Mild Heart Attack

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I don't take any of these drugs so I don't have any advice, but I'm sorry about your heart attack. This year has been a huge lifestyle change for me as well, and I know how frustrating it can be, even when you are happy to have your life, it's hard not to miss the same one you had before. I am sensitve to meds as well and am always looking things up online if anything feels the slightest bit unusual. I don't listen when the docs tell me no side effects. Anyhow, I hope you are feeling better soon!
oh, goodness, you can't do this. Well, I guess you can and did. change your lifestyle and get better. you'll be doing some things differently now, I guess.

I take atenolol (beta blocker) - dr put me on Toprol xl once to replace but it made me cough so he put me back on atenolol and his nurse told me they are the same drug. I was taking atenolol morning and night but stopped one of them and took the pill at night. Until one night one of those nightmares knocked me right out of bed and I hurt myself. Next day I took it mornings and have not had those awful scary dreams.

The other drugs I can't comment on. they are older drugs and mother took them and didn't seem to have a problem with them. I am getting a new dr next week and am going to ask HER to put me on them instead of these very edxpensive ones since I have passed into the donut hole! Last week my drugs were $272+.

I hope you continue to get better. Read up on dos and don'ts after a heart attack so you will know how to eat and exercise. I read labels. Cleveland Clinic has a newsletter that will give you lost of info.

Take it easy and rest a lot. Prayers and blessins.........
Lorraine, I am sorry you are going thru something else. I hope you can get some answers and they figure out why it happened. I also hope you get nice peaceful sleep. Lyn
From PerryA

From PerryA

PerryA is having trouble getting in and wanted me to post this for you Lorraine:

Dang, Lorraine!!! I find no joy in reading your post(s) about your latest episodes. So sorry this is happening to ya. I coulda, shoulda, woulda planned to come to the mini-reunion, but I'm in one last golf outing to end the season on Sunday (it will be chilly, but at least sunny!). Nevertheless, I think about you guys often and hope you have a good get together without me. I'll keep my eyes open for winter get together. Please take care. PerryA

p.s. Ross has been trying to help me get re-connected to For some reason I'm blocked out. I even re-registered and still can't get through.

So very sorry to hear all you have been through. I hope things get better for you. Hang in there. After my heart attack, I couldn't imagine what life would be like but here it is four years later and DH and I are living a full, active life. It does come as a huge shock though. Take good care.

hensylee said:
I hope you continue to get better. Read up on dos and don'ts after a heart attack so you will know how to eat and exercise. I read labels. Cleveland Clinic has a newsletter that will give you lost of info.


Do you have a link for the Cleveland Clinic newsletter? I'd like to see it. Thanks if you can help.
I wanted to respond last night but wasn't working! :(

Karlynn: Yeah it does stink but it sure woke me up! Hey it surprised me too. I only had valve issues before this year.

Evelyn: Thanks for the words of encouragement. It will all work out for the better. Right now it’s just the shock factor!

Kathleen: I actually did treat myself today. Well, before I join all the losers next week in Cookers weigh down. I had a coupon for my birthday good for the month of Oct at my favorite breakfast reataurant. I shared a breakfast with my sister and then shared a chocolate eclair! I don't have high cholestrol but I was told on release from the hospital that I should be on a low sodium restricted diet. I decided we'll start that Monday. Actually I don't usually eat a lot of salt, anyway.
The vivid dreams you all say your having is not sitting well with me. I didn't have any vivid or bad dreams last night though, and I always dream.
I believe adding the drugs, was because of the results of all the blood work they did, not to try and grow a larger artery! :D

Dave: Thanks for the thoughts and prayers. Maybe taking a lower dose of Lopressor keeps the dreams away? Like I said, lets see how I’m doing after a week of being on it? Did anyone have their vivid bad dreams starting when you first started taking it? Just curious.

Marsha: Thanks! I will keep writing about what’s going on.

Nancy: Thanks for the input about Imdur. I haven’t noticed any flushing, so that’s a good thing! I did notice when I took all these pills this morning after I ate, I was dizzy and light headed though. Good thing my sister drove. :D

Ross: Hey if I could take it back I would! Do you really think I wanted to be poked and prodded in ER and ICU! I make a lousey patient, because I don’t have patience. I will try not to do it again. :D

Bina; I have a BP machine at home and especially now, I will be checking it on a daily basis/. No one told me to buy it, but when I started having BP problems the beginning of the year, I knew it was time to get one. Not sure how sensitive I am to these particular drugs, but I will find out, now won’t I.

