My Ross Procedure Photojournal Now Online

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Well-known member
Nov 14, 2005
Miami, FL. I'm not really sure what country this
Greetings, all. Sorry I've been absent for a while. I spent most of the weekend with my Boy Scout troop (a good endurance test for 6 weeks post op!) AND... I finally got the photos of my surgery posted. The gallery's linked in my sig below, or you can just click here:

Noni says I put up WAY too many images, but I wanted to provide as much detail as possible for those who are in the waiting room.

Be sure to click the link on the last page of the gallery to see a video of my recollection of a psychadelic anesthesia dream. It takes a few minutes for the movie to load, but worth the wait for a good chuckle, I think.


As someone who hasn't had my surgery yet I found the photos incredibly interesting. And what an amazing procedure!! Thank you so much for sharing them with us - I have the feeling they will be of benefit to many people as they help to demystify the process - also really makes you in awe of the talent of your surgeon -

Thanks again - Jeanne :)
Well done.

Well done.

Hi Stretch,
That is one incredible collection of photos. I have learnt heaps about OHS just reading your comments and seeing these photos. Well done.
Your gallery deserves a link on the home page of
Thanks for sharing this with us.
I think the photojournal needs to be housed in the Reference Forum-- incredible pictures!
All I can say is Wow! That was incredible. It really helped me put together the missing pieces of my own experience, and in some respects bring closure. Thank you very much for sharing them.

I?m sure glad I slept thru mine!!!!:eek: :p

Stretch, as usual your professionalism shines. What a great saga in pictures and words. It was well worth the wait. To see what we have (or will for those in the waiting room) been thru and survive gives testament to the wonders of our medical society and the Surgeons that do this almost routinely.

You must pass on our thanks to Chad for the excellent photography. And a big thanks to you for sharing and putting a personal perspective (and ?FACE?--even if it was masked) on this event.

Way to go ?LONE VALVER?.

May God Bless,

Danny :)
Very cool! I must say I love the flower pot hat! Too bad you're not wearing it with the tawdry shirt :D

Oh, the link imbeded in your post doesn't work, I think it's missing the// but the link in your signature works.
Glad everyone is enjoying the photographs.

One of the first things I recall anyone telling me after surgery was that Chad said he came out of the OR with one less lens cap than he went in with. Damned photographers... always after a laugh at someone else's expense. ;)

Thanks for the heads up on the link, Lynn.
Amazing photography!

Amazing photography!

Stretch -

Very impressive photography and timeline. Just amazing really. You've done an incredible job putting all this together. Chad is an amazing photographer, it must have been quite a day for him, doing the photography but also knowing his friend is the one under the blue sheets.

Thank you very much for sharing this with all of us.

What an incredible ride on the roller coaster!

ruth said:
Chad is an amazing photographer, it must have been quite a day for him, doing the photography but also knowing his friend is the one under the blue sheets.

Ya... he said that at one point he looked down into my chest, at the various pieces of my heart, and wondered to himself just how the hell they were going to put all that back together!
Stretch, the photos are great, I knew they would be and I think your descriptions of everything was so good, it was interesting larning about the water in the valves, i wonderred how they knew they were good,to me, the photos show, a great photographer, a very talented surgeon, a silly guy, with amazing hat and friends and most of all the Love noni and you have for each other, thanks for sharing Lyn
Stretch. That was fantastic. You are a gem for putting it together for all of us. Thank you!

:) Marguerite
Very well done and informational to those of us still waiting. I wondered if I could make it through all of them and I did. I did get a lump in my throat once but it quickly went away. Thanks stretch, chad and noni for all that you have done for the rest of us here.

Oh by the way Stretch, I had hamburgers today for lunch and had to chuckle to myself. No animals around though. (That was very entertaining).
Amazing photo's Stretch

Thanks for posting them,it really helps someone like me who will need surgery sometime soon.

You say it only took 10 minutes to repair the aneurysm did he replace it with a Dacron graft?

Could someone get me a morphine drip, my chest hurts!:D

Great photojournal!
Great Pictures, wonderful job ! But....I CAN'T LOOK !!!!!! Its amazing what the surgeons can do, more so when you see it.