Need some quick opinions before a procedure

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Grandson Charlie is undergoing a tenotomy (achilles tendon on both feet is cut) this morning. There is some bleeding involved, and he does have a bav.
There was no mention made of an antibiotic being given beforehand. Of course, the doctor isn't going to think of it--he's an orthopedist--but I'm wondering if I should have.
It's probably too late to be given unless it is given after he returns home later today.
Mary - I know that the discussion of antibiotic use for procedures for valve patients is debated. Some doctors question whether or not it does any good. As you know, most of us choose the side of caution. Even though you didn't mention it before, you still can after the procedure. Just inquire what the risk of infection is for the tenotomy.

Your little warrior is in my prayers.
Mary, I have a congenital heart condition as well and I was always given antibiotic cover for everything. Occasionally, it wouldn't be until after the procedure and someone would look over my notes and then panic to get me some...I would definitely bring it up and see what they say.

Mary, I don't know if this helps, BUT Justin already had a history of BE and 3 OHS when he broke his arm and needed 2 rods put in it. We were at the same hospital as his heart stuff (since he needed an aneasthia person who worked on CHD all the time) and he did NOT need antibiotics for that, I even walked down to the floor to personally ask his PC, (since Justin managed to break his arm good enough to spend 3 day in) I asked again when he had the surgery to remove the rods and again did not need antibiotics.
I just talked to Bridgid on the phone from Shriner's, and it looks like we have a week to determine the answer.

Last Friday, Bridgid noticed that one of the casts had slipped down and covered his toes. The brochure warns that if that happens, to call and report it. So she did. She was told that since he was being seen today, it was no big deal and they could wait.
All week-end he screamed and cried. He had received his 2 month immunizations on Friday, so although we attributed it to that, in the back of my mind I wondered if it was the cast.
Sure enough, when they removed the cast today, his leg is blistered, bruised and the heel is so swollen it's pressed into the foot. He has an open sore behind his knee that's oozing pus. The nurse said that the cast should have been soaked off last Friday, and they would find out who was on call Friday night, and take measures.
She sent pictures via the cell phone, and after viewing them and thinking of how much pain he has been in, I'm so mad I could really get ugly with some members of the health care profession. It just proves in my mind, that you should always go with what your gut feeling is.


Mary How AWFUL I am so sorry, I can imagine your rage, PLEASE tell Bridget not to think she did anything wrong, even WHEN we go by what the meds tell us, we still can feel like we did something wrong,or should have done more, and yes I'm speaking from experience
Oh Mary, poor little thing. I agree with you to get mad at the health care! when I fell and my orthop had a cast on my hand, I kept comlaining every week I saw him that I had pain and felt there was something wrong...he continued me on Vicodin. When cast was out, my bone at the joint of the arm was protruding!! I wanted to sue him only to stop him from practicing...he took xrays every week and did not say anything even though I noticed everytime he looked at xrays he paused for a while... that's how angry I was, but did not have the energy and went for physio therapy for a year and a half to be able to use my hand again.

I will keep you all in my prayers.
So sorry to read this, Mary. You all will remain in my prayers and I hope that the blister and sore heal quickly. He will need some loving rocking by Grandma when he gets home!
Mary i'm just reading this and my prayers continue for Charlie

and all of you ((HUGS)) I feel your pain and rage.

zipper2 (DEB)
Oh, my gosh - that poor little guy. Yes, you are right. Go with your instincts. My kids pediatrician was an old school kind of guy (my kids started on cereal at a month old). I don't really recall to which one of my many questions he said this, but he said "In all my years of practice, I've learned that 99% of the time the mother's instinct is correct."

My prayers for little Charlie!
I can feel your rage. Do it to me, fine. I'm a grownup. Do it to my babies and you're going to regret it!

As far as the antibiotics go, many doctors give antibiotics for surgery no matter who the patient is. Hospitals are so full of germs that you really need antibiotics just to visit!
Sorry to see and hear this Mary!!! I would be I rate too. Poor little guy.:(
There should be something done about it so it does'nt happen again to Charlie or anyone else. Keep us posted on what they do about it and how Charlie is doing.
Give Charlie some BIG HUGS & KISSES.:)
Oh my goodness, Mary, came here to see if I could here something but surely didn't want to hear this has happened. So am I understanding they didn't do the snipping after all this has happened. I would hope not! I can understand your anger and I would say it is rightly placed. I would spitting nails. I will pray that the healing is quick. My love to Bridgid and Brian.
Oh my goodness, Mary, came here to see if I could here something but surely didn't want to hear this has happened. So am I understanding they didn't do the snipping after all this has happened. I would hope not! I can understand your anger and I would say it is rightly placed. I would spitting nails. I will pray that the healing is quick. My love to Bridgid and Brian.

No, there was no snipping today. The foot has to be cast after the tenotomy, and it is too swollen. Next week is a holiday, so he'll go back in two weeks. No snipping then, either. He will probably need two to three consecutive weeks of casting, then the snipping, then another three weeks of casts before the brace is finally put on. A month of therapy has been lost, maybe more,and apparently it can be laid on the shoulders of a new orthopedic resident who was on call over the week-end. The kids were told if they ever thought something was again amiss, to soak the casts off without hesitation.

The pediatrician here at home examined Charlie this afternoon and bandaged his thigh after covering it with antibiotic ointment and gauze pads. We're to keep a close eye on both the foot and leg to see if any of the other places look as though they're getting infected.

There is one bright spot . . . Charlie will be given his first bath ever tonight! It will be quick, but it will be a bath!:)

Thanks everyone for your posts and support.:)