My turn Wednesday Aug 15

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Jul 10, 2012
After reading mike1952's post, I'm ashamed to say that I'm not made of the same material.......I'm terrified.
My aortic valve is being replaced, with part of my aorta "maybe". The surgeon said he'll decide when he gets there.
The shame I'm feeling is that I cannot get into a positive attitude even with the wonderful support I'm getting from all of my
familly and friends. Even my doctor says I'm a good candidate.
Am I the only one that's felt this way?

We were all nervous and unsettled. It's normal. You are not alone but there does seem to be a connection between a good attitude and an easier journey through this OHS process.

You have made all your decisions:
You've decided to go forward. Good choice.
You've chosen your hospital and surgeon. Surely your research and instinct led your good decision.
You've shared the news and plans with your family and friends. Good. That sort of support is so helpful if it is available. Not everyone has that 'luxury'.

You've set your date and you are set to go.
This is a huge deal for us, the patients, but it is another day at the office for the surgeons and their support staff/techs/nurses etc And that is just the way we want it.
They have seen it all and know how to handle whatever may come up.
When you arrive at the hospital, hopefully you will experience the calm many of us feel. I did.
We give ourselves over to the professionals and depend upon their skill and training and experience.
They know what they are doing!!!!

You have every reason to expect you will do just fine.
Please have someone post to let us know you are safely out of surgery and doing well.
We'll look forward to hearing from you when you are able.
Chin up, shoulders back........ You have strength you don't even know about!!!!

All best wishes.

Positive vibes being sent your way for your upcoming surgery. You should be in good hands, the surgery has come a long ways. The waiting and researching can be the most nerve wracking, but like Jkm7 said above, you’ve made a lot of good decisions already.

I believe we all face the surgery as varied as we are different, nothing wrong with that. Sometimes right before the operation patients feel an odd sense of calm, they’ve done their homework, prepared themselves and family, and are ready to get their hearts repaired. Once on the other side of the operation, even if you have to navigate any road bumps here and there, you’ll be enjoying your second chance at living life fully. You’ll do fine, and be called a true survivor. Best wishes, and treat yourself well during recovery.
You are NOT the only one who feels that way. Many have similar thoughts. Try to stay positive. We will all be praying for you. I can definitely relate to your feelings; my turn Aug 28th. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. All will be good. Please keep us posted.
Nope, you are not the only one to feel that way. Hey, most of us were scared too- but we all deal with those fears differently going into it. If you can get in a positive mindset then great; but don't worry, your body knows what to do and it will heal up no matter what you are thinking. I was in the hospital with a lady that was a real sourpuss and all she did was complain, but her recovery was quick and sweet even amongst her fussing. So don't be ashamed. You are doing something really positive by having the surgery. Just think, you are taking charge of your life by doing this. Be proud of that!

Hi avrguy....and welcome. This is a really good site for information regarding valve surgery. There is something very scary about this particular surgery.....even tho several million people, from all around the world, have successfully gone thru it. You should do fine.

BTW, August is a very good month for OHS. Your anniversary date of Aug. 15 will be one day ahead of mine....Aug 16.
Avrguy I was terrified. I cant even begin to explain. I thought for sure I wasn't going to make it. I was cleaning my attic and giving away stuff. It wan't as bad as I thought. Not even close. I would still be afraid if I had to do it again but not like the last time. You will be very tired for a long while after surgery. That was one of the biggest problems for me. If you take coumadin, then you will have to learn how to control that. Other than that its back to normal as the time passes. You will be fine!

After reading mike1952's post, I'm ashamed to say that I'm not made of the same material.......I'm terrified.
My aortic valve is being replaced, with part of my aorta "maybe". The surgeon said he'll decide when he gets there.
The shame I'm feeling is that I cannot get into a positive attitude even with the wonderful support I'm getting from all of my
familly and friends. Even my doctor says I'm a good candidate.
Am I the only one that's felt this way?

