New....having surgery on March 6th.

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Well-known member
Dec 8, 2012
Houston, tx
Hi everyone. My name is Leah, I am 38 years old and I am scheduled for AVR on March 6th here in Houston, TX. I have been stalking this site for several months! I recently got my surgery date, so I have decided to speak up. I have a bicuspid valve and my measurement has gone down to .72 just recently. I don't really have any symptoms other than exhaustion. I have a 1 year old AND a 2 year old, so it's hard to tell if the exhaustion is coming from my stenosis or chasing 2 wild boys around all day. My surgeon discussed the On-X valve with me. I am done having kids, so I am probably gonna go with that one. He also specializes in minimally invasive AVR and says I will be a good candidate for that. Anyone here have the minimally invasive procedure? If I have to go the full sternum route, I am ok with that too. Whatever needs to be done. I have been dealing with anxiety issues and panic attacks since my first son was born. I have been pretty calm since I got my date, this has been looming over my head for the last 10 years and I am just ready to get it behind me. This forum has been absolutely amazing and has helped me a great deal with my anxiety. Thanks for listening!!
I'm supposed to have the minimally invasive surgery at Johnson Hopkins next week....Feb 12. I'll let you know how it goes. I've known for about 10 years too that I would need the surgery. I got a prescription for my inability to sleep due to anxiety (damn surgery is always on my mind.) but since I got the script I've been able to sleep pretty well. Guess just knowing I have help if I need it.

I'm worried about my 5 golden retrievers wanting to jump up/climb on me post surgery. Can't imagine kiddos.

Guess we'll get thru this....Pat
Pat, yes let me know how it goes. I can so relate to the anxiety. I have xanax too if I need it. And yes, I am most worried about my kids wanting to climb all over me, but I will have someone here with me for at least a month, so hopefully it will be ok. Good luck on Feb 12th!!!!
Hi everyone. My name is Leah, I am 38 years old and I am scheduled for AVR on March 6th here in Houston, TX. I have been stalking this site for several months! I recently got my surgery date, so I have decided to speak up. I have a bicuspid valve and my measurement has gone down to .72 just recently. I don't really have any symptoms other than exhaustion. I have a 1 year old AND a 2 year old, so it's hard to tell if the exhaustion is coming from my stenosis or chasing 2 wild boys around all day. My surgeon discussed the On-X valve with me. I am done having kids, so I am probably gonna go with that one. He also specializes in minimally invasive AVR and says I will be a good candidate for that. Anyone here have the minimally invasive procedure? If I have to go the full sternum route, I am ok with that too. Whatever needs to be done. I have been dealing with anxiety issues and panic attacks since my first son was born. I have been pretty calm since I got my date, this has been looming over my head for the last 10 years and I am just ready to get it behind me. This forum has been absolutely amazing and has helped me a great deal with my anxiety. Thanks for listening!!

I have added you to the VR family calendar and our thoughts and prayers go with you.....and Leah WELCOME TO THE FAMILY :thumbup:
I'm supposed to have the minimally invasive surgery at Johnson Hopkins next week....Feb 12. I'll let you know how it goes. I've known for about 10 years too that I would need the surgery. I got a prescription for my inability to sleep due to anxiety (damn surgery is always on my mind.) but since I got the script I've been able to sleep pretty well. Guess just knowing I have help if I need it.

I'm worried about my 5 golden retrievers wanting to jump up/climb on me post surgery. Can't imagine kiddos.

Guess we'll get thru this....Pat

Pat WELCOME to our VR family......I have added you to our VR family calendar .....Godspeed
I had the minimally invasive surgery on August 14th, 2012. I received the ON-X valve to replace my bicuspid aortic valve. At the same time they repaired the mitral valve.
The incision was about 5 inches long on my upper right chest area going in between the ribs.
From what I understand the first 4 or 5 days the recovery is mainly getting over the heart surgery and the hospital stay is the same as if they split the sternum.
Once out of the hospital the recovery with the minimally invasive surgery is quite rapid, at least the Doctor said it would be and it was for me.
I was climbing trees to place tree stands within 3 weeks of surgery and riding the Harley to gatherings at one month after surgery. Never did have any pain from the incision and I feel that is the way to go if the surgeon is experienced in the procedure.
Best Wishes
Thanks so much, everyone! Mike, that's great....that's how my surgeon explained it to me. Hopefully I can go that route. Thanks again!
