My AVR surgery Sept 14th

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Active member
Sep 3, 2012
Hillsboro, Oregon
HI everyone.. i was diagnosed with mod/severe aortic valve stenosis this past January. The echo showed my valve at .93. The cardiologist strongly thinks i have a bicuspid valve from birth. A new murmur was what prompted the echo. I didnt feel like i had any symptoms at the time but i smoke so " some breathlessness is expected with high exertion. The cardiologist scheduled my next echo for a yeat later and i was told significant change wasnt expected within a year..

I was working 60 hours a week in an active job and it seemed like it was getting harder and i wanted to make sure i was healthy enough to go camping and be active with my kids this summer so i asked for another echo in July. Up until this point i didnt ever give this whole thing much thought because i was told id be fine for another year. The new echo showed my valve narrowed to .71 which is close to the critical point. The cardiologist said to watch out for dizzyness and get to an ER if i was dizzy then he went on a leave and i was switched to a physicins asst.

At my appt i asked how long i had before i needed surgery and asked if i had 2 weeks or 2 months. I was told either was appropiate and they set me up with a surgeon consult the same day. Neeedless to say i was very shocked by all this and had no idea i would need surgery so soon. im at the tail end of a long very emotionally negetive divorce and have very little support in my life..

I'm having the surgery at St. Vincent in Portland Oregon and have the areas best surgeon, Dr. Swanson so i'm happy about that
My symptoms have gotten much worse this past month. Lots of breathlessness and chest pain. I'm taking xanax for the anxiety that is accompanying it. I have no way of knowing how much worse its gotten these past 6 weeks so i'm concerned about that. The only other thing i was told was i have mild thickening of the left ventricle. Nothing was said about my aorta having an issue but it seems common for people to need an aorta graft, especially if they wait too long..

I have had PVCs for many years and they have become worse this past 2 months so i'm concerned about any rythem problems after surgery.. All my blood work is good and no other health problems except crohns disease thats inactive. The surgeon said hes somewhat concerned about a flare up due to the post op normal water swelling in the body..

I was asked to take high iron supplements which is standred but i'm just taking a small dose due to side effects. This whole thing is bad timing but i'm trying to be as positive as i can and put it in Gods hands. I'm 50 miles away from the hospital and my kids so it's going to be a big challange
Sorry, my connection keeps having hic ups!

Challage to get back and forth as a passenger at first and then to drive when i'm able.. I'm 44 and also they are doing an angiogram the day before to check the arteries in case any need bipassed. I will be staying the night in the hosptal after the angiogram and surgery the next day. Trying to get preparred the best i can and get some food made and froze ahead of time..
Hi Richard,

I am 4 weeks post op from having my aortic valve replaced. I am 60 and had a bovine valve installed. As the patient, you have all the stress and worry about all the "what ifs" but if you have a good surgeon in a good hospital, they will take good care of you. I stressed for several weeks prior to the surgery and when it was all said and done, it was rather routine for the professionals who do this every day. When I woke up, all I had to do was follow instructions from the nursing staff and in a couple of days, I was amazed at the progress I made. My surgeon allowed me to drive after three weeks and I will start work again next Monday (could have gone to work this week but elected to enjoy the sunny days). People from this forum are very supportive and have a lot of good experiences to share with you. Hang in there, it will all work out for the best!

Richard you will find lots of support here. Great group to be part of! This may be time to ask friends to help out - most people really want to serve one another but don't know what to do. If you need rides or food, let someone know. Giving and receiving service is a blessing to all involved. Trust the process.
You will get through this and with a little good fortune should be better for it.
We all know how tough the wait is, let the docs do what they do very well, they will look after you.

Best wishes.
HI everyone.. i was diagnosed with mod/severe aortic valve stenosis this past January. The echo showed my valve at .93. The cardiologist strongly thinks i have a bicuspid valve from birth. A new murmur was what prompted the echo. I didnt feel like i had any symptoms at the time but i smoke so " some breathlessness is expected with high exertion. The cardiologist scheduled my next echo for a yeat later and i was told significant change wasnt expected within a year..

I was working 60 hours a week in an active job and it seemed like it was getting harder and i wanted to make sure i was healthy enough to go camping and be active with my kids this summer so i asked for another echo in July. Up until this point i didnt ever give this whole thing much thought because i was told id be fine for another year. The new echo showed my valve narrowed to .71 which is close to the critical point. The cardiologist said to watch out for dizzyness and get to an ER if i was dizzy then he went on a leave and i was switched to a physicins asst.

At my appt i asked how long i had before i needed surgery and asked if i had 2 weeks or 2 months. I was told either was appropiate and they set me up with a surgeon consult the same day. Neeedless to say i was very shocked by all this and had no idea i would need surgery so soon. im at the tail end of a long very emotionally negetive divorce and have very little support in my life..

