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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
I thought you might like an update since I?ve been talking about the little guy for a good five years here. :)

This year after seeing our cardio and having an MRI done, we decided to get a second opinion from a cardio in Ft. Collins. He seen a cardio and then a surgeon too. They were of the opinion that the valve WILL fail in time, so we may as well wait until the aneurysm is closer to 5 before operating ... then replace the valve at the same time.

I told my cardio all this at my annual appt. a couple days ago. He told me that is exactly what he would expect to hear from a doctor who wasn?t familiar with Marfan?s. He said that there is ?extra? tissue in the heart of a Marfan?s patient. He explained to me how you could remove this extra tissue and not damage the valve if you were a good enough (experienced in Marfan?s) doctor. He explained how with Ryan?s condition if you did the surgery now before the valve was impacted or the dissection bigger you would not have to lose the valve. And avoid the evil RAT POISON..... that?s worth a lot to me.

My cardio recommended sending Ry to either Dr. Cosgrove or Dr. Bruce Little at Cleveland clinic. I?m also looking at Dr. Joesph Coselli who is a ?professional advisor? to the Marfan?s Foundation. We decided we?d research them like crazy until Monday and make an appointment with one of them at that time. I?m hoping we can just send a few of the tests we?ve had done, and not have to send Ryan. He?ll be in finals week before long and also has a engineering internship that would get messed up if he left. That should work, shouldn?t it?? You think they need to have him there in person?? I didn?t think about just sending the tests until after I left my cardio, so I didn?t ask him about that. Is that something people do??
Thanks for the update Rain.

Take the hectic, busy life of a college student and factor in the calliber of doctor you will be using for another opinion, if it were me, I'd wait and see what that doctor has to say after seeing all Ryan's information and ask him/her to tell you whether they felt an in-person exam would help their opinion. If they didn't unequivocally say it wasn't necessary, then I'd consider getting him there for a face to face.

PS - tell Ryan that Shelby is still single and beautiful. ;) :D chuckle chuckle

PPS - meant to also mention how great it would be if they could keep the valve from needing replacement. I'm sure you are very encouraged by that.

Best wishes to you all.
Wow, Rain, thanks for updating us on this. I remember meeting him in Golden but didn't realize that he was anywhere near surgery. Sounds like you've done a great deal of research and he will be in great hands. Best of luck to him.
Thank you all for all you input, concern, and advice. And Karlynn I love the fact that you are still bent on setting me up with your daughter, and I agree she is HOT.
Ryan said:
Thank you all for all you input, concern, and advice. And Karlynn I love the fact that you are still bent on setting me up with your daughter, and I agree she is HOT.

Oh, you're so sweet. (a mom can dream) I wish you the best Ryan. I know'll you'll be able to weigh the facts and figure out the best possible road for treatment.

We know you'll take the bull by the horn and get it straightened out! Hoping only the best for you, Ryan and family. God Bless!
Always takes me by surprise when I see Ryan has posted here in lol

Always takes me by surprise when I see Ryan has posted here in lol

Thank you, everyone.

I?ve found that you can get a consultation from Cleveland over the internet. But I?m wanting the opinion of a specific doctor at Cleveland Clinic. I?ll call them Monday and see what they have to say.

Rachel, I?ve heard a lot about Dr. Coselli. I get a newsletter from the National Marfan?s Foundation... he?s mentioned there occasionally. ANd listed as a "Professional Advisor" to them. My one stickler is my insurance... I?m supposed to have to pay 30% of the cost if I go out of state to have work done. But my cardio says he can write a letter stating that Ryan needs specific care not offered in the state of CO and that should work. Then we only have to pay $1,000.00. Huge difference. By the time you pay off all the other lab work, doctors, etc that come in you probably end up paying more like 5... but still!! Not that I would ever put a dollar value on Ryan?s life. :eek: lol I love you, Ry!! :p But ya gotta use some common sense... cents. The Cleveland Clinic is well known, but my goodness, obviously Dr. Coselli is known for his skill with a Marfan's heart surgery. And we're a lot closer to TX. I'll let you know if I can't find him. Thanks!

Ryan has done a lot of research over the last five years, he understands his condition and all that it entails. He?s also informed about the doctors, the cost, etc. It?s his decision in the end and I feel completely comfortable with that. If we could just get the doctors to agree whether he needs the surgery or not.... we'd be okay. That's our worst problem right now.

