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niki (& DH),
oh my gosh --- it's almost tomorrow!!!!!!!! i'll be thinking of you tomorrow & will say a little prayer that retrieval goes well!!!!!! g-o-o-d l-u-c-k!!!!!!
niki (& DH),
oh my gosh --- it's almost tomorrow!!!!!!!! i'll be thinking of you tomorrow & will say a little prayer that retrieval goes well!!!!!! g-o-o-d l-u-c-k!!!!!!

LOL. That made me laugh. :D Thanks. I'll take all the prayers I can get! I'll update tomorrow afternoon.
I came on to see if you had one last post before your big day tomorrow.

You and your DH are in my prayers!!!! (Did he like giving the shot?)
Hey Niki - have just caught up on this post - how very exciting and wonderful!!! :D

Best of wishes to you and Nathan - I truly hope everyting goes spectacularly well for the both of you.

A x
Well, we're off to the races in just a few minutes! While I'm very excited to get the egg retrieval done so we know what we're working with, I'm not really looking forward to being sedated yet again... :rolleyes: I wish there was a way for me to not be in pain, but still conscious. :eek: Oh, well. I've done it a million times before, I can do it again. I'll post this afternoon! :D
I'm laying here on the couch with a heating pad on my midsection in mucho pain. I till have a little while before I can take some more tylenol. :-(

At any rate, here's a summary of this morning:

We arrived at the ARTS department at 8:00 and waited in the waiting room for awhile. I think we were taken back pretty close to 8:15, but I didn't look at the time. I changed and the nurse came in to ask the laundry list of questions they always ask. That took a long time, since I have such an extensive medical history. At 9:10 the anesthesiologist came in and talked to me and hooked up my IV. The nurse said Dr. C would be coming downstairs so we could get started shortly... So we waited.... and waited... and waited. At 9:25 the nurse came in again and said that Dr. C had gotten delayed and would be down in a few minutes. Once again we waited... and waited... and waited (it's important to note that at this point, I was getting VERY annoyed and apprehensive). FINALLY at 10:00 Dr. C showed up and we immediately went to the OR and I was put into the stirrups. The anesthesiologist must have given me something in the IV because the next thing I know, I'm waking up in the room with Nathan (He didn't get to come into the OR with me, as much as he wanted to).

I was told they will be calling later with an updated count, but for now we know there are 20 eggs. I can't wait to find out tomorrow how many fertilize!

At first I was only slightly uncomfortable, but not in much pain. It has only been the last hour or so that I've started to feel actual pain. Hopefully that will subside soon.

Thanks for the prayers everyone!
Congrats on your egg collection - hopefully you will end up with a number of fertilized ones to work with.

The doctor probably gave you some local anesthetic in the area that has worn off. That happened after my scar infection repair surgery. I thought I was doing great - no pain - and then the stuff wore off - OUCH!!!!

Hope you are feeling better soon. This is all very exciting.
Considering we're not allowed to do THAT right now (might defeat the purpose of trying to use a surrogate), yes, toasting was the only thing he had in mind, Gutter Boy. :p


Gutter Boy? Is that the best you could come up with? ;) he he

Glad it went well ... CONGRATS!!!!
Hope your feeling better and super best wishes especially
with waiting sooooo long for your Dr. seems it's like that
all around the globe..........wait ,wait for them then finally
they are here..........GOOD LUCK

zipper2 (DEB)
Great to hear your update...sounds good so far!
I'll be looking out for your posts,
Take care,
20 eggs - wow - what an achiever you are! :D Are you looking to field a baseball team??
I got a call from the ARTS department to tell us that they did get 20 eggs, were able to ICSI 19 of them, and as of today 16 (!) have fertilized normally. :eek: We are absolutely amazed. They will call again with an update on Sunday and the transfer will be on Tuesday (don?t have a time yet, but they said typically between 12 and 1:30). Someone come help me get down from this cloud! ;)
Oh, c'mon Niki, a litter might be fun! ;)

We'll be content with one happy healthy bundle of joy for you, though. Bless that surrogate, she's a special person!
Last night I dreamed that when we got the call to update us on the embryos we somehow ended up with 22, instead of the 16 we had on Friday! Well, we didn't get THAT report (thank goodness), but I sure am thrilled, stunned, and elated with the report we DID get! Here's what we were told:

There are 11 embryos they consider "excellent."
3 embryos they consider "good."
and 2 embryos they consider "average."

The transfer will take place on Tuesday at 12:30. We will arrive at Presbyterian's ARTS department at 12:00. They will not look at the embryos tomorrow, so we will find out when we arrive on Tuesday how they are doing and how many we will transfer (no more than 2), as well as how many we will freeze for later. However, with the way things are going so far, I don't think we need to worry!

LD will be coming down today (if she gets her homework done). Her husband will drive her down halfway and we will meet them and bring her the rest of the way. She and Nathan plan to spend the day together tomorrow while I go to work. That's a little scary. ;) The two of them are a LOT alike and I worry about how much trouble they'll get themselves into. ;) I doubt I'll get a whole lot of work done, but at least I will save a personal day. Hopefully when I get home the house will still be standing. ;)

I'm in absolute shock! :eek: !!!!!!!