Needin to get handicap rails installed!

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With the trouble my dad is having getting around, we are needing to get him some rails installed in the bathroom to help him out a little.

Where would I begin to look for someone that does this? What do I look for?
If you have a local "handy man" type of person who you can hire, this is not a big job.
As long as they are bolted to the wall where a framing stud is situated behind the wallboard, they will be secure.
Those rails should be in stock at major hardware stores or can be ordered on line.
You might even look for someone who remodels bathrooms.
As Bina said it is not a big deal, but I am assuming these rails may be located around a bathtub or shower, which may involve mounting (and drilling thru) ceramic tile.
If I was a lot closer I would do it for you.
Here in Canada, our major drug store chains have Home Health Care divisions that sell everything from wheelchairs and walkers to these, as well. We installed a couple ourselves for MIL in our shower, drilling through tile is not hard, you just need a special drill. Start with your local hardware store as well as the big box types, and larger more independent drug stores.

Also, we found March of Dimes and organisations like that to be helpful, too. Maybe Red Cross could guide you too.
I don't suppose this is something that Medicare may help with?

He really needs a total bathroom remodel. His shower is the type that you have to step up over a foot to get into. Thanks for the suggestions!
I don't suppose this is something that Medicare may help with?

He really needs a total bathroom remodel. His shower is the type that you have to step up over a foot to get into. Thanks for the suggestions!

Medicare may help, I don't know ... If you have trouble finding someone I would suggest calling a hospice, I am sure they are up on these kinds of installations and the people who do them.
Post op I called a local plumber to install a new shower stall in my main floor bathroom.
I chose the shower, door, and fixtures from a catalog and compared prices on-line. There were many wheelchair accessible models also that were VERY NICE but more pricey.
To keep cleaning simple I got a one piece molded unit ($1,000) instead of the basic shower kits with panels ($250). Final cost with glass door, fixtures and installation I paid $1700.
For a bathroom reno, you will need a contractor; some of them are not good, try to get one with references and have all estimates put into writing and do not pay up front.
I think a handicapped person would be able to claim such expenses on the year end tax return.
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After thinking about this I would suggest looking into a local place that supplies things like crutches, wheelchairs and other medical equipment needed by those having a tough time getting around.
They may be able to help and maybe Medicare would pay for it.
Yes, do what Rich said. Look in the yellow pages of your phone book under "Hospital Equipment and Supplies" or "Medical Equipment and Supplies". They have them at our local hospital supply company and they install them. If he has Medicare (or some medical insurance), just get a prescription from his doctor saying he needs them and they usually are paid for, which is good since anything medical costs way more than it really should. Good luck!

After thinking about this I would suggest looking into a local place that supplies things like crutches, wheelchairs and other medical equipment needed by those having a tough time getting around.
They may be able to help and maybe Medicare would pay for it.

That's the kind of place I meant when I said our drug stores have home health care centres.
With the trouble my dad is having getting around, we are needing to get him some rails installed in the bathroom to help him out a little.

Where would I begin to look for someone that does this? What do I look for?

Medicare should help with this but it must be a rx by a dr; possibly va, as well.

we have a medical supply place in our town and they dispense medicare covered things as well as personal purchases that are not under any insurance. Your dad's dr should know. Call a local nursing home - they know how to get all that stuff that you need.
I called the social worker at the long term hospital he is in & she gave me the names of a couple of medical supply places here in town. When I called, they all told me to check with Lowes or Home Depot. I called them but they always seem to have complete idiots answering the phones so I guess I will just have to go by there & look around myself.

I also plan to check in Rebath. Looking at their website, it looks like they offer some sit-down type showers that would work out really well.
I have purchased and installed these myself. I got some at the local pharmacy. The big thing is to make sure you are mounting them in the studs. Read and follow instructions carefully.