New Cardiologist!

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Well-known member
Jan 28, 2005
Hi everybody,

I haven't posted for a while because I've been pretty busy looking for a cardiologist that suits me. You see, about a month ago I was thrown for a loop by my ex cardio when he said and I quote: "You're making a mountain out of a mole hill.....I just got off vacation and I have 38 more patients to see today." I thought, hey.....I've heard about jerks like you before but never dreamed one was right in the middle of my own little private care team. However, thanks to all the nifty and brave people I know on this web site, I knew just what to do. I dropped his gluteous maximus....both of them. :)

I was in the middle of trying to discuss my future plan of care after a most excellent post op echo. I believe the mountainous statement resulted from my stated desire to monitor my coumadin therapy on my own.

Anyway, what I want to pass along is the jerk has been replaced with a great guy who answered all of my questions as well as informing me of a few things that should be included in my follow up care the other guy obviously had no clue about. Thought a few people reading this site might be interested.

I had a congenital bicuspid aortic valve with ascending aortic aneurysm. That indicated I also have the connective tissue disorder that can coinside with the defect. As a result, I am scheduled MRI evaluation for berry cerebral aneurysms as well as a follow-up CT of my chest and abdomen to monitor any further involvement. I was told that the frequency of this type of monitoring would be according to any changes during the first two years. Basically, I was informed people like me are generally viewed and evaluated much like a patient with Marfans Syndrome would be. Anybody else been told any of this?

I feel this is a most appropriate plan but am a little mad no one else initiated or suggested it. It was only after I searched for a new physician and was able to ask a few questions about my follow-up care and my concerns about other risks related to the original diagnosis that I received good answers and a little action. I'll let you know the results as they come along. Hope this is some good info for somebody.

It's going to be a great year!
You get this month's Empowerment Crown.:D Best wishes for a successful partnership with your new doctor.
THree cheers for you!

THree cheers for you!

Changing doctors, even under the circumstances you mentioned, is not an easy thing to do. Too many of us try to go along to get along and wind up in great trouble. You made a good decision and followed-up on it. Congratulations!
"Never doubt the path you've chosen. Life reveals her mystery a little at a time."
Good on Ya CCRN ;) ...

Some pretty amazing statements can come out of the mouths of the educated hey!:D ...

but THAT one tops all I have ever heard...

38 more patients INDEED!...LOL:eek:

glad you got rid of his gluteus maximus times 2 ~!

so I have been missing you around...but you gotta be assertive sometimes to get the correct reatment.

now as for the being treated as a Marfan ( try google says did you mean MARTIAN ?...LOL :D )

umm...yeah...I have decided that I am pratically as fragile in the aorta dept. as them so I was wanting to be treated as a marfan as soon as we figured out what I had.

at present I am on a six-monthly CT scan watch...but I have a feeling its about to change again.

I would be not comfortable with any greater span than 6 months between scans, actually 3 monthly echoes is what I would like!

good to see you back


Thanks all for the support. Aussigal, you are a nut! Just so ya know, I like nuts so that's a compliment. :) BVDR it's nice to get a nod from your peer. It's nice to hear from Karlyn and Blanch too. Now I can get started obcessing about radiological results. Better get to work! :)
Good for you. Well done. Thank you for sharing your story. I know someone will read it and it will, as Karlynn suggests, empower them to advocate more loudly for themselves.

Your attitude is infectious. It is gonna be a great year!!

:) Marguerite
CCRN it sounds like you've found a keeper in your don't live by me do you?:( My surgeon has said (in the same breath when he was saying I don't have Marfan Syndrome--and he was right and I know 'cuz we tested) that it wouldn't matter if I did have MFS, having BAVD makes my treatment the same as if I did have MFS. Now, if I could only find a cardio who ''gets it'' too!
CCRN, I am really proud of you, I know how hard that must of been , if I remember right you work in cardiac, right? I never knew HOW assertive I could be until I was told my one day old baby would need several heart surgeries, but it really feels good to take your power back doesn"t it. so big yeah for you, Lyn
If you really want to know about drs.- Ask a nurse!

If you really want to know about drs.- Ask a nurse!

Nurses give it to you straight, most of the time. Your former dr.
just couldn't handle the truth. Way to GOOOOOOOOO:D :D
THE PATIENT before you must have really pulled his chain. Imagine what the patient after you got from him. He gets paid very well for doing this, too! He needs to go on vacation again and find another kind of job, don't you think. Congratulations for standing up for yourself. Hats off to you.
Your experience reminds me of why I left my former cardio. When we called his office to set up an appointment postop, we were told the earliest he could fit me in was December 4. Unfortunately, my surgery was June 7, and I thought six months really was too long a time for my first postsurgery visit!

No matter what their skill level, anyone that busy is just too busy for me.;)