My turn Wednesday Aug 15

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Well, I just got the word. Next Wednesday (22nd) is my new date for surgery. Surprisingly I'm not nearly as stressed (so far) this time. I'm using the time to complete the many projects I had left undone the last time.
Once again thanks for the many posts offering encouragement. They've helped me maintain my sanity during the stressful periods.
I'll keep you updated ASAP.
****Note to Greg a, Dr. Boodhwani is my surgeon!****
Well, I just got the word. Next Wednesday (22nd) is my new date for surgery. Surprisingly I'm not nearly as stressed (so far) this time. I'm using the time to complete the many projects I had left undone the last time.
Once again thanks for the many posts offering encouragement. They've helped me maintain my sanity during the stressful periods.
I'll keep you updated ASAP.
****Note to Greg a, Dr. Boodhwani is my surgeon!****

Calendar has been changed so you will be in everyone's thoughts Wed.

Hopefully there is someone in your family to update us as the day goes on


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Well, I just got the word. Next Wednesday (22nd) is my new date for surgery. Surprisingly I'm not nearly as stressed (so far) this time. I'm using the time to complete the many projects I had left undone the last time.
Once again thanks for the many posts offering encouragement. They've helped me maintain my sanity during the stressful periods.
I'll keep you updated ASAP.
****Note to Greg a, Dr. Boodhwani is my surgeon!****
Sounds good, just a few more days :)
Sorry you have the added stress of an unexpected delay to your surgery. Not fun! You may want to consider asking your surgeons office for a script for Xanax to take the edge off as my surgeons nurse described it. I am in the camp of less drugs the better but found that the day before surgery I was extremely anxious with elevated bp and hr. Three days of testing including a heart cath and staying at a hotel on the hospital campus felt like a very long time on the edge of the cliff and by the actual pre surgery day I was done. Anyway, the Xanax (2 pills) made me less anxious and have a smooth ride into surgery day(the next day). I am very grateful to that nurse for recognizing my distress. I didn't know to ask.
Wishing you a smooth journey and great outcome!
The xanax really works. It just takes the edge off. In a few days it will all be behind you and you can recover!
Hi there,
Sorry to hear that your surgery was delayed, as I can guess how you feel. However you can look on the bright side at least you have come to terms with getting OHS and decided to go ahead and get it done. I on the other hand am still in SHOCK and "should I or should I just wait" situation as I too need OHS as I have a class 4 Barlow's Disease of the Mitra Valve with servere MR and servere MVP and I was told it willbe a very difficult repair and a challenge. I was orginally told months ago I would need surgery in 3-5 years then it was changed to 3 years the within the next year and now after I seen a heart surgeon he wants to do it in the first week of this September, so it is a bit much for me to deal with, mind-wise and still have not made a decision either way. You got past that and should be PROUD of yourself that is a HUGE step and even with the surgery delay you are handling it GREAT!

You know we (you, me and everyone on here) should be so grateful that we found this forum as I think it is such a GREAT help to be able to talk to other people who have the same issues and can relate.

Wish you the BEST LUCK and let us all know how you make out when you can!

Yes Bina, it's on for tomorrow. Got the confirmation call today. I'll be checking in at 9:00am and as the nurse said, "they'll be coming to get you around 12:30".
So far I'm still relatively calm. Hope to get SOME sleep tonight.
I'll get back to you all as soon as I'm able.
Once again, thanks everyone. I've read and re-read all of your posts many times......very comforting.
Yes Bina, it's on for tomorrow. Got the confirmation call today. I'll be checking in at 9:00am and as the nurse said, "they'll be coming to get you around 12:30".
So far I'm still relatively calm. Hope to get SOME sleep tonight.
I'll get back to you all as soon as I'm able.
Once again, thanks everyone. I've read and re-read all of your posts many times......very comforting.

Godspeed ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Hello all you lovely people! Yes, it's avrguy...........I made it..........I'm alive. 5 hours in surgery, 5 hours in ICU. Now I'm HOME!!
In the next days, I'll give you more details. For a while, I will stay with this thread for continuity.
Bless you all.
Great news avrguy! Wishing you a smooth recovery, and even if you experience the ups and downs here and there, you’re now a survivor. Rest and walk, you should be getting stronger each week.
Great news! Welcome home. Here's the best post-surgery tip I can think of. Be sure you walk a lot and do your breathing exercises even though it hurts to take a deep breath. It's important to get your lungs completely reinflated. In my experience, partially deflated lower lung lobes (atelectasis) and fluid around the lungs (pleural effusion) led to recurring low-grade fevers (99.6) for several weeks after surgery and caused me to feel crummier than I should have. These conditions are very common after open heart surgery. I was lazy about using the incentive spirometer and it showed.