MRSA and a little concerned.

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Well-known member
Apr 8, 2009
My wife and I watch several of our grandchildren during the week. 2 of them have had MRSA in the past week. I had a red spot come up and got hard and sore in a couple of days. I went to my family MD today and he lanced and drained the spot and took a culture. Culture is not back yet but he believes it is MRSA. In addition to draining the spot he gave me a script for clindamcin and another to put in my nose 2 times a day. Also had me get a anti bio soap to shower with. I know the preferred drugs contain sufa. However, I am labeled as allergic to sulfa from a hospital stay when I was 5. Of course the concern is that it will spread and go to my heart valve or new hip or both. I am to go back Monday. Hope you will keep me in your thoughts and prayers,
Your in my thoughts, hopefully if it is positive for mrsa it was caught so early they will keep it from spreading anywhere. please keep us posted..
I had some kind of Staph infection a couple of years ago. It gave me hard, red, sore bumps like you describe. In my arm pit area on both left and right, and down my sides a little. My family Dr. put me on some kind of very strong antibiotic, I can't remember the name. Anyway, it killed it, I thought. A few months later it came back and I had the same antibiotic but for a much longer time. Well it killed the infection but it also killed a lot of good bugs. I had the worst time of my life for weeks while the good bugs were getting back on their feet. Best of luck ,keep us posted.
Clindamycin is a very common antibiotic that is used for MRSA. The culture will help decide if other antibiotics need to be used. There are other non sulfa drugs that are frequently used with MRSA also.

Wow, what a worry John; hoping all will go well for you and your family.
Thanks to all. I feel My FP is doing the right things. It went from a small (perhaps tick bite) a couple of days ago but from yesterday to today it more than doubled and was larger than a silver dollar. Any way I am staying in and away from the heat and yard work til this is fixed, I will go back to my doc Monday and I will ask him about probios when this is done. I feel it will be fine but one can not help but be concerned.

My husband bathed with Hibiclens for about 2-3 weeks pre-op. Did it on his own, not on advice of surgeon or cardio. I had read enough of MRSA since my MVR 4 year priors to his MV repair that I wanted him to avoid all known risks, if possible. (Some surgeons do provide something intranasally pre-op....)

Hope your situation cleans up ASAP without further problems.
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My dear Marfan friend, Patricia, had all of her Marfan-weakened systems fail at age 60. She had just had her last OHS which was a success, but then, on top of multiple system failure, she got MRSA. The infection made its way through one of her sternum "holes" and attacked her heart. The end... All of us who loved her were devistated, but were glad she was no longer in pain.

You are recovered from your OHS. Hooray! You are diagnosed and getting appropriate treatment. Hooray! All positive thoughts to you in your recovery!
I am following doc orders and this should clear up in a few days. Just knowing what it could do to my new heart valve or new hip is a little scary, Thanks to all for your comments.
I had some kind of Staph infection a couple of years ago. It gave me hard, red, sore bumps like you describe. In my arm pit area on both left and right, and down my sides a little. My family Dr. put me on some kind of very strong antibiotic, I can't remember the name. Anyway, it killed it, I thought. A few months later it came back and I had the same antibiotic but for a much longer time. Well it killed the infection but it also killed a lot of good bugs. I had the worst time of my life for weeks while the good bugs were getting back on their feet. Best of luck ,keep us posted.

I take Acidophilus tablets whenever I am on antibiotics to help replace the 'good bacteria'.
You may want to discuss taking PRO-Biotics along with Anti-Biotics with your Doctor.
I am following doc orders and this should clear up in a few days. Just knowing what it could do to my new heart valve or new hip is a little scary, Thanks to all for your comments.

AS long as it is taken care of early, it shouldn't get to your blood stream, which is how it would get to your heart.
IF it helps 10 days after Justin's last surgery he had a MASSIVE infection in his sternum and under it -around his heart, they had to clean and remove all the bad tissue. even with the infection surrounding his heart, his heart did not get infected and his brand new conduit that is in front of his heart and right under his sternum was fine and didn't beed replaced.

Also even IF an infection makes it to your Blood stream, if that is caught early enough it doesn't have to damage your heart or valves. Justin also had BE when he was 11, (yes he tends not to be the luckiest person) he had it a while before it was DXD and luckily his heart and all the replaced part (conduit, VSD patches ,Asd patches) were not infected and he didn't need surgery then.
both his infections were different staph bacteria
Its scarey because it might be MRSA, but since your caught it early and are taking care of the infections, hopefully it will just stay in that one spot.
I am following doc orders and this should clear up in a few days. Just knowing what it could do to my new heart valve or new hip is a little scary, Thanks to all for your comments.

Please be extra super vigilant about taking ALL your anti-biotics. My husband got MRSA from a foot surgery more that 10 years ago. He fought and fought and finally had to have all the toes on his left foot amputated in order to get that darn staph infection out permanently. If at any time after you have completed your antibiotic regime, you notice anything out of the ordinary (bumps, red rash, etc.) get to your doctor and remind him that you have had MRSA before. For my husband, they kept saying it was clear but just kept coming back, particularly if his immune system got overloaded and stressed. I don't want to frighten you, but that darn MRSA is not a very nice thing.
The bad part is I got it on my butt. It seems to be getting better but sitting has been a pain. I go back Monday to be checked. I am doing everything the doc said and taking the meds religiously. Hopefully this will be knock out quickly. Thanks for your thoughts.
I returned to the dr. Looks like the meds are working and a few more days and I sholud be in the clear.