Need advice re: my son's symptoms..

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halleyg Supporter
Supporting Member
Jul 19, 2007
Atlanta, GA
My stepson called this afternoon and said his tonsils were bleeding... said his throat has been scratchy all week. When I called him back he said he was spitting up blood so I told him to come home (he is at college about 40 min. away). He was going to but then called back and said he can't miss class tomorrow so he'll come in the morning, but now I am nervous about it. Can't get him to change his mind and he and his dad are just alike and in the same mindset that it's fine to wait till morning. I have been Googling which is making me more nervous! He said he spit up something at one point that sounded like a clot maybe b/c he said he thought it was part of his lung. I think he should go to the ER... anyone ever heard of anything like this?
I think he needs to get one of those fast strep tests asap! If it's strep, he really doesn't want to let that go. Varices are also a possibility if he is doing anything that is causing it.

But he said his throat was scratchy all week, sounds like an infection.

Untreated strep can lead to other nasty things, one of which is rheumatic fever.

So going to a nearby clinic or the college clinic is a very good idea, the sooner the better.

Spitting up blood is not something one should ignore.
I spoke to him again and he said he's sure it's his tonsils. He had strep this summer and I had to keep bugging him to take the antibs but he never did finish the whole thing, which I didn't realize until he'd left... I bet that's what it is. I knew that left untreated it can cause rheumatic fever. He also plays sax so I'm sure his mouthpiece is in dire need of sanitizing. He is definitely going to the dr. in the morning after class, said he'd catch the train home.

Thanks so much!!
He's kind of old for RF unless he's had it before. However, there are many other nasties caused by strep, including Endocarditis. Doesn't the college have a health clinic? Most do, although they range from small doctor's offices to full scale health centers. It's probably too late now, unless that have an emergency clinic (my daughter's college does), but perhaps he could get in first thing in the morning before his classes or as soon as they are over.
.......... Doesn't the college have a health clinic? Most do, although they range from small doctor's offices to full scale health centers. ...............but perhaps he could get in first thing in the morning before his classes or as soon as they are over.

He should go to the college clinic at least asap and good luck to him. Keep us informed.
They do have a health center which is what I told him to do first thing but he wouldn't go... which is why I am making him come home so I can get him to the dr. myself! Will let you know what happens.
Sorry I forgot to update, as I appreciate all of your responses! Busy weekend... anyhow, turns out he is fine and the nurse thought it was his wisdom teeth that had been bleeding and the blood went into his throat... we know he needs them out, was trying to wait until a school break b/c he is in the music program and plays his sax daily. I'm going to call about it tomorrow, though. He went out of town with my husband this weekend and no issues, he was fine and tested negative for strep. Thanks again.