My post surgery log.

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Well-known member
Apr 3, 2013
Surgery day
Preop preparation went fairly well, although the chin to knee shaving surprised me. It was very thorough.
I woke up in ICU, breathing tube in place. They won't take it out until they're sure you can breathe on your own. Thankfully, I have absolutely no memory of this or the tube extraction. I do remember the wonderful ICU nurse, Gene, who stayed by my side until 11pm shift change.
I can remember hitting the PCA for the fentanyl routinely and learning the beeps - one long=here it comes, three short=too soon, so sorry. I'm also taking the oxycodone. My pain is a bearable 4-5 on a 10 scale.
I have a urinary catheter, two chest tubes, a central line in my jugular vein, a wrist IV, pacing lines for an external pacemaker, and a urinary catheter.
I slept maybe a total of 90 minutes, all of it catnaps.

Post surgery day 1
Nearly panic mode when I'm told that you're getting up for breakfast now. Yeah right, but I did it and got down maybe 3 spoonfuls of oatmeal and a partial glass of juice.
We find out later in the day that they're full in cardiac step down, so we don't know when I'll move.
I don't remember lunch, but I ate a bit.
I took a maybe 30 foot walk, of course with walker. Hanging off the walker are the pee bag, and the collection boxes for the two chest tubes.
I move to step down around supper time. Big problem, I tell the nurse to call my wife. She said she did, but apparently did not. My cell phone won't work in the room, but I can manage to get it connected enough to get her a text with my new room number.
Supper was some chicken and I did ok with it. Stool softener started tonight along with questions about "have you passed any gas yet".
I'm in and out of a-fib all day I guess. I'm on oral metaprolol and amiodarone, plus some IV amiodarone. They've been checking blood sugar routinely all day. Apparently, consistent blood sugar helps the healing process.
Maybe slept 3-4 hours, they did let me have sleeping aid this night and each subsequent night.

Post surgery day 2*
Eating better today. Walking maybe 50 feet, still dragging all the hardware around. Different laxatives started today. I couldn't believe soft tacos for supper. I guess they really do want the GI tract moving! Problem with a crabby orderly that came in and was cross that I had called because my EKG alarms were going off and not being cleared. I guess they're watching them out in the hall. Gee - no one told us.
Amiodarone upped today.
The first chest tube is pulled today. This wasn't too bad.
The central line is pulled.
The urinary catheter is pulled.
Wonderful night nurse Tara was a dear.*
5 or 6 walks today. Making single laps now. I see myself in the mirror. I need a shave, but how is it possible my hair looks that good?
I'm down to one oxycodone around midnight each night for the rest of the stay.
All I need during the day are two extra strength Tylenol. I find this to be quite surprising.

Post surgery day 3
Metaprolol is upped this morning. I see a lot of rates below 60, so I'm thinking we've gone too far. Eating like a horse today. Can't eat it fast enough. They start talking about releasing me tomorrow, so which my reply is "you're nuts".
Absolutely wonderful day nurse, Crystal. Wow, she explains everything before she does it. She patiently answers all of our questions. This is great.
First bowel movement, which must be a big deal.
Second and last chest tube is pulled in the afternoon along with the pacing wires. The pacing wire pulling bothered me a bit, but I'm glad they're gone.
With no chest tubes, the IV for the fentanyl is removed. I'm mobile! No tubes or wires. Walking and breathing much better now.
6 walks today.
Echocardiogram to check the valve in the late afternoon.
God-awful coughing spells after 9 pm. Thank god, it's my seasonal allergies and not some other problem. Some Afrin really helped.

Post surgery day 4
Rate was much more stable over night.
X-ray early to check lungs. I'm told today that the echo showed the valve is good with no problems or leaks. X-ray was fine. They tell me I could leave today, but my INR isn't in range yet (1.9) and we just changed the metaprolol dosing yesterday.
Shower this morning. Hooray!

Post surgery day 5
Oral amiodarone is stopped this morning.
INR is 2.5 today.
Another shower and put on my street clothes.
My dear wife packs all the crap at the hotel, loads the car by herself, picks up my prescriptions and me.
I'm free!
When released from the hospital, my surgeon sent me home with scripts for a boatload of meds, to be taken for a month. Nastiest was Amiodorone, two tabs twice a day for two weeks, and then one tab a day for 10 days (I had no A-fib, so I guess this was just precautionary). Added to the Metoprolol and Lisinopril he ordered, plus my regular Norvasc, I felt awful for my first 3 weeks at home. When the hosp meds were used up and I was just on my regular Norvasc I started to feel a lot better.
I need a shave, but how is it possible my hair looks that good

My hair looked fabulous in the hospital, too. I have no idea why!

Glad you're home and that things went rather smoothly in the hospital. Get lots of rest, and continue to walk. You'll feel better every day, even if just a little.