My scar at six and a half months

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Johan Supporter
Supporting Member
Jun 4, 2009
Cape Town, South Africa
Borrowed this weird jacket off my daughter. It helps to have a lot of chesthairs!! My wife owns a beauty salon and I used some of the scar repair creams they use after face lifts. Seems to have worked because even without the hair the scar is hardly visible. I have the name if any of you are interested. The scar on my leg for the CABG vein has disappeared completely.
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Thanks Woodbutcher, I am rather pleased with the result myself. My wife insisted that I use the cream twice a day from the time I arrived home from the hospital. She compared the surturing (or rather stapling) of my wound with what is done in their field of cosmetics and was not amused. If you go to my profile and pictures, you will notice how unevenly the wound was pulled together.

However her magic potion seemed to have worked!
Hello, Johan, your scar seems to have almost no color left. My own at 4 months is still a rosy pink but the edges are becoming more diffuse and the color less intense.

I have considered a number of times how my own attitude towards it has changed over time. It now seems a little strange that before surgery i really disliked the idea of living with a substantial mark across my chest. Before surgery I still waited for someone to say "Oh, yes, we've double checked and we were need for surgery now." When I first saw the the incision after leaving the ICU it seemed a little surreal but it left no doubt that this thing had happened...the surface reminder of this new thing in my heart. In the months since then, I've come to look at it as a sort mark of passage. Now, as it begins to fade, there is a certain poetry in the fact that it diminishes as my body recovers its strength and stamina. I wonder now if there will ever come a time when I don't think about it every day.

Funny you should say that Larry, this morning when my daughter took the picture and I looked at it, I had a twinge of regret that the scar may disappear totally. I also consider it a badge of honour and visible proof of the artificial object keeping me alive.

I also wonder if the day will come when I am not continually reminded of the valve and its functioning. I have this picture in my mind, based on the photo in the Edwards brochure, of the valve in my heart.
Larry, Jim & Bina

Thanks for the comments on my TOOTS scar. My wife is very chuffed with her cream and keep on telling me "I told you so" because I was so sceptical in the beginning.I started sailing again and picked up a bit of a tan which also helps in camouflaging it.
Gee...can't even connect the dots.

Come on now, spill the beans, what's the name of the cream? Is it from Avon? It wouldn't surprise me if it was.