leaky aorta

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Active member
Oct 7, 2005
New York
I have a mechanical heart valve (St. Jude). The operation was done in December of 2005. All went well and I feel great.I had a great surgeon.

I went to a new cardiologist this past month, and he gave me an echo, ekg and blood work. I went back for the results and he told me I have a mild leak in my aorta..... What! I said what do we do about this and he said we keep an eye on it and he is sending me for a stress test and wants me to wear a holter monitor.

Since I am a snowbird, and I am going home I told him if I can have the tests on my return visit in July. He said that was ok...

My question is does anyone have more then one leak in their valves in a lifetime? I thought that when I went for open heart surgery, I would be finished at this stage in the game.
I am 63 and I feel 33. I walk twice a day for 30 minutes each time. I try to watch what I eat and thought I was through with this type of operation.

Now the thought of my having to go in for another operation some time in the future is just making all the thoughts of my first operation come back.

I know life is never simple, but I was just wondering if anyone had anything similiar happen to them.

Hello Consuela.

Yes it is totally possible for others to leak. I'm sure they wouldn't put you back together without making sure all else is fine. This can be anything from poor tissue to the valves actually leaking. I know the idea of surgery again is less then entertaining, but it is a possibilty. There are no guarantees with anything, though I sure wish there were, I've been there too.

I'm 46 feeling like 96, so if you feel that good, I envy you. :D
Hi Consuela,

As you can see re-ops have a way of coming long before we feel they're due. My surgeon had hoped for at least 10 if not 20 years before my first tissue valve replacement would fail. Instead, I was symptomatic after 5.

You could be experiencing several mechanisms that are interfering with your valve closure. A mild leak is likely something many people live their entire lives with and never need surgery.

I think our problems are rightfully symptom-driven as in, we'll be watched until our problems get so bad that the odds of living with a heart problem will outweigh the risks of surgery to repair them.

Take heart, you're not alone
Leaky Aorta

Leaky Aorta

I want to thank you both for taking the time for explaining this news I got from my doctor about a mild leak in my aorta. I know life is funny and each day is a gift, so I will go with the flow and whatever is to be will be.
Thank you again for your kindness. God bless you both.

leaky valve

leaky valve

I to had a surprise when I went for my 1yr. check-up. It seems I still have a murmur and a regurgatation in the mitral valve. The St.Jude Mechanical avr isworking fine. but the Dr. said I might have to eventually have the mitral either repaired or replaced. Then he added I could go the rest of my life and not need anything done. They plan to watch it closely with an echo on next visit in Nov. I have always had an extra heart beat and seems I will be keeping it even with the mechanical valve. The last thing I want to think about is anot.her surgery
I am no expert on this but I think we have had previous discussions on here over the years about some degree of "mild" leakage being common, and while it's something to monitor, won't necessarily lead to further surgery. Certainly hope that's the case for you.
reply to Oaktree

reply to Oaktree

I had my MVP for about 55 years. Had Rhematic fever when I was 8 years old.
I have a mitral mechanical valve. So when having this recent echo, the doctor said that my aorta had a slight leak. I was shocked, but he did say we will keep an eye on it. He wants me to go for a stress test and to wear a holter monitor. I told him that I would do these things on my return to Florida in July. He was okay with that.

Since I had an Echo last year, when I return home, I will ask the doctor there to compare it to the new one and see if this condition existed last year or if it is a new finding.
I had my MVP for about 55 years. Had Rhematic fever when I was 8 years old.
I have a mitral mechanical valve. So when having this recent echo, the doctor said that my aorta had a slight leak. I was shocked, but he did say we will keep an eye on it. He wants me to go for a stress test and to wear a holter monitor. I told him that I would do these things on my return to Florida in July. He was okay with that.

Since I had an Echo last year, when I return home, I will ask the doctor there to compare it to the new one and see if this condition existed last year or if it is a new finding.

I'm confused when you say that your "aorta has a slight leak".

The AORTA is the artery (think "pipe") that carries blood from your heart to the rest of your body.

Your Aortic Valve is the valve that controls blood flow from your heart to the Aorta.

I'm *guessing* that your Doctor mean that your Aortic VALVE was leaking. Is that the case?

'AL Capshaw'
Reply to your question

Reply to your question

Yes, it is a mild leak. I know what the aorta is and I was just taken aback when the doctor told me. I might have used slight, meaning mild. He did not think that anything should be done just yet and I am feeling fine and I tend to agree with him, unlike when I needed my Mitral valve replaced, I was tired and out of breath all the time since having MVP for 55 plus years.
