My Sweet Uncle Rick

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Well-known member
Nov 15, 2009
Willets-Ochre Hill NC, USA

I'm sorry if I am putting this in the wrong place. Could someone fix it for me, if I have.
My family wanted someone to write to the good people here and thank everyone for all the help and spirit lifting you gave my Uncle Rick over the past two or three months. He was Old Geezer in NC, here on your site.
I was lucky to find that he used the same password everywhere. I finally felt well enough to write this. Last Tuesday. March 2nd he told everyone he was very tired and went to sleep around 8:30. He didn't wake up. The Doctors said he just passed quietly during the night. is heart and body just went through too much over the last two months. But never complained and was always ready to say something funny to make others feel comfortable and good so we wouldn't worry so much about him. Thank you for all the support. We took him home to the farm in Va. Last week. You folks do great work.
Sorry this is all I can write. Peace and Love, Chrissy Natural Bridge, Va.
Wow, sorry to hear this and you have my families condolences.

I'd like to give him his honorable place in our in loving memory forum. When you can, could you please send me a link to his obituary, full name and date of birth?

He made the day around here so many times. Very enjoyable person that will be deeply missed.
I am shocked....this is a terrible loss.
Before the VR site server change, Rick had shared pics of his shop and sent me a note talking about his good times in his shop and how he was eager to get back to fixing engines and things. My husband shares the same passion and I could sense Rick's joy in just sitting in his shop and dreaming of the future projects.
My condolences to Rick's wife and family during this difficult time.
To Chrissy and the familiy of Uncle Rick. My heart felt condolences go to "OldGeezers" family. He was a valued contributor here for the short time he was a member. The blessing is that when his time came, he passed in his sleep.
To OldGeezers family I send my sincere condolences. He made me laugh with his posts. I too saw all the pictures he posted of his shop and I know he was in heaven now just bench racing with all the racers and engine builders up there. He truly was a bright spot in my day.
Chrissy, Thank you for posting and tellin us of your "Sweet Uncle Rick"'s passing. I know you and the family are hurting now but remember what joy he brought into your lives, all the times he made you laugh. We're very thankful for his contributions on the forum and how he brought smiles to our faces! I'm just happy for the OldGeezer that his passing was easy. We sorrow with you!
To Chrissy and the familiy of Uncle Rick. My heart felt condolences go to "OldGeezers" family. He was a valued contributor here for the short time he was a member. The blessing is that when his time came, he passed in his sleep.
I cannot think of any better way to express condolences than to ditto/echo the above. He was a real inspiration to me and am sure, to all of us.
I'm shocked and saddened and very sorry to read this. He posted his comments here in such a cheerful way and mentioned how he wanted to help others by encouraging them also. And I loved the cape his wife, your aunt, made for him for the hospital stay. I kept thinking, "What a fun sense of humor he has." My heartfelt sympathies to you and all of his loved ones.
I read this last night, and just didn't know what to say. I still don't. I'm truly sorry to hear of his passing. He was a nice man, and he had a good sense of humor.

Be well,
my deepest sympathies to his family. May you all find peace in knowing that he went in his sleep. I don't really know to say except that it is very hard losing a loved one. My mother-in-law passed in her sleep a year and a half ago and she is still missed by all of us. Here is hoping that you will be able to remember all the good times that you shared with him to help you cope.