Medical ID.Com

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
Medical ID.Com, a web site selling medical ID bracelets and pendents went out of business sometime in late 2001 or early 2002 and did not refund the money of those who had outstanding orders. As this company was located in New York state, the State of New York Office of the Attorney General took up the cause. They shut down Medical and went after Bobb Courtman, it's owner for all outstanding claims. The AG's office is now issuing checks to people who lost money to Medical for 100% of their loss plus interest.

As I understand it, the AG's office notified potential victims but if anyone lost money to Medical, I recommend writing the Office of the Attorney General, Cunsumer Fraud Division, 235 Main St. 3rd. Floor. Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 12601.


This message is false. I just happened to come across this site and am surprised that you allow this type of unsubstantiated allegation to stand. was aquired by the CVS Corporation. My uncle, Bobb Courtman, was not an owner of the parent company, Medical ID Services, Inc.
He was their sales and marketing guy. If the Administrator of this site monitors the posts, please take appropriate action and delete it.
Thank you.
Wm Courtman, Esq.
Mr. Courtman:
After your name, you have listed "ESQ." Are you registered with the American Bar Association in some a location other than Media, PA, USA? Actually, perhaps I should have asked if you are an attorney. How do we know you are who you say you are?

Maybe a call to the Office of the Attorney General, Consumer Fraud Division, 235 Main St, 3rd. Floor, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 12601, will clear up the discrepancies here. Too late for me to call today. Any members in New York state want to give it a try?

This thread is 3 years old and believed to be 100% accurate as of the posting date. If you have proof to the contrary, please post it or submit it to the webmaster. We will not remove this thread without clarification to the facts relevent here.