Nancy's Joe

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<<He's still here and improving every day. He can walk over a mile on the treadmill and do light weights as well. He's 72>.

Wow! Joe is making good progress. Nancy, you must be very proud of his hard work and determination to fight back each time he has a setback. Give Joe a hug from all of us.

Joe is blessed to have you by his side, encouraging him all the time.

He's enjoying a long period of stability. Today it was a mile and a half. Heart rate is coming down, only 105 after exercise. And his BP was 110/60 the other day at rest.

Could it be after this very long time, his body is still continuing to heal? The credit goes to Joe and his "medicine men" who kept him alive so he could recover. Wasn't easy, but Joe has the determination of an ox. When his life was hanging by the thinnest thread, he kept on hanging on. He didn't care what they did to him, never was afraid of anything.

He is also on some extremely effective medications.
Wow Nancy! Tell Joe to send a little of that determination my way!
Good job Joe!
I'm sure Joe would be the first to give you credit for your inestimable part in restoring him to health. You make an incredible team and I'm so glad to know that all of your joint determination is bringing such rewards.

As you know, I've had a relatively fast recovery from my surgery February 20. The last few days have been a little rough, just a *hiccup* I suppose, and maybe a little payback for overdoing it.

Whenever I hurt or am frustrated at what I perceive to be slow progress, I find myself thinking of Joe (and Ross, Harpoon. Debora, Madison & others) who I've *met* through VR. These people have been through so much more than I have and are still hanging in there and fighting the fight.

I am humbled by their experiences and their resilience. They are an inspiration to me as I recover from my surgery.
Very encouraging!

Very encouraging!

Hi Nancy, I'm so happy for Joe and you, of course! I think some of us could do with his determination to get us through the hard times. He's definitely a fighter and you, a great and caring wife. Keep on being the optimistic couple you have always been!
We are so blessed to have you here to continually remind us that "to never give in and never give up" is a worthy motto. You must have to sit forward in your chair at the computer so your angel wings don't get crushed. ;) So what did Joe do so right in his life to win a wife like you!? May God continue to bless you both.
Thanks for all the very nice words, everybody. No angel wings here. You just have to do what you have to do. There aren't any choices sometimes, it's either take care of the problems or Joe might not have survived.

Joe's funny, an imp, smart, we laugh a lot and he's my buddy. Plus he's not afraid of anything. Don't know how he does that. One tough guy.

We've put out a lot of serious fires together.
Nancy I think it's wonderful the loving relationship that you and Joe have. My husband Eddie and I are best buddies and each others best friends too, even after 43 years. Although the tables are turned in Eddies case. He is the caregiver. I'm the one that seems to be going downhill rather fast. As I'm sure Joe can testify to, it's wonderful to have a soul mate who loves you so much that he would do anything to make you feel better. I don't know what I would do without my wonderful man.

God bless you for being such a wonderful wife.