Michael Tilson Thomas

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Feb 16, 2015
SF Bay Area, California
I'm surprised no one has mentioned this yet. On June 4, the San Francisco Symphony made the following announcement about its conductor (text is from his website):

"Michael Tilson Thomas has announced that he is withdrawing from all engagements beginning June 17 until September 3 in order to undergo a cardiac procedure. The operation, which will take place in Cleveland, is scheduled to follow his performances of Mahler’s Symphony No. 9 with the San Francisco Symphony on June 13, 14, 15, and 16.
'I deeply regret missing concerts and projects that I have been greatly anticipating,' says MTT. 'On the advice of my doctors, I need to undergo this procedure at this time in continuation of treatment for a heart condition I have managed for many years. I expect to make a full recovery in time to return to the San Francisco Symphony for the opening of my 25th season as Music Director.'”

Given that he was conducting Mahler until two days ago, this is clearly an elective procedure. 2.5 months off doesn't sound like enough time to recover from OHS, so I'm guessing either TAVR (like Mick Jagger) or maybe some kind of non-valve-related ablation procedure. Also, it's interesting that he's going to Cleveland (presumably the Cleveland Clinic), especially since he lives close to Stanford.

What do you all think?
Depending on the type of surgery he had, if it was the crack the chest version, it will take time for him to recover enough to be back to work. When they crack the chest, the muscles are traumatized and needs time to heal, which completely takes a year. So he will do what doctors have advised for him to recover enough to go back to work. OPH is not elective surgery, it is major and he is allowing time to recover. Just be patient and he will be back being conductor very soon, for the time will pass quickly.