Looks Like I Am Going To Be Admitted Again......The Cardio Thinks I Need BetaPace...

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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2003
NH-Further North
Gee, now where have I heard before just recently, that it was suggested that I be put on Solotol? LOL...A-Fib has decided to throw me back into active Congestive Heart Failure, so I called the cardiologist who is the covering doctor and he told me to go back to the hospital in the morning and I have to be admitted to get a stronger medicine than this Diltiazem. Go figure. Now I REALLLY am glad that I told Dr. Eddinger he was no longer my cardiologist. not happy....:mad::mad:
Well, that may be just the medication you need, or perhaps they will try something else while you are admitted. Best wishes.
Maybe the third time around is the charm, Harry! Certainly hope this med proves to be the right one, and everything smooths out for you. You certainly have been through the mill.

Well, I certainly hope that they get it right this time.....Ross said that I should have been put on solotol in the first place....I agree completely.....
I developed A-fib/A-flutter post-valve replacement and the first med they tried on me didn't work so I was readmitted and put on Sotalol and it worked extremely well.

But I also wanted to tell you that while I was back in the hospital they also gave me IVs of magnesium. That was supposed to be helpful also. In fact, nearly two years ago I was having some very troublesome arrhythmias of a different kind and that was evidently related to a mineral imbalance that my blood pressure medicine had gradually caused. Just thought I'd toss that info to you, in case it's possible one of your other meds could be contributing to some kind of issue like that. Take care.
Sorry to hear that you have to yet again, go back in, but hopefully, this will do the trick.
Well what is happening, according to the Cardio I spoke with at 9pm last night is that the A Fib is throwing me back into active Congestive Heart Failure. I was up all night getting rid of fluid and just as soon as I can get ready, I am headed back to the ER. I absolutely feel aweful this morning, so I actually can't wait to get down there.....
hi harry,
so sorry to hear you have to go back once more. hopefully, the betapace/sotalol will do the trick. it's good stuff. if not, as nancy said, you'll be there anyway, so if this doesn't work, they can try something else.
hopefully the sotalol will do the job.
thinking of you.
be well,
Finally a doctor who knows what he's doing and is willing to act on your behalf.

Yup....However, the doctor did NOT call Wentworth Douglass Hospital as he was supposed to, so they treated me for a "heart attack" instead, and even after I had told the ER nurses and Dr.'s THREE count them THREE times why I was there, they still ignored the real reason I was there...so that being said, they called the covering Cardio today, the same wacko who told me that this was all in my head last week, and he refused to do anything about it...so that being said, he told them to have me keep taking this diltiazem instead of putting me on a stronger med as Dr. Lowenstein said and then they sent me home.....and to call the cardiologists on MONDAY.......I am NOT happy....
That's ridiculous. Why not call the new cardiologist right now, over the weekend and tell him what happened?
Harry, are these cardios in the same group? If not, I would call the one who wanted you to be admitted (or, obviously, his service, since it is the weekend), and ask for him to call you back. I certainly wouldn't wait until Monday if you can help it. I would be FUMING (yes, I mean to SHOUT that) at this point if I were you! Hang in there, Harry.

I have a feeling that your old card has some friends at the hospital and they are just purposely being "obtuse" whenever you come in and don't give you the right treatment. They could have called the other doctor and asked about what he had in mind, but I guess they chose to just be lazy.

Is your old cardiologist a high "mucky-muck" at that hospital? Maybe you are a victim of hospital politics.

This is why I feel you should call your new card right away and give him a "head's up" on what happened. That and the possibility that it could cause you other medical problems over the weekend.

I don't think for them to be playing games with your life is a good idea at all.
That's ridiculous. Why not call the new cardiologist right now, over the weekend and tell him what happened?

Because of the way they set it up, whenever I call into the Cardiology Office, they page whoever is covering......who they give you is who you get.....I will be calling on Monday though to see if I can't get into see Dr. Danford earlier. I just don't understand what they are trying to do or NOT do....they obviously think that just because they do all these tests that I am good to go for years on end, when we all know that things could change at the drop of a hat. What I would like to know is just how stupid do they think I am?
I have a feeling that your old card has some friends at the hospital and they are just purposely being "obtuse" whenever you come in and don't give you the right treatment. They could have called the other doctor and asked about what he had in mind, but I guess they chose to just be lazy.

Is your old cardiologist a high "mucky-muck" at that hospital? Maybe you are a victim of hospital politics.

This is why I feel you should call your new card right away and give him a "head's up" on what happened. That and the possibility that it could cause you other medical problems over the weekend.

I don't think for them to be playing games with your life is a good idea at all.

What they are doing Nancy is strictly going on the past testing that I have had done right up until the testing I had done at Mass General in January.....Here's the bottom line. I was admitted at the beginning of April because I was back in heart failure....they treated me, and 2 days later, I was discharged......two weeks later, I was awakened out of a dead sound sleep at 4 am in the morning with significant chest pain, and my BP and HR were 180/130 and 188 respectively, and therefore went to the ER and was once again admitted, and was told by the ER doctor that I had A-Fib. That being said, I was admitted and my cardiologist, Dr. Eddinger, who dumped me unceremoniously about a year ago was eager to now once again become my Cardiologist, however, he for some reason, sent his associate Dr. Briggs in his place. Dr. Briggs was very arrogant, HE himself told me that he didn't have any faith in home blood pressure monitors and "what could he say that would convince me that my heart was good?" I told him nothing given the fact that I was still having chest pain.....he left and I didn't hear from him again. I was then scheduled to have an event monitor put on, so I drove back down to Wentworth Douglass the next day and while they were getting me ready to have the monitor put on, I had another A-Fib episode, and my new Cardio was there at the hospital and witnessed it. Thankfully, I went into A-Fib 2 seconds after the tech put the machine on it, and I had about 6 more episodes over the next 24 hour period which led Dr. Eddinger to call me and start me on Diltiazem. I then informed him that he would no longer be my Cardiologist and that I would be seeing Dr. Danford. He was shocked and not thrilled. So, that being said, I am right back to square one and I am peeved to no end......