Man Of Mystery-Legend Continues

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Hello and welcome to another installment of "Can you guess what's wrong with Ross?" hosted by all of his physicians.

Echo is normal and almost carbon copy of last years check.
Blood tests reveal nothing and kidney function looks great. White blood count is elevated for whatever reason, seems like mine is just naturally high.
Chest Xray shows no new changes from the last one and that last one was nothing good to write about.

No one knows why I ballooned. They can only assume it's because of my lungs. I see them again in 10 weeks and continue what I'm doing now unless it happens again, at which time then perhaps a cardio cath and or TEE may be in order, but at this point, there is nothing to suggest taking the risks for those procedures is viable at this time.

So there you have it folks. Another chapter in the book that is yet unanswered.
I dunno, Ross-

Do you supersize your fries? Eat Campbells's soup every day? Can't stop at just one Ruffle?

Seriously, I know how frustrated you must be. And having to wait ten more weeks for a *chance* at an answer can't help...
I'm glad that your tests are looking status quo. But I'm sure it's disconcerting to not know the cause. Did the lasix do it's trick at all??
Well, least everything looks like it may be stable. Am I assuming too much to think your BUN is now in a more normal range? And more are you feeling? I think we still need to keep you wrapped up in a warm blanket of prayer :) .

Joe ballooned up with CHF at the stress of his sister's passing. He looked terrible at the service. I had to hold him up through the whole thing, he could hardly stand. The fluid would not come off as usual. It took many more days than normal. When speaking with the card's NP, she told me that it made sense because stress can make your body hold sodium. Joe's diet is extremely regulated and low sodium anyway, but I guess the stress really did do that.

Perhaps you had some stressors at the time.

It's a positive thing that your tests were status quo. Hope it stays that way.
Well my legs are still swollen, much less so then 2 weeks ago, but swolllen none the less. Weight has not gone up or down, it's still the same. No pericardial effusion seen, left lung sounds gunky but no fluid seen.

BUN on 4/26=58
BUN on 5/4=43 Which is still high There ref range is 7-18mg/dL

Creatinine 4/26=1.7
Creatinine 5/4=1.6 ref range 0.6-1.3mg/dL

Electrolytes all normal level

WBC elevated at 18K

I can't breath for poop, but what else is new. That's no better, no worse either. Tired all the time, can't sleep for poop, same old story. :confused:
Nancy-Me? Stressed? Now why would anyone think I'd be stressed? Better question, is it possible to not be stressed?
Hey Ross, glad to hear all the test results are good. I know that doesn't help you out. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. If you need anything you know where to find me.
Take Care

I, too, am very glad that all of your tests are normal!! That is good, right??

As a medical transcriptionist, sometimes I think that I can self-diagnose myself or others. I am wracking my brain to figure out the etiology of your leg swelling. :)

Just glad that all the tests are fine and hope the fluid comes off soon. It very well could be stress-related as Nancy suggested.

You're in my thoughts and prayers - be well!!!

Christina L.
Well, I guess it's good that your test results look good, but I know you were looking for some answers. Have you considered throwin' some chicken bones in the dirt to decifer all this?
Aaah Ross

Aaah Ross

Sounds like PMS to me.................just kidding.................I wish someone could tell you why you were swelling. As for the breathing I can't imagine living like that on a daily basis. Just my post op fluid in my lungs problem was so difficult for me to handle............. my heart really goes out to you.

Hang in there..................... :)
Ross said:
Better question, is it possible to not be stressed?

*in a solid, unquestioning deadpan*


*rolls eyes* _is_ possible, but I haven't found that possibility yet.........heh. Hmmm...I think one of the possibilities lies in the answers in another thread ;). LOL!


Seriously, tho, Ross, glad to hear your tests came out fine, but sorry that that means they do not have a clue why you are "ballooning". (And, here, I thought "ballooning" was a fun sport of riding in a hot air balloon over a body of water or some beautiful landscape.)

I understand how you feel, as my PCP ran some blood tests a couple weeks ago to see if anything was "wrong" that might cause my sicknesses over the last few months. Everything came back normal, etc. He is convinced my sicknesses have been caused by good old fashioned stress...the kind that my current job situation produces. Problem is....can't prove it... :(.

Cort, "Mr Road Trip"/"The Uniter", 30swm w/pig valve & pacemaker
member & newsletter editor, Faith COB, Batavia IL
"Mr MC"'s Family...& train & models =
K's BL =
Spotting MCs =
MC's Future =
With the the elevated white count.....sure sounds like you are harboring a virus and nothing more. Have had some pretty funky ones since surgery. Always fast to point the finger at my valve. Has not been the case. Slowly understanding that other illness just happens and not always related to heart disease!

Happy to see you on the mend my friend ;)
Elephantiasis? Trichinosis? Male menopause? Too much sex in BMWs?

Any ticks lately? Lyme disease mimics many other illnesses.

My grandmother used to go swimmming in fresh water (non-chlorinated) for her swollen legs, and it did seem to help her quite a bit. I guess it was the compression of the water and the movement of her legs.

Are you wearing compression stockings, or are you at the compression leotards point? Seriously, I wonder if snug, neoprene high-leg waders would help.

Hang in there, guy. Really glad to hear about the kidneys doing so well. Kidney issues are such a long-term problem.

Best wishes,
Ross, I do pray that you get feeling better and that the swelling will go down. Be sure and have your wbc checked often. Mine started gradually going up after I had a chemo drug called Interluken II after my kidney cancer surgery. My wbc got to 57,000 before they finally diagnosed me with CML. A third cancer for me, what a bummer! I sometimes wonder if the CML was brought on by this extensive chemo treatment that my kidney surgeon really didn't feel like I needed. One will never know, and you sure won't get a doctor (my oncologist) to admit that he might have been wrong in giving this to me. Oh well, life goes on.

You hang in there and take care of you. :) :)
I was at something like 15.8 when I was hospitalized for endocarditis. We had no base for my normal until I dug out some old military records. They assumed my normal was high (around 10), but it turns out it was closer to 6.

18K would make me suspicious that something was up.
You all have no idea how happy it makes me to see you all thinking of twisted, warped, and demented things.
Now that makes me feel complete!

PMS-Possible. I've been told by a certain unnamed source that I've had PMS for long time now.

Cort you may well be right about the answer in another thread!

Sue no matter how I throw down the chicken bones, the results are always the same. :eek:

With this lung disease, my white cell count is usually elevated as my body thinks my lungs are a foreign virus and start a muster to attack constantly, that's nothing new. This is why when I get sick, I get deathly sick.

Doc said no to compression stockings at this point. He's afraid it'll cause the fluid to back up somewhere else where it's not now. He'd rather it be in the legs.

Carry on my lovelies, your making me smile! :D
Dear Mr Mystery - wondered about you all night (kept me awake) but I couldn't get on computer to ask because of the rain storm we had. Guess we chalk this one up to yet another of your mysteries. You are really weird, you know? What are we going to do with you.

P.S. please don't do it again, tho.
hensylee said:
Dear Mr Mystery - wondered about you all night (kept me awake) but I couldn't get on computer to ask because of the rain storm we had. Guess we chalk this one up to yet another of your mysteries. You are really weird, you know? What are we going to do with you.

P.S. please don't do it again, tho.
Twist me, spank me, beat me and take away my charge cards?