mauled by a lion

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I have a 160 lb Akita puppy. He seems not to like anything but my family and my other 2 dogs. I have a heart healthy recipe for feline fricasi. Kitty the other other white meat.
Get that lion declawed. If it were me, that cat would be gone, take him back to where you got him.
Our last cat, Maxx, was abandoned near the EMS Station where my wife and I used to volunteer. He almost filled my hand, we feared he would get runned over and killed, so we took the little varmit home. (those ambulances and crash trucks are heavy rascals.) Maxx grew to about 12 pounds of tailless tomcat (he had no tail when he adopted us). He was most always a gentle being. Once, while giving him a bath, he scratched the back of my hand. With and INR of 3.2, I bled like pouring milk from a jug. After 45 minutes, i quit bleeding. Maxx never made an attempt to scratch or any other type of injury as long as he was with us. He was killed shortly after my last VR, in a traffic incident (ran over by a truck). Man, I miss that cat.

Our latest adopteee, Blossom, is of a differnt sort. She has scratched me also, with about the same 45 minute bleed time. She is quite protective of her adopted dad.... when a neighborhood cat growled at me, she attacked him. Shocked me, scared him, and he fled in short order! She loves car rides, and riding on my dash or in her momma's lap! She also likes to sit in Ms Thang's recliner and watch TV with me....

Oh, the chin whisker... I don't shave anymore. Saves my face from cuts, and money on razors! The white ones are just for this time of year!

Chuck, what are you doing with my cat?
Blossom is the boss!

Blossom is the boss!

She sits in my wife's recliner while she is at work and watches TV with me, and sleeps at the foot of our bed while I work my nights. She walks on a leash, but leads us instead of us leading her! That is a sight!

I think she is just glad she found a home with warm beds, good grub, and companionship. She moved in with us around Christmas last year, and was already spayed, and in good health. She must have sensed how I missed my old kitty. He was a hoot, too.

Sounds like Blossom is a great companion!

The photo brought back memories for me. Ramses, one of our first Abyssinians, took to a leash & harness very well, fetched & retrieved -- all better than our dog, Sandy. We lost Ramses nearly 13 years ago to kidney disease.
She sits in my wife's recliner while she is at work and watches TV with me, and sleeps at the foot of our bed while I work my nights. She walks on a leash, but leads us instead of us leading her! That is a sight!

I think she is just glad she found a home with warm beds, good grub, and companionship. She moved in with us around Christmas last year, and was already spayed, and in good health. She must have sensed how I missed my old kitty. He was a hoot, too.

I found Penelope at the local pound. She screamed her little head off at me, but I left. came a few days later, she screamed at me again, saying "take me home, you know I belong there" so I asked to hold her and she lay back in my arms, closed her little eyes and my heart was snagged, but I left. then came back again, she screamed some more and I was hooked. She's really a bossy cat - rules all the other animals in the house and talks back to humans when she's not happy.

I have seen so many cats on the net/tv that have the same tabby/white coloring (with maybe one spot of yellow) that I am beginning to believe it's becoming a group of its own. when members post pix of our animals, there is usually another that looks just like our kitty - or close. in fact, in this very thread there is another one.