Lotti back in the land of the living

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Well-known member
Nov 12, 2005
Staffordshire, England
Hello everyone.

Yes it's me. I am actually home and exhausted. Sleeping more like a baby, just not at the right times. Still in quite a bit of pain. There really wasn't room for the pace maker after my complete heart block. Have a pacemaker shape above left boob! Novel Eh? It's very sore. Scar from pacemaker and sternum fantastic. 2 inches for pacemaker and only 6 -7 inches for sternum. I was well impressed. It's just a shame that one of my chest drain stitches came undone and I now have a triangle hole at the top of my stomach. I'm hoping that my body will cope with that one over time. Still little in the way of taste buds, but it's slowly getting better. Once I'm off all the drugs that may help.
I don't think the hospital will let me back in as I've screwed up all their statistics. Every time they said that there was a 1 in 100 chance of some thing going wrong, I decided to be that 1 :D

I'll post a "my story" once I'm up to the typing. Vision still a bit wonky.

Thank you all soooooooo much for your fantastic support and kind words. It really has helped me through some of the lower days, and I started crying when I got my E greetings. They were a wonderful surprise.

I'm hpoing to be up to speed soon and back here full time but at the moment I sleep tooo much.

Love and best wishes to all who's surgery I missed and hope that I may be the anomoly so everyone else can have a smooth time riding the mountain sledge.

Glad to hear you are home. Hope things continue to stay well and you are back up to speed real soon.
Welcome home! It's so nice to hear from you. Now be good to yourself and don't push your recovery. Walk, sleep, eat and breathe!
I'm so glad to see you made it home! You're still in my thoughts and prayers.
Welcome back, Lotti and thanks for posting. We wish you a complete and uneventful recovery - you've had enough excitement for now!:D
Lotti, great to hear from you. You ARE sleeping like a baby - any time, any place except in bed at night! :eek:

You must have thought there was a BOGO for surgery :D glad all is healing and you're in shape to be typing.

Sleep, walk and breathe. And stay in touch.
Welcome home..........

Welcome home..........

and with your own conversation piece.........you could just tell people you have three breasts! :D Rest up. May God speed your recovery. Hugs. J.