Latest Pics from Germany

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Well-known member
Jun 11, 2001

It's been a while since my last post, and some of you have asked that I post some pics of my travel over there while I am there working.

This last trip, I took a week off, and traveled to Berlin, Dresden, and Hamburg.
I really loved them all, But Berlin was my favorite. Berlin has a population of 3.8 million, and the city never sleeps. So much to see and do, and the food was fantastic!

Dresden has a population of 495,000, and is by the river. Most of the cist was destroyed during the war, and they have rebuilt many of the historic buidlings within the city. It is worth the visit, but you can see it all within 1 1/2 days.

Hamburg was also real fun to visit. It has a population of 1.8 million. It is the 8th largest port in the world, and has the great fishmarket area, and the famous RepperBahn, St Pauli district. (Redlight district). The nightclub that the Beatles started in is also there.

I'll post a few pictures of the above cities that I took, and leave them up for awhile, then delete them to save space on the site.

First pic in this post is the Berlin Wall.

Wishing you all good health, and a great summer.

Brandenburg Wall - Berlin

Brandenburg Wall - Berlin

This was one of the formal gates to the city. Obviously during the cold war, east/west Berlin days.. You really could not use it.
Checkpoint Charlie Today - Berlin

Checkpoint Charlie Today - Berlin

Checkpoint Charlie - Today
Checkpoint Charlie during the cold war

Checkpoint Charlie during the cold war

Checkpoint Charlie during the cold war.

I zoomed in on a picture of this at the wall.
Dresden - City Center - The Opra House.

Dresden - City Center - The Opra House.

One of the buildings they rebuilt.
Hamburg Harbor through my sunglasses

Hamburg Harbor through my sunglasses

Tried to be creative with this one. I placed my sunglass lens over my camera lens.
Prost !

Prost !

Now what trip would be complete without sampling the local beer?

Especially German Beer! Fantasic..
Prost - One just was not enough...

Prost - One just was not enough...

What can I say... I was thirsty!

This was in Munich.

Thanks for sharing the photos.
My dad's family is of German descent -- East Germany, I've been told. I've always wanted to go to Germany. If I save enough frequent flier miles, perhaps I can ... someday.
Your photos brought Germany to me!
Of the countries my husband and I have visited, to Germany is where we've thought we'd be most content to relocate. We also enjoyed their beer and their breads and their potatoes and their weinerschnitzels.

Thanks for the photos. Have you ever visited the Neuschwanstein Castle? I'd like to see that next trip.
I was so excited to find your post w/PICTURES! I love them all. The places are so HUGE. we have a couple two story places in town and seeing such big buildings is awesome. So beautiful. The beer looks dark and tasty - and cool. My son would love it.

Thanks, Rob, for sharing these with us. I always look forward to seeing them.

I had a neighbor once upon a time who grew up in Hamburg. Her mother took her and her brother in the dark of night from Czechoslovakia, running from the Germans - through farm fields and they hid out during the war. They made it to Hamburg and stayed there. She told of how the Germans lived and things they used. So very interesting.
You look good my friend! Bet you are loving the culture:D

Thanks for sharing the photos.

My overseas excursions this summer will include south of France and Italy. Let me know if you will be in the region. PM. Would love to meet up! :)
Great pictures Rob.
I lived in Bavaria for a while back in the sixties and it was my favorite place in this world. Have you done a lot of traveling down there?
Hi again,

Yes I have been to the Neuschwanstein Castle. I was a fantastic day that I went to see it. I stayed in Munich, and from there took a guided tour to the castle. This included about a ride on the train and a walking guide. It was a great trip, we also walked out over the bridge, and down to the stream.

I posted some pictures of that trip some time ago, but if you did not get to see them, I could send a few to you. Just let me know.

Rich, I have stayed in Munich, Munchen, a few times, and went to Fussen and to the castle. That is the only part of Baviera I have been to. Aside from the train ride from Frankfurt to get there.

I work mostly just outside of Cologne, Koln, and on occation travel to Baden-Baden to work at a site there. Baden is in the Back Forest area and it is beautiful there. It also has a great wine region in that area.

Glad you all have enjoyed the pictures. I am doing well and enjoying the assignment there. It does scare me at times to be there and know that I am far from my doctors, but hey.. If I just sat at home worrying... I would never have enjoyed these last 2 1/2 yrs of traveling overseas. I hope I can stay on this overseas assignment for several more years.

The challenge of trying to learn the language has also been fun for me. I can't spell it, but I can speak enough these days to get around. Which is in itself scary because when I start speaking it, they think I know it well, and then speak real fast to me in German... Yikes... :eek:

I really think Germany is a beautiful country. One that does not get too much advertisement for us to go visit. Which perhaps... is a good thing. Too many of the truly wonderful places in the world are becoming too commercialized. They are lossing their local charm to international corporations.

I really think Germany is a beautiful country. One that does not get too much advertisement for us to go visit. Which perhaps... is a good thing. Too many of the truly wonderful places in the world are becoming too commercialized. They are lossing their local charm to international corporations.


And this sir, is why I love these pics! I'll never get to see the place for real. Knowing someone that's been there with the pics to talk about, make it a reality for me.