My version of the tawdry shirt

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Well-known member
Feb 17, 2002
Imlay City, Michigan
I thought of posting this in the TOOTS forum, but the rules there are rather strict, so it ended up in Small Talk, where nearly anything goes. This picture was taken this May at graduation; I'm on the left, and my third son is next to me; the other two are the other father-son pair receiving degrees the same day: M.Div. for my son, STM for me.
I went six summers to get the degree, and the reason for posting it here is that I had only gone five times (1983-2000) before surgery. The last summer I went (2005) was post-surgery, with the full benefit of pumpheadedness. After that, I had a three-hour test, for which I sweated quite a bit. I realized afterwards that if you take the test you pass, but I was still quite nervous, since my brain does often function on a swiss cheese level. But I made it through.
And here I thought of you having grey hair and a mustash. (smile)
Congrats to you young man on getting your degree.
Congrats to your son too.

Congratulations, Jim!
I don't think swiss cheese is an accurate comparison.
A mind like a steel trap baited with swiss cheese . . . maybe!;)
Congratulations to both you on the completion of your degrees. How cool to have the opportunity to graduate together.
Congratulations Jim!! To you and your son.

Congratulations Jim!! To you and your son.

Boy that is a cute little feller in the photo next to your name!! :) He must like trains... I think my grandson’s first words may have been “all aboard!” LOL His Mom and Dad took him on a ‘Thomas the train” train ride out of Durango about the time he was learning to talk... and boy did he love it!! They dressed the whole train up like Thomas the train .... he became a total train fanatic. :)

Guess what all the grandparents got him for his 2nd b-day. LOL I’m betting you’ve already MADE one for him. :)

Way to go Jim!! There's hope for all us 'swiss cheese' heads afterall!!

Good pic, too!

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