New Pains

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Hi Everyone.....I am 4 weeks post op from my AVR and I seem to have more soreness in my chest now then I did the prior 2 weeks. Also, I have pains in my arm pits. Are these symptoms a normal part of the healing process or should I call for an earlier appointment with my cardiologist. I already have an appointment for the 19th.

Comments would be greatly appreciated!

Ft. Lauderdale
AVR 7/14/04
Can you give a bit more info? What have you been doing, how active? When do the pains come on? Does your wound show signs of infection, redness, etc? Are you short of breath?

First, if unsure, call your doctor. Now is not the time for you to be hesitant about calling. It may well be that you have been a bit too active, and you are paying the price. Often as we feel better we push too much, and things get sore. However, if the idea occurs to you that gee, maybe I should call. Well, then call.
Hi Mark,

I am also 4 weeks post-op and and some wierd pains last week for the first time. Alot of pain in the sternum and shoulder area. I just figured I was over-doing it { I really did for the last 2 weeks} so I took it easy this weekend, and pain is now gone. I saw both my surgeon and cardio in the last few days and they didnt seem too concered. Its not hard not to forget what the body has been through, and try to get back to a normal life style.

Tom....Other than walking daily for about one mile and very light activity at home, nothing that I would think would cause the discomfort. The pain in the chest does not feel like it is coming from my heart but possibly the incission. Thankfully, it is not infected, in fact it is healing great. The pain under my arms is not constant but it is there. From what I have read in many threads, the pains associated with AVR surgery can last for months so maybe I am being to critical about the how I feel after only 4 weeks.

Thanks for the quick reply!

Mark yes I had pain under my arms and still do. Of course my shoulders and neck hurt really bad too. My incision got an infection at the very top so it was very sore for a while but finally after eight weeks it is almost feeling normal. I'm rubbing vitamin E on it two or three times a day and it looks so much better. I noticed that you do have to be careful of not doing to much. If you do, you can really sit yourself back a day or two. Take it easy. That's easier said than done, but if you don't, you will pay for it.
Glenda, Ray thanks for the replies....I think I am going to wait for the 19th to see the cardiologist instead of calling and trying to get an earlier appointment. When I saw the cardio. one week post op, he made a comment to me about not getting fixated on every pain I feel and I guess that is what I was doing. I think I am still reacting to the effects from the root canal I had 5 days post op which really scared the ---- out of me.

Thanks again for the responses to my thread....I'll keep you posted!

Ft. Lauderdale
AVR 7/14/04


You are correct that at 4 weeks, this type of pain is normal after OHS.....Your arms and shoulders will hurt for a long time...Reaching out..opening car doors, ect..Most people notice pain after they resume driving...continue to take it easy...Maybe at 6 weeks you will begin to notice less pain...Bonnie
Mark, personally, I don't care much about the comment made by your cardio. Remember that he is working for you and if you have questions you should feel free to call him without being made to feel awkward. You are still early post-op and learning about what is normal for you and what isn't. I didn't have the same kind of surgery you had so I can't be of any real help....sorry :( .
I agree with Betty-

If you cannot call your doctor about what is going on with you, then what good is he, and who should you call, your vet? That's his business, and if you need to call, then by all means call. You're not a doctor, and how can you possibly know what is important and what is not. You don't have the experience that he has.

That attitude needs an adjustment!
Your doctor does make a point, though. There are aches and pains associated with OHS, including costochondritis (rib pain). Most of us manage to get the rib cage badly excited at least once during recovery. It can feel like you imagine a heart attack, and make it extremely difficult to even move your ribs to breathe. For the most part, these pains wind up not being significant, other than on your comfort level.

You are only four weeks out. Although you feel much improved (and good on ya, mate!), you are still recovering from a nasty wound and broken sternum. In some ways your heart muscle will recuperate faster than the bone and the rib muscles and tendons. Some pains are still expected.

You can try some mild upper body movement exercises by now, with no weight, speed, or impact, and that may loosen you up some. Or just some easy stretching.

Best wishes,
Hi Mark!
I agree with all of the posts here. What you are feeling is most likely normal after having had OHS four weeks ago. After my surgery the pains would come and go for some time. I am almost two years post op now and still have weird twinges and pains every now and again. My cardio told me that I may just experience these on and off for the rest of my life. All due to the opening and healing of the sternum, muscles, nerves etc......
I also think it is a good idea to run these things by your cardio. That is what they are there for. You have had major surgery and you need to make sure everything is ok. It won't hurt to ask a few quick questions.
Just remember that it will take some time for everything to completely heal. Some days you will feel great and others you will feel worse. If you continually have this pain and it progresses, you need to get it checked out right away. A quick question over the phone won't due if it continues to get worse. I'm sure what you are feeling is absolutely normal because it sounds a lot like what I felt after my surgery. Take care and let us know how you are doing.
