My Son.

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Well-known member
Jan 21, 2008
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio USA
Please pray for my son. He is in the hospital on a ventilator. He has an infection and is septic. I am crazy with fear. I have been staying up there with him and he is in bad shape. He is only 31.
I am so sorry to hear about your son. Im stopping right now to offer up a special prayer for him, and you.! ((((HUGS)))) x
I'm sorry to hear this and certainly will add him to the prayers today. Keep us posted when possible.
Prayers going uip right now for you and your son and I will continue to pray everyday. Please keep us informed on how he is doing.
Oh my gosh Deb! I'm so sorry to hear this~ I pray that the next time you post, you will have encouraging news about your son!

Stay strong ...... prayers going out to you!
omg, deb! i'm so sorry. how did this happen?
please know that you will be in our thoughts and prayers each and every day.
please let us know what happens and if there are any changes.
all the best,
Sending positive thoughts his way immediately!!!
Please keep us posted when you can. Fear and love; such intertwined emotions as parents. Wishing him a remarkably successful outcome.

Deb, I'm so sorry. I know you are worried doesn't matter how old they are, they are still your child. Please keep us posted when you have time.
