MarciaB Day 2

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
Commerce City, CO
I received this from Bob B (Marcia B's) husband tonight:


This morning when I visited Marcia she was sitting in a chair next to her bed in intensive care. In front of her was some juice, coffee and a container of some unidentifiable, white colored gruel. She still had lots of tubes attached to her and shortly the nurses came by to assist her back into bed. She looked much better but was still rather weak and somewhat miserable feeling as one can imagine. We talked some and visited quietly for nearly an hour as she rested. A pulmonary doctor stopped by on her rounds to listen to her lungs and heart. She was impressed by Marcia?s progress. The nurses too kept insisting that despite how she felt and looked that she was doing well above average for someone having had similar surgery.

She did not want to talk too much as it was uncomfortable, the nurse said much of her discomfort was from the chest tubes (drainage) that were soon to come out. Just after I left for the morning they removed the chest tubes, central IV line, and took her off the small amount of oxygen that she was still getting full time. They then moved her to the cardiac patient wing.

Christine, Ellie and I returned to visit again after dinner. What a difference a day makes! Marcia looked a lot more like herself tonight. That sweet banana smile was there, as were her big bright eyes, her color was near normal but her voice is still a little weak. We talked and joked a little but no belly laughs yet. She said getting rid of the chest tube was a big help. She said she had walked up and down the hall once or twice, got a chance to use a real toilet again, had some solid ?food? for dinner and tomorrow she gets to take a shower! All the intravenous lines are gone except the ones for drug injections and she still is using oxygen occasionally.

She tired after about 45 minutes, got a pain pill from the nurse and we bid her good night. As of today she is scheduled to come home no later than this Sunday AM.

It just keeps getting better and better. Thank you so much for letting us know. Getting the chest tubes out makes so much difference.
Hey Kristy,
Thanks for the update and tell Bob B thanks for keeping us posted. Sounds like Marcia B is doing Great. Lets hope and pray that it continues. Tell them they are still in my thoughts and prayers.
Take Care

Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical
That's great news about Marcia!
Bob's right, a day really makes a HUGE difference.
Hope it continues to go smoothly.
MarciaB day two

MarciaB day two

Thanks Kristy,
Good job Marcia; looking forward to your return to the forums. Continued success!
Everything sounds like it is going GREAT!! Keep up the good work. We will be praying that your recovery continues to uneventful. We all looking forward to you coming home and feeling well enough to tell your story. That's when you will hear a collective sigh of relief. Talk to you soon!

Thanks for posting! Glad to hear that everything is going well!
Kathy H
Hey, Marcia

Hey, Marcia

Here's hoping you're home by now.

Your hubby's a prince for keeping us updated; his description of you sure brought back memories (sitting in the chair with unidentifiable glop passing as food . . .). We really do worry about those who've had surgery and we don't hear about them.

Hope you're doing well. Join us when you feel able.