Nervous about my big day

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Hi I am 35 new to the site I live in the Kansas city MO area and in October I was told I had a Bicuspid Aortic valve with severe regurgitation and moderate left ventrical dilatation. Then they said I needed my valve replaced with a mechanical valve no later than February. I am being operated on at St. Lukes in Kansas city on January 12, 2005 at 8:00 AM. I have had a lot of time to think about this and I know it will be alright because I am in good health otherwise but it isn't any easier. Reading all the sucess stories on this site have really helped especially about cumadin therapy. Any one has any tips or suggestions feel free to email me. Good luck to all of us!
Hi Aaron-

Welcome to the site, but sorry you have to be here. All will be well.

My husband has had 3 valve surgeries. He's 73 years old now, and has been on Coumadin for almost 28 years now. He has an aortic and mitral mechanical and had a repair on the mitral.

The surgery is highly perfected, the surgeons really know their stuff, and you will be taken care of with the utmost care that any hospital can give. Once 6-8 weeks have passed, you will be feeling quite well, and many people start back to work at that time. Might seem like a long time, but when you think of it in comparison to a lifetime, it's just a blip on the screen.

There are so many people here with all kinds of experiences, that just about any question you can come up with, someone can answer.

So ask away, some of our lovelies might even be up during the night, if you can't sleep and need some answers, can't promise, but it has been known to happen.

Best wishes to you.
Welcome Aaron! My son goes to school at the U of M in Columbia and has many friends from KC.

I will just echo what Nancy said - it is a very perfected surgery. Although it requires some longer recovery time, you will most likely feel so much better after your recovery.

I have a mechanical mitral valve and have lived successfully on Coumadin for 13 years. I eat what I want, drink what I want - the key is consistancy. If you love spinach - make sure you eat it regularly and don't binge on it once a month or so. We have a wonderful resourse in our member Al Lodwick. His site is one you should visit and read often. We have found that many doctors don't know a whole lot about coumadin - so I always run things by Al and his site before I follow doctor's instructions.

Keep posting and you'll learn a lot here.
I had the same problem that you have--bicuspid aortic valve and severe regurge. My lv was more enlarged as I have had this since birth. I am 56 and had my surgery 10/22/04. I went through the same amxiety and stress that you are going through, but I had no problems. I have a niece that has had bypass surgery and she said she had no pain--just levels of discomfort. That describes me after surgery. I never had any pain, only discomfort due to being sore and stiff. I never took any pain meds after coming home--only advil.
At your YOUNG age you shouldn't have any problems. I walk a great deal and have started slow jogging. I spent 3 hours on a tractor today shredding the pasture.
Stay postive and keep friends and family close. They are a tremendous support.
Good thoughts and prayers coming your way.

God Bless,



It's good to know we all have someone who has been there.
~Hey Aaron

I am also 35 {36 next Thurs} and had aortic valve replacement July 12th of this year. Its only been 5 months, but I am feeling great. The only advice I can give is to just relax and go with the flow. It all happens so fast you will be recovering in no time. The doctors have done this surgery hundreds, if not thousands, of times, so you will be in good hands. In the meantime, enjoy life as much as you can, and try not to think about it. {Although I know it is hard}. Looking back, you will probably realize that the whole process was not nearly as bad as you thought it was going to be!

Hey Aaron I have been a part of this site now for 9 months I just havent been here in awhile but I will tell you that your surgery will go just fine.. I too was scared to have mine done , being so young , I am only 24 i thought it was the end of the world.. everyone here on this forum has helped me so much and I hope you get all your questions answered.. its been 9 months going on 10 on dec 26th and I feel great.. I woudlnt change it for the world... Good LUCK!!!!
Hi Aaron,

I had surgery on October 14. Like everyone else, I was worried. I had done enough research to basically know what to expect while in the hospital, but there are still so many details that you wonder and worry about. So many people seem to worry about the breathing tube, or the drain tubes, or various other things. I can report to you that all those things turned out to be no problem at all. The people at the hospital do a great job of keeping you comfortable, and for me, there was very little pain involved during the whole ordeal. The most uncomfortable part for me was about 2-3 days post-op I really felt lousy overall. I was just weak and dizzy and hated sitting in the chair, which they made me do alot. I think it was because I was pretty anemic. What I found was that every day was better than the one before, and they kicked me out 4 days post-op. One week after surgery I took a cab to Times Square where my wife and I ate, shopped and saw a movie! Admittedly, we limited the walking and I still didn't feel anywhere near normal, but the point is you will recover pretty quickly. Here I am about 2 months after surgery and I feel completely normal, except for the soreness in my sternum, which will be there for a while to come.

I suggest you research the forums here (and ask questions!) and get an idea of what to expect, if you haven't already. Then, when the time comes, relax and don't worry. You'll do fine. It'll probably be harder on your family than on you!

David P.

PS I love Kansas City. I've spent quite a bit of time there. I still have dreams about the chicken fried steak at Stroud's!