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Greg a Supporter
Supporting Member
May 21, 2010
Did you know that member Debbie / Debburn the pediatric nurse from just outside Atlanta lost her father as well as her mother within, I think she said, it was a 2.5 month seperation between the two....... gee on Dec 10th she was looking to get him a journal for chat I just asked her how dad was doing as his INRs were not managed since mom died her response ...He died of a broken heart ....damn knock me over with a feather !!!!!!!

Dec 1oth post 2010
For Christmas this year we decided to pick names. I got dad's name. I am sure that he does not really care a whole lot about Christmas this year. The one thing in this world that he wants he can not have, his wife of 52 years. He is talking about starting an exercise program of walking and using a stationary bicycle. I thought about getting him a journal to write down his work outs. Does any one know of one that I can find? Or does anyone have any other ideas. I thought about getting him a gift certificate to a local restaurant also.


Until today that was all i knew

God Bless you Debbie :angel: and may he keep you close he has reunited them in heaven :angel:
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My deepest condolences to you and your family, Debbie! Your daddy's heart was broken and it was more than he could take. He is once again reunited with his love, your beloved mom!

May they both rest in peace and may God grant you comfort and solace in knowing that they are together, forever.
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I'm sorry Debbie. I know this must be hard on you. But they are together, as I'm sure they wanted to be.
Debbie, I am so sorry to hear your Father passed. I know losing your Mom was very hard on him, so I imagine his joy at being reunited with her. But it must be so hard on you to lose both of your parents so quickly, I lost my Mom almost 2 years ago and still have some pretty tough times, But I still have my Dad, so I can't imagine what you must be going thru, I'm just so sorry.
Debbie. I am so sorry for the depth of your recent loss. Please try to find strength in the knowledge of your parents' love for each other.

Sincere condolences.

So sorry for your loss Debbie, I know all to well the pain of losing those we care for most. We still have the memories that last us and help us through the rough times.
Take Care, Jeff