Nervous About Surgery

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Well-known member
Sep 17, 2008
shreveport La
I was wondering if anyone can help me. Looks like I will be having valve replacement surgery before long. I have a leaking heart valve. I was wondering just how bad the surgery is and what I can expect after surgery.
Shawneegirl, first off, welcome. I'm sorry you have to have surgery, but I think you will find that the worrying part before hand is in alot of ways worse than the surgery itself. Everyone is different, some of us sailed through without many problems while others have a more difficult recovery. Generally speaking, while you are in the hospital, they will do a very good job of managing any pain you may have. The tube down your throat is the worst part for a lot of us, but you will be very drugged during that time and it, too, is generally not as bad as you may think.

I'm sure you will have many more questions as you find out more about your condition. Hopefully, someone here will be able to answer them for you.

Hi and welcome, sorry you have to have surgery, but you know Kfay is right the waiting and worrying before surgery is so much worst for me anyways, I'm 7 weeks post op and don't regret one bit having this surgery feel so much better, after surgery all you should do is eat, walk and rest do not overdo it and everything will be fine. Lots of luck!

I was wondering if anyone can help me. Looks like I will be having valve replacement surgery before long. I have a leaking heart valve. I was wondering just how bad the surgery is and what I can expect after surgery.

Hi and Welcome Shaneegirl.
First of all, YOU are so very lucky to have found this site before
surgery (unlike me) and as far as surgery won't feel a thing ;)

After surgery expect to do a lot of walking; but no more than you can handle - like the next day after surgery or when you get out of ICU. Breathing exercises will also become a routine......gotta get that crap out of our lungs.

Please tell us what you know about your condition, what the doctors have said etc. We'll be more than happy to answer any and all your questions.
Nervous about surgery

Nervous about surgery

Thank you all so much for your replies. I had a cough for a year or so, then the last couple of weeks I have had heart palputations and a strange feeling when I lay flat or on my side.. Thats when I went to the dr. They tell me I was born with valves that are too long and that is causing the problem. One dr told me it was severe leakage yesterday and i saw another dr at his clinic today and he said it was mild. He wants to see me in a month and then every year afterwards. He did say the surgery could be next month or up to 10 years. Does this sound right. I am really confused. And you are right. The worrying is awful, not knowing when. You say you walk in a few days after open heart surgery Wow.
Not a few days, try 24 hours or so after surgery if everything goes well. We've just had one member post that he was in and out in 3 days after surgery. Everyone is different in recovery so please keep that in mind.

Now what kind of doctors did you see? What kind of test were done if any? And if you don't me asking how old are you?
nervous about surgery

nervous about surgery

I just turned 54. It was a cardiologist. Not sure if thats spelled right. :eek: He did an ultrasound and an EKG. Am I writing back to you right. This is all new to me
Take it one step at a time. It will all work out.

I had surgery in January 2008 and I was 66. I was in the hospital six days. I had an aortic valve replacement.

There is a lot of support here. Welcome
Welcome to VR. It's natural to be scared. Now that I've been through it, all I can say is that it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Post-op, it's a bit frustrating as your body takes a bit of time to heal while you mind is ready to get going. In about a year, you are pretty much back to normal. Now two and a half years out, my surgery seems so long ago and life is good. Best wishes and good luck.
Welcome Shawneegirl !

There is a relevant Thread entitled "I'm Feeling Scared" in the Pre-Surgery Forum that you will probably find to be helpful in reading how others have felt and coped.

Open Heart Surgery (OHS) is Major Surgery but has evolved into a highly refined art with very high success rates (1% mortality, 1% morbidity, on a national basis) vs. almost certain mortality if left untreated.

Most felt little Pain, more like discomfort (at least in the chest). Back muscles can be painful, but Massage relieves those better and faster than medications.

