My son, the saga continues

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Granbonny said:
10 months for Chris being in pain...:eek: Plus..not being able to walk, ect.....that is a long time for a young man to be home-bounded.:( Plus, knowing you/Lyn have him to take care of..You are one special Dad..:) Does he still have to use crutches?Or a get around in the house? My Grandson has 1 more week of being on crutches from breaking his femoral bone..2 weeks ago...On his 15th Birthday:eek: then 6 weeks on walking on his toes...He is off pain meds..just bored..:D ....Nothing like Chris has gone thru...He is with his Mom in N.C. and I send him care-packages every week...DVD's ect.....Can we do anything to help out with Chris?I am sure many members would be willing to send him a care-package?DVD's, candy, favorite snacks, ect..Cards, tee-shirts ( I found a great deal..bought Kameron 5 tee-shirts for $10.00..Extra size to lay around in...)..Bonnie
No Bon, he's alright. His friends pick him up and take him places to keep him occupied. When he's home, he's on this computer or watching tv, but believe me, he's usually not here for very long. We just got his Medicaid approved the beginning of June and just got a call yesterday saying that his Disability and SSI has been approved. Perhaps when he gets some type of real money, he'll feel even better. Right now, it's terrible all the way around.
Aye, Ross ... very sorry.

Thoughts/prayers coming to you, Chris, and your family....

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker =
"We can take anything that comes our way" ... BJ Thomas ... 'As Long As We Got Each Other'
Ross said:
Isn't it the truth!
It always seems that way for the Young Family-the last several years it has been one crisis after another.:( You and your family have very strong character!
We're still keeping Chris in our thoughts and prayers. Glad to see the update and hope things improve soon.

It is good that disability and SSI are approved. One less battle for you.
bvdr said:
Ross, I'm so sorry that the news of Chris isn't better. I hope things turn around but if they don't then it may be better to face the "A" word and be able to walk and function again rather than having to drag around a useless appendage. I have had many friends with artificial limbs and know that life still goes on and can be good. The reason he is where he is now is what still angers me. That man should have still been in jail so he couldn't cause an accident let alone the kind of accident that has reaped so much hardship on your family.

Ross, I hope they can save his leg in such a way, it helps him and not that it is just s source of pain ect. I know this doesn't help much, but my Grandfather lost his leg below his knee when he was in his 20s when a coal car ran over his leg.(shortly after he got home from WWI without a scratch,go figure)He had a really good life, met my grandmom has his family and worked until he retired.He passed away when I was 10and the funny thing is,when I think back and rember him,most of my memoriesare of thelong walks he used to take w/me and my brothers and grandmom.and his leg was a pretty big heavy one, with a blackdress shoe.
One thing with all the horrible injuries from the war, I've heard they have been making alot of really big improvements on artifical limbs. Hopefully someway they will be able to help Chris soon so he can start getting back to living his life, like a kid his age should.Thank God,his disability was approved,I know from experience,it isn't alot of money, but it helps w/food and just even coverring gas and parking for all his doctor visits, has to be a little relief.
Ross, so sorry to hear that he is having so much troulbe. Don't you wonder sometimes just how much a person can take. I sure do. But I did want you to know that you and Chris will be in my prayers. Tell him to hang strong!
Sorry to hear about this Ross. Chris sure sounds like he needs a break...we'll be praying that good news follows soon.
Glenda said:
Ross, so sorry to hear that he is having so much troulbe. Don't you wonder sometimes just how much a person can take. I sure do. But I did want you to know that you and Chris will be in my prayers. Tell him to hang strong!
Glenda it's been a nonstop affair for us as a family since 1991. I can't count how many times I've said I can't take it anymore. Somehow, I and we always do though.

Really, enough is enough and we've had far more then our share.

For those reading and saying, "Gee, he's feeling sorry for himself" remember this, when it happens to you nonstop for 15 years straight, how do you think you'd feel?
Ross said:
Glenda it's been a nonstop affair for us as a family since 1991. I can't count how many times I've said I can't take it anymore. Somehow, I and we always do though.

Really, enough is enough and we've had far more then our share.

For those reading and saying, "Gee, he's feeling sorry for himself" remember this, when it happens to you nonstop for 15 years straight, how do you think you'd feel?

Ross... I would feel "PISSED OFF" too... at someone...!

You and the family have sure had everything, including the kitchen sink, thrown at you over these years. I hope that black cloud lifts for you and the family.

In the meantime, I'll also be praying that you soon have clearer days ahead.


Thanks Rob

Truth is, it doesn't do any good to be pissed off. We take each punch as it comes and do our best to roll with it and deal with it. It is very frustrating at times.
Ross said:
...Truth is, it doesn't do any good to be pissed off. We take each punch as it comes and do our best to roll with it and deal with it. It is very frustrating at times.
I'm really sorry to hear how bad Chris's foot is still. There is such a grief with an amputation though. I sure hope his foot will recover enough for use.

Keep that good attitude, Ross. Chris will continue to take his lead from you in keeping his chin up.

Now his disability money, when it comes through, will go back to the date of the accident, won't it? Will he let you help him to manage/ration the monies when it finally comes in?
His payments should go back retroactively to the date of the accident, but until I see it verbally on paper, I don't know. The State of Ohio is going to get a sizable chunk out of it because they've been paying him disability benefits from December until now, though he just got that approved last month. What he gets is going to have to sustain him. Mom and I are dying financially trying right now. It won't be much that he gets because of his short work record, but it should do for someone living at home.
I hope this resolves itself in a much better way than you can foresee at this time, Ross.
Ross, I should think...although I know this is not the case..

Ross, I should think...although I know this is not the case..

That since this was an act not of your son's doing, but that of a selfish, uncaring, self centered bozo who just don't give a darn about anyone or anything, that the state would see this and put the burden of repayment to the state on Mr. Riley's tab.....I am absolutely shocked and angered by the never ending problems that this has, is and continues to cause for you and yours....I just wanted to let you know again, that I am right there along with everyone else routing for you and yours...I hope things get better for you all really soon...Harrybaby:eek: :eek:
Oh I wish Mr. Riley had to pay for a lot of things, but it's not going to happen. His criminal life has left him with no job, no money, doesn't own anything, etc,. The guy knows how to work the system and he's doing just that. They did move him to Mansfield Correctional Facility, so he's amongst some of the worst. I question how much worse he'll be coming out in 7 years and 2 months.
Ross, I don't think there would be one person on this site that would be thinking "you are just feeling sorry for yourself". What you and your family have gone through is a testament to your strength, courage, and character and is something we can all learn from, my prayer go out to all of you ....Mary