My Lucky Thirteenth Anniversary approaches!

Valve Replacement Forums

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Active member
Mar 27, 2013
Coconut Creek, Florida, USA
As my first contribution as a new member of this support/information /inspiration group. I am thrilled to await the 13th anniversary,
on 5/24/13, of my mitral valve replacement surgery! I have been "sporting" the ATS valve, with no complications, for all these years.

I am now 67 years old, and absolutely feel healthier, stronger, and more positive than ever in my life. My stamina and resilience are
at wonderful levels. I do my part by working out, yoga, swimming, dancing! I take my gift of renewal as very
precious and nurture my body, mind, and spirit in every way I can think of!

I wanted to note that I have been doing home testing with CoaguChek for about 18 months now: it feels so empowering to handle this
procedure independently, in the comfort of my own home, without those long waits in the doctor's office and so forth. Once a month,
I perform the test and then place a call to report the result to CoaguChek. They then call my doctor's office. Within the day, I hear back
on the doctor's instructions. Most of the time, it's a green light to keep the same dosage and do another test in a month. On only one or two occasions in this 18-month-period, have the numbers warranted a (minimal) tweak in the dosage.

Thank-you for giving me this "place" to share my happiness. I hope you will find and then maintain your new selves. I'm glad to be more ways than one!
Welcome and congrats and what a wonderful post and inspiration to us newbies. I am day 24 post-op and feel fabulous!!! I turn 57 years young tommorrow 4/12/13.:angel:
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Thanks for being my first connection here! I'm kinda learning the ropes with this site.

I'll send you some "summer" from here in South Florida, where summer lasts for about 7 months. Sometimes too much of what would appear to be a good thing!
I do remember those first weeks home from surgery, daily "digging in" to take walks with my husband. I surely did NOT want to, it was a big effort at
the time. After having been more than ready for the surgery, wanting to feel healthy and "normal", I was in limbo for some time. After about the 9th week post-surgery, I got the OK to introduce more vigorous activity, as the breastbone had fully healed. It took many months to more fully "come around." I came to
understand that my somewhat foggy thinking could be attributed to the anesthetics during the surgery. All is well now (of course, I do have the senior
moments now, instead)!
Congrats on 13 and thanks for your post. I have been home monitoring from the 2nd month after surgery thank God. I would have been a wreck dealing with a Coumadin clinic and the a-fib, vertigo, amiodrone, PCV's, and Heart rate in the 20's. But like you say I think the valve click will get better with time. It is so great to hear from you 10 plus year valvers, you bring a lot to this discussion for us new comers’. We are defiantly in the right state to rehab, going to be 75 up here in the Panhandle today, Take care and I look forward to your posts.