What Valve is leaking? If it is the Mitral, you may want to refer to a Surgeon who has extensive experience doing REPAIRS, but also have a backup plan just in case a repair does not work out. Browse through the 'stickys' in the Valve Replacement Forum to learn about the different Valve Options and the downsides of each option.

Just remember, most of the members here are SURVIVORS of Valve Replacement Surgery, or a family member of a Survivor. If we can make it, so can you!

'AL Capshaw'
Welcome and try your best to relax. Prior to my surgery 7 months ago I never had ANY surgical procedure, just a few stiches is all. So needless to say I was freaking out. But that is natural, everyone gets unsettled here and there leading up to the procedure. What suprised me was how quickly I bounced back. I had an AVR and was walking around the next day, rather slowly. Getting in and out bed is dicey but otherwise your not going to have pain. That is the first thing the nurses ask every time they come in the room. How is your pain on a 1 to 10 scale ? If your uncomfortable, they make you comfortable :)

You will find that this place is a great resource. So ask questions, don't be shy. There are plenty of folks here with tons of good advice.

When you go to surgery think of how much better you will feel after the surgery, about all the positive things and the good energy and the new you. From my own experience, the worst day was the first night after the surgery but with all the pain killers, it passes by and so do other days. And from then on, you start feeling better. You may have concerns and worries, I did have many worries, but all ends up well. My surgery was on September 2nd, and here I am at home feeling better and better every day. Even the fatigue I feel I consider a healthy fatigue unlike before the surgery which drained me. I had my A & M valve replace with St. Jude. Good luck and all will be well and you will be happy and realize we all overworry before the surgery. Hugs:)
Can be really annoying getting told different things by different consultants. We have certainly been through are fare share of that but my son managed to wait 8 years before surgery. We are back in the waiting room, it is tough but you will get through it. Waiting for the surgery is one of the hardest things to do, sometimes it is a releive to get it over and done. You will find lots of help here. Welcome and all the best with everything.
Nervous About Surgery

I am just overwhelmed at all your support. I feel so much better now. I have an appt in a month and will keep you all posted.
Thanks A Million
Bobbie (Shawneegirl)
I am just overwhelmed at all your support. I feel so much better now. I have an appt in a month and will keep you all posted.
Thanks A Million
Bobbie (Shawneegirl)

Don't disappear, stick around. The more you read here, the greater the understanding and the less you fear.
The tube down your throat is the worst part for a lot of us, but you will be very drugged during that time and it, too, is generally not as bad as you may think.

I'm sure you will have many more questions as you find out more about your condition. Hopefully, someone here will be able to answer them for you.


What is the tube down the throat? TEE ?? or something after surgery?
Thank you all so much for your replies. I had a cough for a year or so, then the last couple of weeks I have had heart palputations and a strange feeling when I lay flat or on my side.. Thats when I went to the dr. They tell me I was born with valves that are too long and that is causing the problem. One dr told me it was severe leakage yesterday and i saw another dr at his clinic today and he said it was mild. He wants to see me in a month and then every year afterwards. He did say the surgery could be next month or up to 10 years. Does this sound right. I am really confused. And you are right. The worrying is awful, not knowing when. You say you walk in a few days after open heart surgery Wow.

What kinds of doctors said which things to you? In other words, who told you your leakage was severe, and who told you it was mild?

I think you misunderstood your doctor. I think he is still making his diagnosis, which is why he said that you could be facing surgery very soon. Once he learns more about your heart, he will know if you need surgery soon or if you could be fine for years.

The next time you go to see him, take someone with you who has a pen and a large pad of lined paper. That person should write everything down, and insist that the doctor spell out any unfamiliar terms. That person should also have a list of the questions you would like to ask, in case you forget to ask some of them. I did this for all of my pre-surgical appointments, and I still do this if I have to see a doctor and I'm not feeling well.

I know this month will seem long to you, but I would try not to imagine immediate surgery while you are waiting. It really sounds like your doctor is not in a rush to operate.