My first year valversary

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2008
Morehead City,N.C. USA
I am celebrating the first year with mixed emotions. I am so very thankful to be here but have not progressed like I thought I would . I had my echo Monday and the numbers just seem to be getting worse. I had high hopes with the new valve,things would improve. The damage to my heart is just too extensive. It always takes a few days to wrap my head around the news and get back to my happy place. It takes a lot of work to be strong but I know down deep inside myself I will find what I need to move ahead.
Thanks to all the folks here who encourage each and everyone that visits. I dont speak out much but it is so comforting to come here and read about people having the same daily struggles and prevailing over them.
I will have my pity party and move ahead!!
You should have come and had your pity party when you got the results, and you coud have celebrated today in big style - just getting over the surgery itself is a big enough thing to celebrate, even if it wasn't 100% successful!

Anyway, have a happy valversary, have many more, and I hope the other issues get sorted out.
I hope you have a nice valversary with some kind of good news in the very near future. Good luck & God Bless.
Wishing you a happy 1st valversary today & pray that you have a long & healthier life ahead of you. I know what it's like to live with news that the heart is not getting any better, just worse. But you've got to take the good with the bad & keep going.

So have your pity party, then take a deep breath & move on. And just take it one day at a time!

Stay well!
Hey Lou, don't be sad, be glad that you are still around.
I don't do anything that I had hoped to do post op, but I can walk, talk, eat, sleep, see and hear. So, I'll be thankful for what I have.
Cheer up, enjoy your first Valversary, and I bet that you still have some fun ahead of you. :)
It's a milestone day! The big ONE! Wishing you many many more happy valversaries.
Thank you all for the encouragement. One day at a time. I feel to good and have to many blessings to stay down for long. Its a waste of time anyway!

It took me a while to get my head around it also. Sometimes it still sneaks in and ruins my day, but I try to just keep moving forward. You will too.
Congratulations on your first!! I don't know if our lives will ever be the same after OHS but just take a day at a time is all we can do. I wish you the best for many, more years.
God Bless.
Thats the key,,one day at a time. I'm feeling much better today as I knew I would. I refuse to not enjoy everything and everyone around me. I just had the most uplifting trip to the store. You never know where your next dose of joy will come from. A total stranger waiting in line next to me,,hugging me,,wishing me well and telling me she will include me in her prayers tonight. She said that I was looking troubled! I bounced out the store and yelled hello to everyone in my path. I am overwhelmed with the joy of life and I want to remember this feeling. Thanks to all of you that are on this journey with me.
Happy first valversary, Lou! I wish things were going better for you. I admire your attitude so much--your last post put a smile on my face and in my heart.
Congratulations on your first cant hardly wait for my 2nd first
mitral along with the 18 1sts aortic passed me by but yes one day
at a time is a perfect medication for these
I hope you had a beautiful celebration on your 1st and many many
enjoyable ones coming your way:)
Thats the key,,one day at a time. I'm feeling much better today as I knew I would. I refuse to not enjoy everything and everyone around me. I just had the most uplifting trip to the store. You never know where your next dose of joy will come from. A total stranger waiting in line next to me,,hugging me,,wishing me well and telling me she will include me in her prayers tonight. She said that I was looking troubled! I bounced out the store and yelled hello to everyone in my path. I am overwhelmed with the joy of life and I want to remember this feeling. Thanks to all of you that are on this journey with me.

There you go! That's the spirit! :)

Sometimes God will put a perfect stranger in our path to help bring us back into realizing just how wonderful & precious life is & how we're to cherish it every day!!! :)
Thats the key,,one day at a time. I'm feeling much better today as I knew I would. I refuse to not enjoy everything and everyone around me. I just had the most uplifting trip to the store. You never know where your next dose of joy will come from. A total stranger waiting in line next to me,,hugging me,,wishing me well and telling me she will include me in her prayers tonight. She said that I was looking troubled! I bounced out the store and yelled hello to everyone in my path. I am overwhelmed with the joy of life and I want to remember this feeling. Thanks to all of you that are on this journey with me.

Sounds like this person was your special angel, remember her always for you may never see her again.

Through all your owes and ours too, life is good.

Carry on girl, your doing something right.