I'm having the surgery at St. Vincent in Portland Oregon and have the areas best surgeon, Dr. Swanson so i'm happy about that

You are now on the family calendar so we will have you top of mind
Richard -
Prayers are coming your way. I am sure you are currently in the Shock and Awe phase. I hope you will find some peace as you prepare for the upcoming surgery. You have alot to deal with at the same time - divorce and surgery. Just take care of yourself and don't be afraid to ask for help.

Best of luck. Let us know how you are doing when you are up to it. All will be well.

Thank you all very much for the encouraging support!!! I'm hoping i don't come down with a cold, 6 days out, got sneeezed on today...

Does everyone go on the iron supplements? My bloodwork is ok but i was still asked to take mega doses of iron. I was told 2 weeks prior to surgery when i made the appt but they prefer the patient take it for 30 days. I was told it's volluntary. I'm handling taking 200 percent of the RDA but nowhere near the mega dose they wanted me to take. They also said i'd be on it for a month post op...

I spent today working on cleaning my room, dusting, after reading how important the indoor air quality is for healing on this site. Any special soap recondmended for post op bathing? I usually use a natural bar soap but i'm thinking using a body wash would be more hygenic for the incision area. I'm kinds suprised the hospital doesn't give out a list of tips to prepare vs just a list upon discharge.. it's not like anyone is going to want to go shopping as soon as they get out! They sure don't mind keeping me in the dark.. yes i'm learning a lot from this site but running out of time and unfornunatly don't have much help right now..
I was advised to use an antibacterial soap so I bought some Dial. I also used a clean washcloth every day until the incision was pretty well healed and washed the incision area first. It seemed to work...6 months out today (yeah!!) and the incision has been fine the entire time.
I was not prescribed iron preop, only for 30 days postop.
Great thank you karla!! i had my mind set for some dial soap too. did you use the hand soap for body soap in the shower or was it antibactial body soap? my dr said the iron would be for 30 days post op as well so im glad i didnt start too late. i did read its good to build up the ted blood cells prior though and it helps prevent infection by supplying oxygen immediatly aftetwards. its supposed to take at least 2 to 4 weeks of iron before it starts to help... i found out a friend has a cold and i was sneezed on so at this point im really really hoping i dont get it do close to sirgery day!
hey Richard, these avr are getting so commoplace now its almost routine. The hospital staff has seen akmost avery complication and knows how to deal with it in short order. At first the pain is pretty bad so the oxycodone can be your friend. They wanted to give me 2- 5mg plls every 4 hours, but at first thye didnt seem to last 4 hours. after 1st day post op 1 told em I wanted 1 every 3 hours instead. It didnt make me so fuzzy when they were working good, and I rarely felt much pain-somerthing to think about. Getting out of bed isnt as bad as getting back in. Hug that pillow like you would your 10 year old son. It'll feel better every day. I'm down to 1/2 oxy every 3 hours and I take a full one at bedtime so I dont wake up hurting.

souds like you have a good surgeon so I'm sure everything will be just fine. Keep in mind as you recover you may feel like doing things you shouldnt. Listen to the professioinals that teach about how to move and protect your sternum.

Let us know your progress as soon as your home and feel up to it.
I used the hand soap. Something else I doc has his patients take vitamin c for several days preop and 30 days postop. They did a study and found vitamin c can help healing. Funny how quickly such things have faded from my memory..i think it was 1000 mg daily. Of course, anyone thinking of doing this should check that it's okay with their physician.
I used the hand soap. Something else I doc has his patients take vitamin c for several days preop and 30 days postop. They did a study and found vitamin c can help healing. Funny how quickly such things have faded from my memory..i think it was 1000 mg daily. Of course, anyone thinking of doing this should check that it's okay with their physician.

Thank you all for your prayers, advice and support!!! The latest is ive come down with a cold and im very worried about being well enough for surgery friday. I called the surgeons nurse and she just said to call them next week and let them know how im feeling. She didnt ask about my heart symptoms and at the stage im in i wonder how the cold can affect my heart. My last echo was done in mid july and my valve was at. 71 and had got there from. 94 in 6 months. Faster than they expected. My sergeon has vacation days off later in the month so getting postponed a few days doesnt look likely. Im feeling like crap with the stenosis anyways and feeling worse with the cold symptoms and of coarse how its going to play out with whether or not i ll be well enough for surgery. Too much anxiety.. my cardiology dept had said no more tests and just to get the surgery done about 3 weeks ago so that doesn't make me feel like they are wanting to follow me closely with anything new...
Sorry to hear about your cold.
Do all the usual things to shake it off..... lots of fluids, rest
They will not operate if you still have a cold on surgery day.
They do not allow anything that will make breathing post op even harder.
Chances are you should be fine by Friday.
Best wishes.