Karlynn... This is a pretty good lookin guy too.... it?s funny how most of his ?study partners? seem to be female. lol

Thanks again, everyone. You guys are the best!!
Hi Rain!

Hi Rain!

Since you are looking into Cleveland Clinic you may want to get an opinion from Dr. Lars Svensson. He did my aortic surgery. He works mainly with aortic issues and Marfan's pts. I had talked with an assistant of his, from a few years ago, and he is supposed to be one of the best in the world. Please keep us all informed on how your son is doing.

Take Care!
Howdy Ryan...and Rain

Howdy Ryan...and Rain

Coselli did DickV's surgery in Houston. You might want to e-mail him and get his take on Coselli since Dick doesn't hang around here anymore.

And behave yourself, ya hear? :D
Rain said:
Karlynn... This is a pretty good lookin guy too.... it?s funny how most of his ?study partners? seem to be female. lol !

That's because "his mama didn't raise no fool!" as the old saying goes. :D

Sounds like you guys really have a handle on how you want to proceed. You have my best wishes and prayers as you do so.
Rain said:
I?ve found that you can get a consultation from Cleveland over the internet. But I?m wanting the opinion of a specific doctor at Cleveland Clinic. I?ll call them Monday and see what they have to say.QUOTE]


Which doc are you specifically looking for an oppinion from?

Tell Ry I still remember reading his senior year paper. I still have it in the bed room. talked about it just the other day.

God Bless,

How strong is Coselli's team?

I'm always partial to Cleveland but if this Coselli has a speciality in Marfan's specifically then he shouldn't be ruled out.

Cleveland Clinic may also be able to help you out with sorting out insurance coverage issues. Most bigger hospitals will probably do this I'm sure, but I KNOW CCF does it by personal experience.

Cleveland's got maybe half a dozen or more heart surgeons that work on peds and adult cases, they all work together on stuff and while you may have one surgeon, that one guy's gonna have a few other guys to sound off with and that just adds to the brain power and experience of the person treating you.
If you tell them in your appointment request what your issues are they will point you to the doctor most suited for your case. They hooked me up with Dr Lytle (Bruce Lytle) because he has the most experience/expertise in dealing with radiation induced heart valve disease and the complications it can present in surgery (mostly scar tissue). I emailed them the appointment request on a Sunday and heard back the next day. Sent them all my records and recent TEE tape, and got an opinion back from them in three weeks. The cardiololist I'm seeing there is also very familiar with radiation induced heart disease.
Dr Lytle is great, I'm very glad he's going to do my AVR.

Thanks everyone!

Thanks everyone!

Gail & Ben,

Ryan had actually been looking at Dr. Svensson.... but our cardio recommended Dr. Bruce Lytle and he?s listed as one of their Marfan?s doctors. It?s nice to hear from people who have used them.

Carolyn, did you have any problem getting your insurance to pay for the second opinion from them? I read on their site that its $565.00. Yikes! I?m hoping its like the other second opinions we?ve got.... normally it costs us $30.00 to see a specialist. I?m also wondering how many ?second opinions? the insurance will pay for. I mean since Ryan just seen a cardio, then a surgeon in Fort Collins for second opinions. This will really be a third opinion... but the first one by a ?marfan?s doctor?.

Thanks everyone. You are all the best. Sorry I didn?t get reply sooner, I haven?t been at my computer the last few days. Had my annual appointment with my cardio and an echo this week. I have drive over two or three mountains to get to Durango to have those done... so it turns into an all day event. And I celebrated my 5th anniversary of OHS yesterday.... :)
Rain said:
Had my annual appointment with my cardio and an echo this week. I have drive over two or three mountains to get to Durango to have those done... so it turns into an all day event. And I celebrated my 5th anniversary of OHS yesterday.... :)


Happy Anniversary ;).

And...heh...we know you're not kidding about those 2-3 mountains you have to drive over...! It's a literal, and I suspect in some ways figurative, happening for ya....

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 31swm/pig valve/pacemaker
'72,6,9/'81,7.hobbies.chdQB =
MC Guide =
What's it like to buy your favorite car brand new? Wish I knew...
Rain, I have been reading your posts with interest. I wish Ry the very best and all of us know that you are on top of it all.

It would be nice if the valve could be saved. He's so young to have to face all of this.

Prayers are with all of you.

Congratulations on your good annual report.