Christina: Yeah, you know I did make it through the double valve issue and repair and then went to my first valve replacement reunion 6 months later. That was the best thing I could have done!

HalleyG: My sister and I were talking about that today as far as being happy in the life you had, and now knowing that life has changed. We do have to move on and go with the changes! Resisting won’t help, but I knew I had to get angry and let it out, and I did. I’m sure I will still have anger but not as strong as I did yesterday. I wept like a baby! Thanks!

PerryA! Wow! How good to hear from you! Long time no see or hear from! It is too bad that you won’t be able to join us. We all understand. We will have to get some winter gathering going. That was fun when we all brought a dish to share. Hey, I didn’t really mean to get in trouble. If I could take it back I would. In a heartbeat! :D No pun intended of course.
Ross: Thanks for helping PerryA reunite with us! ;) :D

JKM7: I know it’s a shock to me right now, as it was to you four years ago. Life does get better and you are proof of it, by living a full active life now! Thanks for the words of encouragement.
Lorraine, my vivid dreams are not that often anymore, I'm only taking 56 mg of metoprolol per day now.
Restricting sodium helps my BP BIG time. When shopping remember to read ALL labels. Even some breads and cereals have high salt content. Canned soups are high, some of the spaghetti sauces and canned tomatoes can be high. As well as bacon, ham, canned fish, etc, etc. I'm so glad that the food industry is finalling going to be doing something about reducing the salt in foods that we purchase.
I don't want to be a party pooper, :eek: :eek: but I was on the medication several months before I started experiencing the dreams.
Once they started, I just called the cardio's office and told him I wanted to come off it. I was on a low dose anyway, so it was no big deal.
Hopefully, you won't have the same side effects.

Yeah, they did tell me to go on a low sodium diet when I left the hospital. I have been reading the labels on all foods for years! Even my white corn tortillas gives all the ingredients. I was looking at the soups today at the store. I couldn't believe all the sodium that is in a can of soup. At least there are healthier choices than there use to be. Me, I rather make all my soups from scratch. Taste better and I know what's going into it. :D

So the vivid dreams do subside some. I did have a weird dream last night that I thought was soo real, but it wasn't scary. Well, unless the Casino in Elgin turning into a Bingo Hall is scary!:eek: Not even sure why I dreamed that. I haven't been there in a couple of years.

I don't think your a party pooper. I wrote to ask everyone about side effects and also if they did happen right away. This is good to know. At least it won't come as a total shock if it does happen. I too will tell the cardio I want off if that happens. I'm on 25mg. I don't know if that's a low dose or not? Did the cardio have you take something different in it's place? Anywho, I appreciate any info you or anyone else can share.
Lorraine said:

I don't think your a party pooper. I wrote to ask everyone about side effects and also if they did happen right away. This is good to know. At least it won't come as a total shock if it does happen. I too will tell the cardio I want off if that happens. I'm on 25mg. I don't know if that's a low dose or not? Did the cardio have you take something different in it's place? Anywho, I appreciate any info you or anyone else can share.

I started on a 25mg dose, but it caused me to be very tired, so the cardio cut it back to 12 1/2. 25mg is a low dose, but several people on the site have mentioned that they have also been on 12 1/2mg. And no, I didn't try anything else--yet. I have an appointment next week, so we will talk about it then.
I hope this helps.
Lorraine said:
Well, unless the Casino in Elgin turning into a Bingo Hall is scary!

...not as scary as the empty, new, EXPENSIVE homes in this area is..........

*rolls eyes*

Yeah, don't get me started ... heh.

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker =
"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot where I was" ... Patty Loveless ... 'I Try To Think About Elvis'
Lorraine..coming in late..but wishing you well with the new medication coctail:)
I was allergic to Toperal and got a nasty rash from it..but take Atenalol without problem

Thank you. So far I'm not showing any allergic signs to the Toporol. I do have sensitive skijn too, so I will keep a watch.

Now as for vivid dreams. Not sure if it's one of the meds or just the fact I'm reflecting. Last night I had a dream that my deceased husband had come back to life and we picked up where we left off 27 years ago. The weird part is we went to this party, he disappeared for hours (that never happened in real life while he was alive) and then the cops came to the room and said he was in jail because he was totally intoxicated. Then I woke up so I don't even know what the circumstances were, like if he was driving or what? Weird since I haven't dreamed about him, or him being alive in a very long time.

I won't post every dream, I just found that it does appear I am having some unusual dreams. So thanks for your imputs. At least I haven't fallen out of bed yet.