Need info about lupus and heart connection

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Well-known member
Sep 13, 2008
SF Bay Area, CA
My niece-in-law was diagnosed with lupus a few weeks ago. It has apparently affected her heart. The only information I got was that "one side is bigger", which I am assuming is an enlarged heart. She is only
27. Does lupus cause cardiomiopathy? google search is a little overwhelming, so as always I turned to you folks for any information/links
that I can get. Thanks, as always..
My youngest sister has lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus). There are several forms of it. It's an auto-immune disorder, and she goes to a rheumatologist. Lupus has affected her joints, causing osteonecrosis (ends of the joints die), and she's had some IBD, corneal erosion and Reynaud's (sp?) syndrome, too.
In some people, their internal organs are affected, including the heart.
Do you know what type of specialist your niece-in-law is seeing, and if she's been referred to a cardiologist?
My sister was DXed when she was 42 (she's 53 now), after having had symptoms for a number of years. She has since been DXed with rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia. I believe she is on Rituxan, and it seems to be helping her.
I'll keep your niece-in-law in my prayers.

Here's some links to info about lupus (and its connection with heart problems). The Mayo Clinic link indicates the enlargement is often due to fluid buildup in the pericardium.
Thanks so much Marsha. I don't know any of the details yet, but I will see them in April and then I'll find out. Thanks so much for the links I'll read them and see what I find.