Mom's back in the hospital - serious issue

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Well-known member
Jun 11, 2001

As many of you know, my mom had open heart surgery back in May and had work done to 2 of her valves. She was recovering well, until yesterday.

She was going to get up from her chair and move to another room in her home. Well, all of a sudden, she could not move anything on her left side.

My brother and dad helped her up and took her to the hospital where it was found out that she has severe bleeding in the right side of her brain. They believe her Coumadin level was too high! Not sure if she had a brain aneurysm, or just hemorrhaged.

She was rushed to Boston Medical, and is there now. It does not look too good, she requires immediate surgery, but they said that they have to get her Coumadin level down first. So, the family waits.

I just arrived at the airport in Frankfurt, Germany this morning, when I received this news. Not much I can do from here at this time, By the time they take her to surgery, I would still be in the air flying home, So, I am waiting here to hear back from my brother as to if she makes it through he surgery OK, and will make my plans from that point.

Please say a prayer for her if you think of it. She surely needs all the prayers she can get as she fights for her life.

Your mom and family are in my prayers!
I know it is difficult to not be able to be there with her and your family during this time. You hang in there and know that you also have prayer and support coming from the group here!
Joe developed a brain bleed stroke while hospitalized. They also waited for his INR to come down and kept evaluating him. Eventually the bleeding stabilized, and it wasn't necessary to operate. The blood did reabsorb after some time.

There wasn't a lot of damage, there was some, but he did recover 90% of his abilities.

Your mom will be in my prayers.
oh, Rob, what awful news for you and your family. I am so sorry. YOu all are already in my prayers and will be there as things move along. Mom is the mainstay of the family and she must always be ok.

Please keep us in the loop when you can.
Rob, just wanted you to know that you, your mom, and the rest of your family will be in my prayers. Please let us know how things are going. We care. LINDA
Your mother is in my prayers, and I hope knowing that we all care will help sustain you during this difficult time.
Rob She will be in my prayers. I had this happen and we waited it out with constant ct monitoring and it did begin to resolve.
I am so sorry to read this, really feel for your situation, and hope all goes well for your mom.
Sheesh Rob. If it isn't one thing, it's another.

See if you can find out what her INR was on admission. Of course I figure I know you well enough that you'll be scoping her Doctor out but good now.

I know when I was admitted for my GI bleed, the ER Doc kept saying my INR was high, so I asked. He said 3.4. I said, "What do you mean high? I'm in range."

My BIL had a severe brain bleed a while back and was not expected to live. He is now back to work and doing great. I will pray for the same to be the case for your mom.

I am sorry you have to go through this long distance - it must be very hard.
Rob, Your Mom is in my prayers. I remember when she had her surgery and how great your family was. I can only imagine how you must feel being so far away, I'll keep you in my prayers too. Lyn
Dear Rob,

I'm so sorry to hear this news. It is so tough to be so far away at times like this. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
I'm Praying

I'm Praying

Dear Rob, Hoping you got some good news by now. I'll keep you all in my prayers. Brian