Just wondering if anyone has experinced these symptoms post surgery ?

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c terra

Active member
Oct 3, 2008
Dallas, TX
Hi there !

It's been awhile since I posted... but was wondering if anyone has experinced these symptoms after surgery ?
I am about 5 months out from having BAV replacement surgery and then a
week later having to have a mentronic pacemaker because of total heart block after the OHS.
I gratuated from Card. Rehab. in Jan. 2009 and thought everything was doing well. But I continued to walk on my own at the mall for about 45 minutes.
After about 3 weeks of doing this on my own I begin to experince some lightheadness and shortness of breath about 15 minutes into my walk. This continue and my family got concern because I was experincing some tripping while walking. I thought I should call the doctor to see if this was normal.
His nurse assured me it was not normal and that I needed to come it.
My cardologist did a test called Bio Z and it showed there was fluid around
my heart which was concerned about but also my blood pressure was low too. (the lowest was 76/43) He decided to change up my med's and he wanted me to watch my weight increase over a 3 day period and to take lasick if it increased.
Before the end of the week I was experincing Chest pain , shortness of breath and called the doctors office and they told me to go to the ER. Which I did and they did the usual test echo, ct scan, blood test and I got a stay over night. The test looked fine but my card. doctor wanted to do a nuclaer
stress test and echo in his office. The nuclear stress test showed something there that wasn't there before OHS. So he did a TEE & Heart Cath. which showed my valve looked good and my cornary arties were clear.
Also, during this time I decided to go back to Card. Rehab. and join their Maintence program I felt just a little more secure. The Card nurses have been awesome and they have been very concerned about my progress. What I use to do, I can no longer do. I once could go 20 minutes on the treadmill with not much problems and now at about 6 to 8 minutes I become very lighheaded, short of breath and feel like someone is sitting on my chest.
And I can no longer do light weights (5 lb) and when on the uncomit (sp?)Bike
at about 2 minutes I have the same symptoms and I push myself to 5 minutes which I use to go 20 min. with no issues. The nurses at Card ReRab.
say this is not normal I should be moving forward not backwards.
Then just about two weeks ago I was at my orthpedic doctor's for a knee problem and about 30 minutes before going I begin to experince chest pain like I've never had yet. I went on to their office and when I got there the nurses could tell I was in noticalbe chest pain and said that I was experinve shortness of breath and confusion and my coloring was bad. They put me in a wheelchair and off I went to the ER again. Where once agin I had echo, ct scan, & blood test. All normal. The cardologist on call said he could tell I was in great pain and that even to touch my chest was extremely painful. He though possible I might have inflamation or infections at the ponit of surgery.
Well, they contacted my Cardologist and I went to see him the next week.
He prescribed a Metheysone pack which didn't help at all.
But he wants me to go see my Rheumotogist to see if it might be complications of Limited Scleroderma (which I found out I had a week after I found I had BAV)
Well, last week my EP cardologsit decided they wanted to do a echo/treadmill
stress test (which I never had the treadmill part of the test) and the echo looked good but my treadmill part was not normal. So now I waiting for what this all means.
So sorry this is so long ....just getting a little frustrated and wanting to feel better !
And wondering if anyone has expeinced anything like this ? And for any suggestions !!
Thanks so much !
Take care !

c terra
BAV - Nov 5, 2008
Metronic pacemaker Nov. 12, 2008 - Total heart block
Mitral valve - mild leaking
I'm seriously wondering if your records shouldn't be reviewed by another Cardiologist other then those that have seen them. Something sounds totally amiss here.
When you say you have a normal echo, I assume that you mean there is no fluid left. Pericarditis can present with no fluid and it won't show up on an echo. I think it can be diagnosed with an MRI. However, when I've had it, they treated the symptoms (pain) which also treated the inflammation without bothering with the MRI. When you said Metheysone Pack, did you actually mean a Medrol Dose Pack? I think the full name is Methylprednisolone Dose Pack. If so, that's a steroid, like Prednisone (actually I think it IS Prednisone). The Dose Pack followed up with Prednisone didn't work for me. Every time I'd start to wean off of it, the pain would return. At the time, I went on Vioxx and that handled the pain and inflammation long term, although I have recurrent episodes about once a year. Since Vioxx is no longer available, I now take Mobic or Aleve when I get a flare up.
I'm seriously wondering if your records shouldn't be reviewed by another Cardiologist other then those that have seen them. Something sounds totally amiss here.

I second that. Also when they suspected you might have an infection, what tests did they do? Have you had any fevers ect? Also since you have SOB have you considerred going to a pulmologist?
Thanks so much for your sugguestions so soon.
The medicine was MethyIPREDNIsolone. And yes, I was only on one series of this medicine but didn't help at all.
When my cardologist speaks of my echo being normal they often say the arotic valve looks good (by the way I have a cow valve) still have post surgery healing. But did see that I had mild Mitral valve leaking and they will watch that. I have heard them say E R
is 59 which they say is normal.
Although the last echo the tech. asked if I had any fever. I haven't had fever but my normal body temp. is 96.6 and it has gone up to 98.9. don't know ?
As,for as the test they did for the infection I just know in the ER they did Blood work.
Don't think they have done anything else.
Unfortuntaly, I'm allergic to asprin (can't breath) so I can't take much for pain or inflamation except Tyndel.

Thanks again !

c terra
Yes I think it is time to seek a second opinion. Let them know everything that has happened. Also, it does seem to me that you are fighting an infection & that is why your tempeture is up.
Sorry, I was just re-reading my last post ... I meant to say my EF is 59.

Thanks again !

c terra
C Terra,

I am sorry for what is going on with you. I can share what went wrong with me in case it sheds some light to you. After having feeling progressing and better every day; 3 months after surgery I started slowing down and feel fatigued and some shortness of breath which freaked me out!! I too was not able to do the same exercise intensity at the cardiac rehab center as I used to and I several time called to cancel as I had no energy at all to go. They were worried and I always went to my GP and in my case, the tests showed nothing and the conclusion was this is a part of the healing process.

Like you too, I used to feel pain sometimes in my left arm and chest...again more x-rays and nothing. I noticed all those things started after I took my flu shot and I never took them previously as I always got sick. Now, I know my fatigue is due to high TSH (low thyroid functioning) and once I adjusted the dose, my SOBs are decreasing too.

I hope your case is also nothing, yet I agree with Lisa's advice about the medication and with all others to seek another opinion just for your peace of mind.

Will keep you in my prayers. Keep us posted.