Leicester performs UK's first keyhole aortic heart operation

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I watched an interview about this on the BBC, it was with a "leading heart surgeon". What I found interesting was that this keyhole procedure was being done by the cardiologist, not the surgeon. Apparently the cardiologists are more experienced at manipulating catheters.
Whether this will speed up or slow down its acceptance I've no idea. Presumably if anything went wrong they must be prepared to open up the chest to fix it and would need a surgeon on standby for that anyway?
Yes, the same thought occurred to me, that it was a cardiologist. Will this start a power struggle? Will some cardiologist not refer valve patients to surgeons, preferring to do it themselves. If the costs will be cut so much then presumably the powers that be will urge more cardiologists to get some experience.

I must say I am surprised it was Leicester and not one of the other 'centres of excellence'.
What struck me about the reports on this that I read in the British media was the fact that the procedure was aimed at people who would have a higher than average risk with conventional heart surgery. Does this mean that, for those of us fortunate enough not to be high risk, conventional surgery remains the best option for the foreseeable future? As many questions as answers I feel. Regards to all.
I can see all manner of conflicts. As we are in the hands of our cardiologists and it is them who more or less decide when it is time for us to move forward for surgery then the longer they hold onto us the higher risk we will become then they can hang onto us. I don't like that idea.

As ClickerTicker said, presumably it will have to be done somewhere that has the facilities to open you up should the need arise. That would rule out my local hospital, hopefully, if they think you might need OHS urgently they pop you in a 'plane and fly you to England. I don't want heroics from my local cardiologist, I want the right treatment at the right time with the correct backup facilities.