My timeline up until today (2-weeks Post-Op)

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I selected a mechanical valve, which was decided by the surgeon would be a St. Jude Regent valve. I required only the valve replacement and not any aortic graft work. This allowed my surgeon to perform a minimally invasive procedure where and incision was made on my right side and one rib was detached from my sternum for clearance, then reattached once the surgery was complete, using a titanium plate.

Surgery day. I arrived at the hospital before 6AM with a scheduled start time of around 8:30AM. I had the usual prep work done including the body shaving. During this time I was given a "happy shot" in the butt. That is pretty much all I remember. My wife said I was "feeling pretty happy" at that point and was rolled back with a big smile on my face.

Surgery started at 8:40AM. The surgeon stated that it should take about four hours. Updates were given to my family every hour to hour and a half. With the noon update it was stated that they were still working on me a bit longer. At 3PM they called to say that I was being closed up and that I was off bypass.

About 15 minutes later the surgeon came out and said that there was a leak from my incision which he needed to take care of. At 5:30PM the surgeon came out to say that he had resolved the bleeding / leak issue. Apparently I had more muscle than he had originally thought, and that made the procedure take longer than expected. My wife was assured that there was nothing to worry about.

10PM - breathing tube removed. I do not remember this, fortunately. My mind is a blur during this period, which was fine with me.

9:30AM next morning - moved from CVRU to intermediate care.

10:45 AM - Up and walking around. I think I walked two or three "laps" around the floor with the assistance of a stand-up cart which supports your outstretched arms.
In the following days my walking increased greatly and I no longer needed the cart on the second day.

10AM - EKG "showed a change".
11:45 - ECHO was performed and pericarditis was diagnosed.

10AM - Two chest tubes out, catheter out, central line out. At some point I lost my voice.

5PM - Coumadin started

9/11 - Nothing notable that I can remember
INR was 1.3. I still had pericarditis. Voice is coming back, though.
Pacing wires removed. I could barely feel this.

INR 1.75
Started eating much better and tapering back on pain meds. Up until today I have really only wanted to eat fruit and yogurt.
Last drain removed

INR 2.01
Discharged from the hospital

At home I feel great and although there is still some pain, I am only taking a single pain pill at night to help me sleep. Since I had the minimally invasive procedure and not the full sternotomy, I am easily able to get out of bed and move around. I can still do the "sit up" movement which is helping my mobility greatly. I feel very fortunate to have had the minimally invasive procedure. I am most comfortable sleeping on my back. I was able to sleep in my bed from the first day. I have not had to wear compression socks at all.

I have been on a mission to walk more and move every day, and since I feel great, it is hard not to keep pushing harder... Last weekend I started too get a low-grade fever (99.5 dg or so) one night, so they put me on an antibiotic. This of course affected my INR level (decreased it to about 1.9), so I was advised to increase Coumadin dose to 5MG, and I will be rechecked tomorrow to see where I stand.

I think that today and one other day, one day I did over-do it a little bit. This just resulted in my over-exhaustion. Also the nurse said I looked a bit pale which is quite common, so they did blood work and have had me increase my aspirin dose to aid with my platelet count being a bit too high. Also I was told to eat red meat, which I have been having fun doing for a few days now.

I can't really say my brain is 100% normal, but I am getting there! I have had some weird dreams, night sweats, and a few other normal effects. The very odd thing to me is that since I have been home and even in the hospital, I have been so happy. I cannot even explain it. I have been kissing my wife a lot and generally I am just very happy to be alive. Even when waking up with night sweats or having weird dreams, I am laughing to myself and my wife. I have been very chatty at night which I am pretty sure is getting on her nerves. :) But she's so awesome and is taking it in stride, also quite happy that the hard part is behind us.
"Heart - Strange Euphoria". How appropriate.

Thanks SO MUCH to all the members of this forum for the great insight and peace I have gained which allowed me to prepare myself for this! I feel like it's all minor details from here! I already feel a lot better and I am ready for my minimal scar to heal the rest of the way, and to get on with life!
Happy to hear that all ended up well.

After I was closed up also, my heart stopped! It took 45 minutes to revive it and put me in rhythm! Luckily, I didn't need a pacemaker, and I was happy to come out of surgery with a fixed Heart!

Keeps enjoying your new you. 😊
love the happy stories ... especially the kissing your wife :)

all sounds normal to me (or at least exactly what I went through) especially the brain fade (which for me was for the first few months post op)