My Pillow for the shoulder strap in the car

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Premium Level User
Supporting Member
Nov 9, 2008
My surgery was performed at Oklahoma Heart Institu
In answer to a query about pillows, Here is a photo of the pillow my friend, Susan, made for me. Actually, she cut down a larger square pillow that got in the way as I was driving. The square pillow got in the way of my arms and was moved by the steering wheel. Also, the square pillow laid across my chest and often I didn't want it touching the center of my chest. Once it was cut down into this 10" x 4 1/2" pillow I found it a lot more convenient to use. It can be in the center of the chest but it has worked even better for me offset to one side.


My chest developed costochondritis a few months after surgery. This is an inflammation of the intercostal cartilage where the ribs meet the edge of the sternum. It has faded in the past two years but every once in awhile it flares up again so I am still using my blue pillow.

Perhaps some of you might want to share your own pillow?

I have something similar that I'll keep in the incision is healing very fast but as you know there area can be sore and sensitive...I felt discomfort for a very long time after my first surgery...I just started using Lanacane max strength but rather I didn't need anything...pain killers don't do much for it and the dose that might work would impair my driving in the first place, so that's out!

For now I use a cashmere scarf folded over a few times...I'll be doing another drive this week but still taking it easy going out and particularly driving!

I'm entering week 4 of recovery...hopefully in two more weeks, I'll be cleared for light weights for chest presses and low volume push ups...I know I can do that now but I'm determined to not over do anything...I've lasted this long being careful and don't wanna make a mistake now!

thanks for posting the picture..I'll post up one I might just put in the car in case I need it!
Larry, that pillow looks just perfect !!
I think there is one of those lightly padded shoulder belt slip covers in my storage, but I would have to look for it.
These days I use a clothes peg to make sure that the belt has a bit of slack.
I know I'm still fresh having had my surgery on Nov.3 but I'm beginning to feel like a little toddler walking around with my heart shaped pillow.
Have not been released to drive yet, see surgeon on the 29th of this month.
Something tells me this break between myself and pillow is gonna be a tuff one.
Sure glad sucking the thumb was not part of recovery :tongue2:


PS, I also have my pillow between my chest and seat belt when my wife takes me out for a drive, it just feels right:thumbup:
Larry, that pillow looks just perfect !!
I think there is one of those lightly padded shoulder belt slip covers in my storage, but I would have to look for it.
These days I use a clothes peg to make sure that the belt has a bit of slack.

How do you do that? I've tried several methods to put slack in the belt but nothing has worked for me?

I assume clothes peg is what we call clothes pin? (what you use to hold laundry on a line for drying)

I'm trying to imagine how this would work. Thanks.
Bina, does your response mean that you are still using your pillow at times? I've sort of hoped that one day I could retire mine but I cannot do it yet. Thanks for your note.


No, Larry, I'm not using the pillow. My issue with the seatbelt is because I am thin and my wires poke out. When
the belt is snug I can definitely feel it and I wouldn't want to end up with a wire protruding through the skin. That
would totally gross me out and who needs another wound?
Otherwise, my scar is great; faded and smooth.
How do you do that? I've tried several methods to put slack in the belt but nothing has worked for me?

I assume clothes peg is what we call clothes pin? (what you use to hold laundry on a line for drying)

I'm trying to imagine how this would work. Thanks.

I've used the clothes peg/pin in a few different cars and even in my pick up truck.
Use a wooden spring-loaded version of peg/pin. It must have a good spring and wood will slip less.

Pull the seatbelt across your shoulder and click it in. Then pull some slack from the upper belt receptacle and clip
the clothes peg on the belt directly under the upper receptacle. It should stay there if you don't mess with it too
much and you only need a couple of inches of slack for comfort, and also for safety reasons.
Let me know if it works for you.
Thank you, Bina. I'm going to try that tomorrow. Nothing else I have tried has worked great for me and the belt is sometimes uncomfortable.