One of the hardest things I've ever done was walk through the doors of the hospital where I was to have replacement.
When we pulled out of the driveway the morning of surgery, I remember looking at our house and wondering if I'd ever see it again.
The anticipation of replacement surgery is much, much worse than the surgery itself; at least in my case.
Let us know how you're doing, and we'll keep you in our thoughts and prayers until you're safely home and recovering.
A full year before my surgery my cardiologist tried to discuss my need for AVR and I started to faint in his office. This happened
repeatedly any time that docs tried to talk about my "issue". It was very embarrassing, but I left it too long and almost lost my chance
at having a renewed life.
That was 7 years ago and I am still here :)
You are booked and ready so don't look back, look forward.
Will you be going to the Ottawa Heart Institute? Excellent place.
Dear jkm7, forrest, raquetshopper, lionheart, dick0236, scott, duffey and bina. You cannot imagine what your posts have done for me. Bless you all, to hear from people who have gone through the surgery has given me a huge boost.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I'll update as soon as possible.
Dear jkm7, forrest, raquetshopper, lionheart, dick0236, scott, duffey and bina. You cannot imagine what your posts have done for me. Bless you all, to hear from people who have gone through the surgery has given me a huge boost.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I'll update as soon as possible.

That's what we're here for. :smile2:We'll be waiting for your update, and in the meantime, don't forget we've got you covered in thoughts and prayers.

I just happened to check the forum and saw your post. I was NOT feeling very positive about the whole thing until the surgery was suddenly moved up a day. For some reason, I felt like a person that got a chance to "catch an earlier flight". Hard to explain but once it came down to a few hours to go, I was suddenly very ready and trusting of the pros that do it on a daily basis.
The waiting is the worst!!!

I imagine you are almost done with your surgery, best of luck, thinking of you! We are in an exclusive club. On Monday, just prior to be checked out of the hospital, there were 3 others with similar operations being briefed by the nurse on what to do once you got home. I told them about this forum, hoping they would take advantage of the experiences and support offered by everyone.
I was nervous but ready to get this OHS behind me, trust was an issue I had trouble dealing with, knowing that someone else has my life in there hands.
Just took time to get over that one for me , the meeting with the surgeon finally helped me. The other issue I had was my life was going down hill fast, so I was also looking forward to getting fixed.
We got to the hosptial at 12:00. Watched a movie and had a question and answer session on OHS. Got to my pre-op room at 1:30. Had my bp checked and an ECG. A nurse did my blood work about 2:00. Got stripped down, had a shower with special soap had my chest shaved and back to shower again. They gave me an Ativan. Then we waited...........and waited. At 5:00pm the surgery coordinator came in the room and said "sorry sir, there was an emergency, your surgery is cancelled".
So, here I am at home trying to recover from that...........I'm a mess right now, I'll be back in touch when I get a new date.
Once again, bless you all for your words of encouragement.
We got to the hosptial at 12:00. Watched a movie and had a question and answer session on OHS. Got to my pre-op room at 1:30. Had my bp checked and an ECG. A nurse did my blood work about 2:00. Got stripped down, had a shower with special soap had my chest shaved and back to shower again. They gave me an Ativan. Then we waited...........and waited. At 5:00pm the surgery coordinator came in the room and said "sorry sir, there was an emergency, your surgery is cancelled".
So, here I am at home trying to recover from that...........I'm a mess right now, I'll be back in touch when I get a new date.
Once again, bless you all for your words of encouragement.

Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that they bumped you. But, you know what? Things happen for a reason, and hopefully they will call you soon :)
Wow, sorry to hear this, but someone probably was in a real life threatening situation would be my guess. None the less it would wear on the nerves, again the wait is a real hard issue to deal with.
Do the best you can and keep thinking positive, cannot express that enough.
Oh darn! I am so sorry to hear you were bumped. Just remember that everything happens for a reason, so take advantage of a little more time with your family and just set your eyes on the future and how much better you will feel. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. :)