Lemonstuff?s Ross Procedure a success!!

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Hello all? this is Lemonstuff?s (Stephanie?s) husband writing to tell you how her Ross Procedure went today. After a day in the hospital without any sleep they came to take her away at 6:30 am. So off to the waiting room we went. We then received a call from the OR nurse at 9 am that Steph had been in surgery for a half hour and now on the by-pass machine. The next call was 12:20PM to tell us that she was all done and things had gone great. We were told the procedure would talk about 6 hours? so 4 was a great surprise. She indeed had the Ross? as a regular valve replacement was an option if her pulmonary valve was not the correct size.

When the doctor rang 40 minutes later he told me that the things fit perfect? her pulmonary looked brand new and fresh, and that her Aorta looked old and nasty. All was good.

We then got into ICU at 2PM to check out our trooper. She looked great even with the hose shoved down her throat. My angle is so beautiful!! Anyway, they were already talking about her only needing ICU for a day if her blood preasuer stabilized and she could sit up later in the eventing. She was alert and could respond to things, but did not open her eyes very much.

Our next visit was at 5PM Est. She was much more alert!! They had already taken the tubes out of her mouth (I did not get the picture she wanted with the tubes in?. I will pay for that later!) and she was looking a huge amount better. She was talkative and opened her eyes even more.

Last visit of today was at 8:15PM. She looked awesome. Much more alert, he blood pressure was much better as was her heart rate. She was 90% there until they shot her up with the good stuff again.

The talk now is that she will be out of ICU by the afternoon and off to a room. It was also said that she is going so well she might be out by the magical 4 day mark. I just want to make sure that all is good before we roll out of the hospital? for once, this is not a race!!

She wanted to say thanks to all of you on the site who lent a helping hand. I wanted to extend my thanks to all of you for helping my new bride. Through this site she was able to get great information and connect with like minded folks. That helped so much I told all the doctors (and there were many of them) who watched the procedure about the site and that they should recommend it to their patients in the future.

I will post another update later in the week.

Thanks again,

Lemonstuff?s humble husband!

That is great news! I had a Ross as well, and she sounds like she's right on schedule. I was in ICU overnight, went to a private stepdown room at 10AM the next morning, and was out on day 4. Tell her that we are all relieved to hear the good news and are thinking about her. When I woke up my first question (after thanking God I was still alive :D) was "did I get my Ross?". That's great news that the doctor said the pulmonary valve was a perfect fit. Make sure you get some rest yourself and keep us posted when time permits.
What a sweet post!
I am so glad that everything went well, and it is obvious that you are also feeling the relief.
Please convey my well wishes and know my thoughts and prayers for a continued good recovery are with you both.
What great news! I'm so glad that Stephanie is out of surgery and it sounds like she is doing great. Thank's Stephanies humble husband for posting so soon after surgery for her. You're great too! Give her a gentle hug for me and tell her I will look forward to hearing about her experience of coming over the mountain.
Ah, such great news to read from a very relieved husband. Now spoil her rotten. Her job will be to sleep, breath, walk and eat for the next weeks. I'll be praying for a wonderful recovery.


Hi Stephanie's husband,
Thanks for posting...I logged on hoping to find that all went well with Stephanie. I'm so glad she was able to have the Ross, I know that that was her first choice. I was a little teary as I read your post, as I too was in your shoes a year ago when my husband Chris had his AVR (Ross as well). It's such a relief when they come out of surgery with a great report from the surgeon. I pray that her recovery goes smoothly...spend lots of time just "hanging out" with her in hospital - I know this really helped Chris - not to talk but just to be there.
There's lots of us who are celebrating with you and your bride's great news!!
Take care,
Yolanda (Chris' wife)
Stephanie's hubby-

Thanks so much for posting with the great news! We're all pulling for Stephanie and are relieved that things went so well.

I'm only 5 months post AVR and still remember well the feeling of waking up and seeing my wife there (and then I wanted to throw up...) I know how important it is for you to spend lots of time with Stephanie while she's in the hospital. After she comes home, make sure she gets plenty of rest interspersed with as much walking and breathing as she can stand to do (a little at a time, of course). The breathing is the most important thing for a quick recovery.

Give her a big hug for me (but watch out - her breastbone is really sore!) and please tell her we've all been thinking of her today and praying for a good result.

Best wishes-
LemonHubby.......Great news......I spoke with Stephanie several times last week, since I am only 2 weeks ahead of her, and I am thrilled that she is doing so well. She is obviously a strong woman and I have no doubt that she went into this taking charge of things......I can't wait to compare notes when she gets home....we all have a very unique bond that will always make us just a bit closer than typical friends.......please send Stephanie my best and tell her that I knew she could do this with flying colors!

Ft. Lauderdale
Great News Stepahine

Great News Stepahine

So glad you posted Lemonstuff's progress, I am 1 week today for my procedure and all seems ok, I believe with Lemonstuff's nature as seen on VR things are going to go well as already started.......Please send my regards, thoughts and prayers her way as she is now on the other side of the mountain......

I'm so glad to hear she got through it well. Thanks so much for posting. I'm sure this has been very hard on you both, being newly marrieds. Please give her my best.
You sound great!

You sound great!

Thank you for posting and letting us know how your "angel" made it through so far. Wishing you continued excellent success! Keep us informed when you can and let Stephanie know how many people are out here cheering for her.

Best Wishes!
How wonderful

How wonderful

Great news Lemonhubby Sounds like she really breezed through it. IMHO the Ross was the best way for her to go - I am predisposed for the Ross given the circumstances. Duke its TOPS!
Keep us posted and we are so happy for the good news.
Delighted to hear the good news. She went into this head-on, and seems to be ready to do the same with the recovery.

Good for her. Good for you both!

Very best wishes,
Dear Lemonhubby ...
I am SO happy for you and your wife. Your wife's post actually caused me to stop lurking and start writing. I am in her shoes ... 31 Y.O. newly married thinking about kids one day ... with bicuspid. I so wished I asked her things about why she had the surgery, was she severely stenotic etc. etc. etc.

Anyway, congrats on the good result and I hope her recovery is terrific.

Great News

Great News


That is really great news,

Thanks for letting us know how it all went

Love to you both

May Stephanies recovery be quick and i hope she is soon home with you

keep smiling
