Migraine meds

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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2009
Houston TX
Quick question...Just checked the 'pill book' regarding Axert for migraines. It's something I have used in the past for infrequent migraines. It is counter-indicated for heart disease. Any ideas what the issue is?

A co-worker has passed away in a car accident and the stress of funerals always trigger a migraine for me. I have an appointment with a new cardio, but that isn't until 9/1. I hate to call their office since they really can't offer much info over the phone never having seen me.

I have taken this class of drugs for years for migraines. Both my cardio and neurologist say that they are more concerned about people who have coronary artery disease, not congential heart disease or valve issues. They even gave these to me several times in the week following my heart surgery last year while I was still in the hospital.
