with this one, as I always had a full, active life, till it finally got bad enough for me to be symptomatic.. I have never smoked, do not have high blood pressure, do not have high blood cholesterol,or diabetes, so I have those things in my favor. I also was not obese , but must admit, since finding this out, I have been stress eating big time, so will have join the weight group here, as well. I am grateful to my higher Spirit, for giving me the intuition to not listen to what my doctors were telling me, to check further. One of my blocked arteries is the left anterior descending coronary artery, or fondly known as "The Widow Maker", so I am very grateful it will be fixed shortly. I am also grateful for being able to find all of you.....Yeck, I am grateful the sun is shining today.....amazing how we now notice the little things in life,to be grateful for.
What I am totally angry about is, the fact I saw a cardiologist for 12 years, who besides yearly stress tests, had done 2 angiograms and never saw my bicuspid valve !!! ( as well as seeing only 1 blocked artery, when I have 3 blocked enough to require surgery) This man should have found my bicuspid valve long ago, since I always had it and a loud murmur. I am afraid for his other patients, who blindly trust, do not get a second opinion and may lose their lives due to his negligence. I intend to report him to the AMA ,so they can add my letter of grievance to his medical license. I believe we are our brother's keepers, so I feel an obligation to protect my fellow man.
Steve, my youngest daughter fought cancer 3 times and survived. We are sending her angels to watch over you during your surgery,so I know you will soon be on the way to recovery , enjoying a rich full life. Monday will be the first day of your new life... ( It must be like what Jake said in the movie "Avatar"...Today is my birthday, so I don't want to be late to my own party.....all of us here, get a chance for a second birthday, gee, wonder if they have Avatar valves yet, I want one of those !!!) So Steve....the only thing you will need to worry about, is to remember that hospital gowns are open in the back, when they ambulate in the hallway :)
ps Greg....I only have 19 days left, and I do NOT know which valve to pick, it is probably a good thing I bought my doctor a green headband which reads "Kiss me,I"m Irish" to wear during my surgery... so he will remember me for that, and not for being the woman who called him 10 minutes before surgery, to tell him which valve to use !
Good idea Marcia, neon green post-it notes it will be !!!!!! Nice to meet you and thank you for your thoughts and prayers. I am so glad to have found all you survivors...I feel like a kid in a candy store !!!!!
You are so funny Renee!!! I love your sense of humor.. it's just like mine. Two days after finding out I had this (it's only been two weeks) I thought, maybe they could give me a little boob job at the same time???

Anyway, I am new too.... I'm in the waiting room for now. I am at 1.0 but asymptomatic for now. I just thought I had a little heart murmur all my life too. My mom has one from Scarlet Fever when she was a child. I have degraded 7 points in 6 months. No bueno but I would rather get this over with now so I can live my life.

Anyway, welcome from one newbie to another. It's nice to be among other "valvers" :)

I, too, am a recent recipient of "Waiting Room" designation. This site has given me insight into the world of cardiac I knew zilch about until 3 weeks ago. The knowledge - and more importantly, the support - I have already received here has made my journey towards, during, and after OHS less daunting. I can now wrap my mind around what is coming up and I am prepared and ready. Keep reading, keep posting, and keep that sense of humor!

Welcome Natina, My MVP was discovered at 35 after 4 pregnancies (3 kids) and was not leaking untill about 45 then at 50 decided to do an echo and voila ! I need surgery...I never mentioned mt murmmer when seeing different medical people because I thought they should hear it.. So I waited to see if they did, just for the hell of it..Now I won't mention my surgery and see if anyone notices my zipper...Oh yea that...I wanted to tattoo " Don't F up" on my chest for pre op..but my Dr. may not have appriciated it...
And yes, Steve... what I saw here was a family, not just a forum.

Bingo ... and this is true of MOST forums. Of those of which I'm a member, I can only think of a handful or so that aren't family in some way, shape or form.


Cort | 37.m.IL.pigValve.pacemaker | 5 Monte Carlos + 1 Caprice Classic | * meet_05.21.11_FrnkGrv.IL *
MCs.CC + CHD.models.HO.legos.RadioShows + RoadTrips.us66 =
"Crank up the music" __ Steven Curtis Chapman __ 'Live Out Loud'
Renee, Please keep in mind that getting yourself to the party is the most difficult part of this surgery (at least it was for me and my prayers are for you as well).
I too am new to this forum, 4.5 mos post op avr. Just finished cardiac rehab "phase two". Phase three is out the door and do it yourself. I am, just out of stubbornness and the joy of being able to breathe thru a rugged course of tredmill, cycling and weights.
I am blessed to be able to do this thanks to my very special gift. I will continue to love this gift of life.
Hi Renee,

We all fear what we have no control over. Use your heart to guide you in your valve selection and you will be happy with your choice. With 9 kids there will be no room in the waiting area, they will have to provide you with the largest room in the hospital.

Sticky Note: "May the Gods be kind"

All the best... Jeff from the "Great White North"