Mo Is Finally Home...

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tobagotwo Supporter
Supporting Member
Feb 10, 2004
Central NJ
I was finally able to pick up Mo on Tuesday afternoon, in the pouring rain. She is still very shy, but is starting to pick up confidence.

We were concerned about Dora, the cat, and how they'd get along. But the Dora's attitude the very first night was, "Oh, I had one of these before. I know what to do with this."

This was how I found them on my bed at 4:30 am...

Best wishes,
Terrific news! I'm so glad she recovered and is able to be part of the family now. Dora is probably happy to have a buddy again too.
Very nice to read, Bob. Cute picture and description of the cat's reaction too, "Oh, I had one of these before..."

We got a new puppy in May, Blossom. She has brought new life into our poor old dog, Clover, who had still, until then, been mourning her last best canine friend.

Happy for the addition to your family :) .
It must have made you so happy to find them like that. I've never understood why our cats didn't want to cuddle up to a nice warm dog. Only one ever did.
I had been concerned that it would take weeks to reconcile them (or worse), even though we chose Mo very carefully, with the cat partly in mind. It was so great to see the cat actually take the lead. She disappears whenever anyone other than Pat or I is in the house, and would never consort with any visiting animals.

The real difficulty was slipping out of the bed and getting over to the other side in the dark to take the picture without rousing them. Of course, Miss Bright Eyes found me out, but I got the picture anyway.

Mo is learning not to be hand-shy. Apparently, the most of the handling she had was someone (probably male, as she's more comfortable with females) pushing her aside to do something in the pen or take her babies. Her response when you go to pet her is often to bow her front down. I'm being very slow-moving and soft-voiced with her, but it will take a while to give her her own little voice back and build up her self-confidence.

I wasn't really surprised that she had no idea how to deal with a leash, but I was shocked to realize that she has absolutely no concept of stairs. She hasn't shown any interest in or made any attempt to go up or down stairs.

Of course, in the puppy mill for three and a half years, she was only in a single-level pen. Then a kennel, an RV, and finally here. So why would she ever see stairs? But it had never occurred to me.

The vet in Beebe did a great job with her, healing the heartworms and getting her vaccinated for everything under the sun, and the Humane Society Officers (wonderful husband and wife team) there were very supportive and caring with her (and lots or other dogs as well). Working to rescue dogs from puppy mills is one of their passions. Two weeks ago, they closed out one that had Maltese and Shih Tzus. They save every dog that they can, bring them back to health, and help them find homes. It must be an emotionally exhausting job. And physically as well.

Unfortunately, Pat won't be home for another day or two, so she hasn't been able to meet Mo in person yet. She only has the pictures. That's going to be something to see.

Best wishes, glad she is finally HOME. She'll come around very quickly with all the love you'll give her. Don't worry about the cat......they do understand.

May you have many happy years with Miss MO.

Thats Awesome! Congrats!!! Those two look like they belong together, You've got me jealous, I'm going to go see the puppies on the 11th and pick out my new addition....I cant wait, I'm SO excited!!! I'm probably going to pick up the boy, I've already got a name picked out (I think it will work if I go either way) Guinness,
keep us updated on how it goes!!!
Hey Bob, my I suggest something for your hand shy new member?

Now if only I can explain this.........bare with me:
when your going to pet her, approach with with your palm "up" and scratch under her chin and make her chin go up. Then work your way slowly to behind the ears or where ever you want to pet her, but always go back under the chin and have the chin/head look up. This simple motion in time will make MO feel proud and more confident and less hand shy.

Going towards her with your palm down is usually a sign/motion that something 'bad' is about to happen - something that could be very familiar to her. Using the palm "up" Mo shouldn't be as tense/shy/cautious about you approaching her and or to be scratched.

Good Luck.
Already doing that, Freddie, but thanks. I think hands came at her every which way, but I agree that's the best approach.

Sadly, she shows no real response to praise yet. I'm staying soft-voiced and slow moving. Same, dependable movements and encouragements around her. She'll come around.

She stole one of the cat's toys today and put it in her bed. That means she understands and needs toys. Cool beans. I can do toys...

Best wishes,
Awwww, the new fur baby feels right at home, and kitty loves her already. SO SWEET.
Bob, they look like they belong together so would say you made the right choice. Looks like the cat agrees. Patience and love will win out and think once she gets around the first and second corners, she will start responding more quickly.

We have this "mutt" dog that wandered in off the desert a few years back and almost every night there is a cat or two cuddled up with him. Have a picture of him sleeping on his bed with a half-grown kitten sleeping on his head. We watched her just climb up on his head, curl up between his ears and then go to sleep. Of course, the minute the flash went off, so did she but did manage to get one picture.

Glad all is peaceful in your house!

She's adorable, so sweet looking. Maybe she thinks the cat's toy is one of her babies. I had a cat once who used to steal anything that was kitten size and would carry it around the house and would meow at it.

She had had a couple of litters before she got spayed, and was the best cat mother ever. She did love her babies.

Maybe Mo did as well.