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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2002
Hi All

We just went to our new cardiologist and he suggested Tyce might think about going on Lipitor because his last cholesterol panel was a bit high on the ldl side. Was just wondering if anyone on the site has experience with Lipitor and can fill me in on any possible problems with the drug. I know I did read the other day, that Lipitor was one of the drugs that was involved in the factory shut down in Puerto Rico, but don't know much else.

Any guidance is always.

Evelyn, just put in a search for Lipitor or Cholesterol and you will come up with many posts on this forum- pro and con. It is a much discussed issue!
Ev, there are many pros/cons on the site about Lipitor. Many of us have had experience with it. Do a search and you will find lots that will make your head spin.

Just tell hubby to watch out for his muscles.
Evelyn :

My much-younger-than-I DH is on both Lipitor AND Lipidil; at age 40, his cholesterol and tri-gycerides were off the top of the scale. He goes for liver function bloodwork as often as I can make him (and that's a chore, let me tell you, men are such oh-I'm-fine-I-don't-need-to-go cowards :) ) It has been about 6 years now, no probs, and his cholesterol and tri-glycerides are at reasonable levels. No side effects or problems.
No problems

No problems

I was on Lipitor for about 6 months and just switched to Pravastatin about a month ago. I changed because Prav. is a generic and is on the $4 Walmart list. Of course I had to ask my cardio if I could switch and he had no problem with it. If your cardio recomends Lipitor...ask if you could go with the generic. More than likely they will have no problem with it but you have to view doctors and Rx like a car salesman....they will always try to high ball you on the first offer when it comes to Rx.
Hi, Evelyn. I have been on Lipitor for about 3-4 years now. It has probably accounted for about a 20% drop in my cholesterol. I consistently run about 110-120 now (used to be about 160). I have had absolutely no side effects. I should mention that I take a holistic approach that includes strict nutrition, exercise, stress management, supplements and now Lipitor. Seems to have a worse rap than it deserves but just my experience. Good luck.

Its a statin and as such seems to get bad press.

Some take to it some don't. Those that don't have many muscle issues etc.

I was worried before i started taking it over a year ago after reading all the posts on this site but its had no affects on me and i'm fine with lower cholesterol than before.

I guess not many people take the time to say i'm on it and i'm fine...would make a pretty boring thread.
It was the first statin-drug I was prescribed... I took Lipitor for a while before my OHS and had no trouble with it . Cant remember what it did to my Cholesterol numbers though. The one I take now has dropped my numbers over 50%to those of a teenager YIPPEE!!!!
Thanks, All.

I'm still reading the threads from the search on Lipitor. Lots to read. Lots of opinions. Will let you all know when Tyce makes the decision. I'm thinking yes, but ......
