Memorial Day!!

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Well-known member
Jun 12, 2006
Tucson Az.(warm country)
Hey Everybody!! What's up with all of you for Memorial Day?
Just thought I would through this in and wish everybody a safe one. :)

Also remember the Veterans that have given themslves for our FREEDOM!!!!
Are you going to be going anywhere Crystal? We don't have any plans.....we'll be busy planting our garden.

P.S. I'm going to go pick up our new little buddy today from the pound. She is getting spayed so I have to pick her up this afternoon. Petrie went with me yesterday to socialize with her & they hit it off. I'll post a pic of her when she's home! I'm excited!!!!:)
Not really a whole lot going on here either. My daugther is house sitting so might go over and use their pool if I feel good enough too. Just maybe some BBQ and relaxing is need. :) Wish you lived closer you could drop in. :)
Sounds like new addition is going to be a real cutie. Look forward to pics.
My garden is doing really well. Weve already had tomatoes,strawberries they were pretty tastey. Made salsa the other day too. I just feel like a regular farmers wife. :D
My hubby and I are doing a monster trip out to Salt Lake City, Grand Canyon, Hoover Dam, Las Vegas (!!), and then up to Boise for his brother's graduation next week. I'm very excited! I haven't been to any of those places yet (except Boise, of course). :)

Hope you all have a wonderful Memorial Day!

We are gong to spend the whole weekend getting ready for our son,daughter-in-law and granddaughters visit. We are going to Tenn. on the 27th for our grandaughters high school graduation and then the whole family is coming to our house to spend the week.
Since we have only been back in our house about 4 weeks since our fire we still have alot of things left to do. We will probably cook out Memorial Day and lay ou by the pool for a while. The pool water is still 68 degrees.
Not too much going on here for us in California. My personal plan is to go to Veterans Cemetary and place flowers on family and friends graves. Then home to BBQ with kids and their spouses. Watch Indy 500 on TV and try not to over eat and gain back weight I have lost.;)
We are headed up to our beautiful mountain lake to stay in our cabin for the weekend. We have several good friends and their kids coming up and hopefully, the water won't be too cold for them all to go skiing. I'm looking forward to a lot of good food, good wine and good friends.

I'm going to have a fire right here on the forum. Perhaps roast some goodies, burn incense, medicate er I mean meditate and relax.

God bless our troops, those that have given their all for all of us.